Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0005: How to add an ISBN identifier to your books | Next: KB0007: Adding multiple titles in the metadata
Epub 3 identifiers use a different format than Epub 2, and the opf:scheme property used to determine the kind of identifier being specified is obsolete. In Epub 3 mode, Jutoh removes the property and prefixes the identifier with urn:isbn, urn:ean, or urn:uuid if opf:scheme has specified one of these schemes.
For common identifier schemes, Jutoh will add the identifier-type property. If you wish to specify identifier-type yourself, add an identifier-type attribute via the identifier's element editor, and specify the value separated from the scheme with a pipe character. For example, for ISBN the value would be:
which in the metadata would become something like:
<dc:identifier id="BookId">urn:isbn:999-1-999999-11-9</dc:identifier>
<meta refines="#BookId" property="identifier-type" scheme="onix:codelist5">15</meta>
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0005: How to add an ISBN identifier to your books | Next: KB0007: Adding multiple titles in the metadata