Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0151: Why does my compiled ODT file contain the words UPDATE ME? | Next: KB0153: Why does Jutoh warn about no guide types in a fixed layout book?

KB0152: Error previewing a Kindle file on Mac OS X

Please note that when using Amazon's Kindle for Mac, a bug in Kindle for Mac (not Jutoh!) means that if your book is already in the Kindle for Mac library, an error message may be shown when you click Launch:

File copy error
already exists in

where XXX and YYY vary with each user and book name. This error message is coming from Kindle for Mac, even if it overlays the Jutoh window. The message will also be shown if you launch the .mobi file from Finder, without running Jutoh at all. The solution is to delete the book in Kindle for Mac before launching it again from Jutoh.

We hope that Amazon will fix the problem or at least provide a clearer error message in future.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0151: Why does my compiled ODT file contain the words UPDATE ME? | Next: KB0153: Why does Jutoh warn about no guide types in a fixed layout book?