Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0021: How do I register to unlock the demo? | Next: KB0023: What happens to my work if I uninstall Jutoh?
Normally this is due to a typo. The most reliable method is to use copy and paste to transfer the user name and key (on Windows: select the text in the email, then Ctrl-C, then Ctrl-V in the registration dialog). If typing manually, please note that there are no letter Os in the key: only zeros. If your user name contains an accent, this could be a cause of registration failure. In this case, please email us for another user name and key. If all else fails, please email for further help. If you're using Windows I can create a registry file for you to run that usually solves the problem.
Note that if you want to register with a different key, and the registration dialog is not available, you will need to reset the application.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0021: How do I register to unlock the demo? | Next: KB0023: What happens to my work if I uninstall Jutoh?