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KB0377: Why are my tables tiny in Kindle Previewer 3?

You may be surprised to see small text in tables when viewed in Kindle Previewer 3 or other Kindle viewers. Enhanced typesetting tries to ensure that tables are viewable even when they would normally overflow the available display: so this can mean shrinking the table text.

If you think there should be enough to show your tables without shrinking, then probably what's happening is that you have left and/or right indentation in the paragraphs in your table. For example, if your "Normal" style contains an indent, and you use this style inside table cells, then you will have unnecessary indents in your table.

To fix this, create a new paragraph style, say "Cell Paragraph", that does not have indentation (set left indent, first line left indent and right indent to zero). You can still use "Normal" as the base style for your new style.

If indentation is not the problem, try reducing the number of columns in your table. Setting a fixed table width, such as 6cm, can override table shrinking, but it's not recommended as it won't adapt to different display sizes.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0376: Why does Jutoh report a style name clash when compiling? | Next: KB0378: Why are list continuation paragraphs not spaced correctly in Kindle Previewer?