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Version 2.22, September 22nd 2020 (for Jutoh 2.97)
Updated the Kindle format and Kindlegen installation descriptions.
Version 2.21, June 22nd 2020 (for Jutoh 2.96)
Added the new configuration options Content encoding and Remove boxes containing tables.
Updated the Kindlegen installation and list formatting descriptions.
Fixed some typos.
Version 2.20, October 4th 2019 (for Jutoh 2.92)
Replaced iBooks with Apple Books where possible.
Updated obsolete Kindle Previewer advice.
Version 2.19, January 10th 2019 (for Jutoh 2.87)
Described the new configuration options Line numbering, Obfuscate fonts, Use default list indentation, and RTL page direction.
Added a monospace embedded font – Vera Mono – for the Kindle format, since enhanced typesetting and/or Kindle Previewer 3 does not seem to honour the monospace generic font name.
Version 2.18, September 2nd 2018 (for Jutoh 2.81)
Described the new configuration options: Generate URLs, Section file name, Preformatted paragraph styles, Code character styles, Verbatim paragraph styles, Verbatim character styles, Blockquote paragraph styles, Text syntax, Text packaging, and Text file extension
Version 2.17, February 8th 2018 (for Jutoh 2.72)
Described the configuration options Styles with font names, Styles with generic font names.
Updated the troubleshooting “Fonts don’t appear as expected” section.
Version 2.16, January 22nd 2018 (for Jutoh 2.71)
Described the new configuration options SVG conversion, SVG conversion scaling, SVG conversion custom options, and Custom compile messages.
Described new SVG conversion options in Working with Pictures.
Version 2.15, March 24th 2017 (for Jutoh 2.60)
Described the new configuration options Body CSS and Paragraph dimension units.
Version 2.14, March 20th 2017 (for Jutoh 2.58)
Updated Flatten images description.
Documented the configuration option Preserve exact link formatting.
Added documentation for link styles to the style chapter.
Updated document cleanup screenshot to reflect new dialog.
Fixed some typos.
Version 2.13, February 3rd 2017 (for Jutoh 2.57)
Documented configuration options Generate line spacing, Drop caps CSS, Box style substitutions.
Documented new drop caps implementation.
Version 2.12, December 13th 2016 (for Jutoh 2.52)
Removed some restrictions mentioned in the Fixed Layout chapter that no longer apply (narration, text boxes and tables).
Updated error window documentation again to mention the reporting level control and ‘tip’ message.
Mentioned CBZ output format.
Version 2.11, December 1st 2016 (for Jutoh 2.51)
Added clarifications to conditional formatting chapter.
Documented the configuration options Inline images, Single HTML page, Avoid breaks in tables, Suppress section breaks.
Removed references to auto-paste since this feature has been removed.
Updated the screenshots to reflect the new artwork and some changes in the user interface, such as the new Details error window.
Mentioned the Quick Convert command in Chapter 5: Importing Files.
Added a subsection on how to use the errors and details windows in Chapter 25: Troubleshooting Your Book.
Version 2.10, October 26th 2015 (for Jutoh 2.37)
Added clarification about manual TOC creation for fixed layout books.
Version 2.9, October 22nd 2015 (for Jutoh 2.36)
Documented the configuration options Font size adjustment, Superscript CSS, Subscript CSS, Speech profile, Generate NCX, Use page styles, Epub package prefix, Epub metadata namespaces.
Removed references to the deprecated editor toolbar in Chapter 3.
Added chapters on text-to-speech and print, plus the appendix Speech Markup Reference, the appendix Speech Profile Reference, and the appendix Alphabet Description Reference.
Replaced the decoration under headings, and made second level headings blue.
Removed speech configuration information from the installation appendix and added it to the configuration appendix. Added information about configuring for CereVoice.
Version 2.8, June 10th 2015 (for Jutoh 2.33-2.34)
Updated the documentation for adding a configuration to reflect the new Add Configuration dialog.
Added description of a couple of Kindle Paperwhite problems in the Fixed Layout chapter, under Formatting for Kindle.
Documented configuration options Generate page list, Generate Adobe page map, Generate cross-reference page numbers, Preserve spacing after page break.
Removed this out of date comment from the description of Use relative dimensions description: “However, Mobipocket doesn’t allow precise specification of dimensions when using em, so it’s recommended to clear this option for Mobipocket and enable it for Epub and HTML formats.”
Removed this out of date comment from the CSS section in the style chapter: “Since Mobipocket KF7 doesn’t handle em units very well, it’s recommended that you clear Use relative dimensions in your Mobipocket configuration (it is disabled by default for new projects).”
Version 2.7, April 16th 2015 (for Jutoh 2.29)
Added a subsection on automating heading numbering to the styles chapter.
Added topics Using a regular reflowable project as a fixed layout book and Faking fixed layout using a reflowable project in the fixed layout chapter.
Updated the reference to fixed layout projects not being exportable to ODT, since now this is possible.
Added configuration options Upload book, Device profiles, Special cross-reference formatting, Permit links to absent content.
Version 2.6, January 31st 2014
Added a description of the bibliography tools to Chapter 11, and added Appendix D on the bibliographic formatting language.
Added the new configuration option Special bibliography formatting.
Version 2.5, December 24th 2014
Added the new configuration option Omit box height, and referenced it in the Working With Boxes chapter.
Added the new configuration Relaxed HTML.
Added a note about the lack of portrait/landscape adaptation in Kindle.
Version 2.4, October 3rd 2014
Added new configuration options Add blank paragraphs for Word, Show binding, Include content matching tags, Exclude content matching tags.
Added new Chapter 21: Conditional Formatting and renamed the chapters following this.
Version 2.3, June 24th 2014
Added new configuration options Drawing object formats, SVG drawing method, Strip MathML namespace prefixes, MathJax script, Use as preview configuration.
Version 2.2, May 26th 2014
Added new configuration option Force simple NavMap to resolve Lulu errors.
Added new configuration option Special table of contents formatting.
Added remarks about using Jutoh’s page styles in Understanding Ebook Formats and Platforms, new in Jutoh 2.14.
Documented Quick Convert in Chapter 2.
Version 2.1, April 18th 2014
Added new configuration options HTML version and Use XHTML.
Updated notes on Maximum table rows for inline-block to reflect the possibility of incorrect table rendering.
Added Comments group of configuration options.
Added Replace absolute widths and Maximum percentage width configuration options.
Mentioned Replace absolute widths in the pictures, boxes and tables chapters.
Added a section on editing comments to Chapter 6.
Version 2.0, March 4th 2014
Added chapters on tables, boxes, narration, interactivity, accessibility, tag objects and the Jutoh box model.
Added new configuration options Font pixel scale, Table headers and footers, Emulate boxes using tables, Use minimum size for cells, Maximum table rows for inline-block, Maximum box words for inline-block, Mirror margins, and fixed layout options.
Updated other chapters for Jutoh 2.
Version 1.8, February 25th 2014
Added new configuration options Cover image width, Identifier and Mirror pages.
Replaced screenshot for Table of Contents properties and wizard pages and added screenshots for index and footnote options.
Updated the section on creating Kindle books.
Version 1.7, July 24th 2013
Added new configuration options Mobipocket anchor optimization, Pre-compile command, Post-compile command.
Version 1.6, May 15th 2013
Added new configuration options Styles suppressing page break before, Styles suppressing page break after, Character substitutions, Character style substitutions, Orphan control for single-letter words, Emulate small caps, Dimension units, Font size units, Generate colour, Generate iBooks XML, Widow control, Orphan control, Namespaces.
Removed references to the obsolete preflight checker, which has been removed from Jutoh since version 1.67.
Version 1.5, January 18th 2013
Added a description of the formatting palette to the Editing and Formatting Content chapter.
Added a description of how to fix the “unmanifested content” Lulu error, to the Troubleshooting chapter.
Updated screenshots to reflect UI changes.
Mentioned Jutoh Plus in the Introduction, in relation to custom HTML provision.
Updated the Glossary.
Elaborated on ‘viewer applications’ in Configuring Jutoh.
Documented the new configuration options Generate colour, Generate generic font names, Character substitutions, Orphan control for single-letter words, Custom paper width, Custom paper height, Dots per inch, Extra metadata, Include media documents matching tags, Exclude media documents matching tags.
Added some more tips to the troubleshooting chapter.
Version 1.4, August 22nd 2012
Added notes about using SVG images to Working with Pictures.
Added references to DOCX import where ODT import is mentioned.
Added a troubleshooting tip for black text on a black background.
Added a description of the font dialog in Editing and Formatting Content.
Added a description of ‘continuation’ list paragraphs in Editing and Formatting Content.
Added iBooks section to Troubleshooting Your Book.
Added a description for the new configuration option Cover image format.
Version 1.3, July 18th 2012
Documented the Insert Non-Breaking Hyphen and Insert Non-Breaking Space commands in the Editing and Formatting Content chapter.
Documented the new configuration options Convert non-breaking hyphen to hyphen, Enable fixed layout, Page width, Page height, Add thin spaces around punctuation, and Thin space entity.
Extended the section on fonts in Editing and Formatting Content, documenting the Font Substitution string table.
Enhanced the section on embedding fonts in Advanced Topics.
Added a section Creating fixed layout ebooks in Advanced Topics.
Mentioned the new template facility in the Getting Started and Importing Files chapters.
Fixed an incorrect reference to the View menu when mentioning Check for Updates in Appendix A.
Version 1.2, March 15th 2012
Documented the Import basic CSS from HTML/Epub option in the New Project Wizard.
Updated the mentions of KF8.
Added a description of the new Type and See fields in the index entry dialog.
Added descriptions for the new configuration options Epub version, Orientation lock, Optimize style sheet, Abbreviate style names, Use heading text size, Visible URLs, Use outline levels, Styles suppressing hyphenation, HTML top margin, HTML bottom margin, and Convert horizontal bar to em dash.
Documented the search box and reordering buttons in the Configurations page.
Changed erroneous 200Kb section size limit to 300Kb.
Clarified the effect of width and height settings for various formats.
Expanded the section on creating PDF documents.
Corrected typos kindly pointed out by Jim Kerwin.
Version 1.1, November 8th 2011
Removed text asserting that hanging indent is not supported in Mobipocket, since this is fixed in Jutoh 1.39.
Fixed text describing how to insert page numbers in OpenOffice/LibreOffice, noting that the Format | Title Page command is only available in LibreOffice.
Documented the configuration option Use relative dimensions, new in Jutoh 1.39.
Version 1.0, October 26th 2011
First edition.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: Appendix G: Alphabet Description Reference