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KB0081: Will my book have page numbers?

See also:
Working with print book page numbers in the Jutoh manual
Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF in the Jutoh manual

No, your ebook will not have page numbers. How many pages an ebook has depends on the device, the font being used, and the font size. Ebooks have the advantage of reflowing to allow variations in settings, so page numbers are obsolete and unsupported by ebook file formats. However, some devices may give some indication of where you are in the book, such as a location number or a dynamically-generated page number.

If your table of contents still contains page numbers, it is recommended that you delete the table of contents and rely on Jutoh to generate it for you. Hyperlinks between locations in the book are still possible.

Print book page numbers

There is a facility supported by a limited number of ebook viewers that allows the optional display of numbers from the print edition of the book, to allow easier reference to a print book from the ebook. This is achieved by inserting print book page number fields throughout the text; Jutoh collates them into a table of numbers for Epub or Epub 3. This is supported on Kindle, but won't show in Kindle Previewer or when sideloading to a device, and you cannot rely on it working for popular Epub viewers. For more information, see Working with print book page numbers in the Jutoh manual.

Page numbers in ODT and PDF files

If you are intending to create a print or PDF version of your book, you can add page styles with headers and footers that may contain page number fields. Page styles aren't used for Epub and Kindle, only for ODT (and therefore PDF). For more information about that, please see Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF in the Jutoh manual.

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