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KB0037: Why does ODT import ignore some images?

When some images are pasted into OpenDocument files (instead of inserting from a file), or the file is converted from another format, OpenOffice saves the images in an obscure and little-used format (SVM, or StarView Metafile).

Unfortunately Jutoh cannot convert this file, and so there will be a warning message during import. One workaround is to save your original file as an HTML file from your word processor, writing GIF files; then when importing from ODT, Jutoh will try to substitute any missing SVM image files with the GIF files. Another solution is to insert the original images from files in your word processor instead of pasting from the clipboard; or copying and pasting the missing images into Jutoh manually.

Another alternative is to use DOCX as your import format, although pasted metafile images in a DOCX document will only be imported when Jutoh is running on Microsoft Windows.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0036: Why does HTML/Epub import not preserve all my styles? | Next: KB0038: Does Jutoh support encryption/copy protection/DRM?