Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0025: What languages are supported? | Next: KB0027: How do I change styles, for example to add indentation?

KB0026: Does Jutoh support Epub 3?

There is support for some aspects of Epub 3 - you can switch Epub 3 support on by setting the Epub version configuration property to 3. The adaptations to Epub 3 are currently as follows:

Jutoh is distributed with the latest version of EpubCheck, so it can check both Epub 2 and Epub 3 files if you have Java installed.

Jutoh supports audio and video tags in both Epub 2 and 3. Let us know if you need other Epub 3 features not currently supported. Since Epub 3 encompasses many features, it will be a gradual process adding support for it.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0025: What languages are supported? | Next: KB0027: How do I change styles, for example to add indentation?