Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0043: How can I create a Greek Epub? | Next: KB0045: How can the title 'Table of Contents' be shown in a different language?
If you want to customise the table of contents, first you need to create an advanced table of contents using Format | Book | Build Table of Contents. In the wizard, check these buttons:
Create contents with Jutoh's help
Recreate contents by scanning documents
Create a contents page
The Table of Contents wizard is described in detail in Building a table of contents in the Jutoh manual. The important thing is to leave the Automatically Build Advanced Table of Contents checkbox on the last page of the wizard cleared. Otherwise the changes to your contents page will be overwritten the next time the book is compiled.
Now you should be able to make any changes you want to the Table of Contents page in your ebook.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0043: How can I create a Greek Epub? | Next: KB0045: How can the title 'Table of Contents' be shown in a different language?