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KB0092: Executing custom commands before and after compilation

You can use the configuration properties Pre-compile command and Post-compile command to have Jutoh execute external commands before and after compiling an ebook.

For example, you might use the KindleStrip program to reduce the size of your Kindle file for your own use (don't upload a stripped file to Amazon!)

Your post-compile command might look like this:

c:\python27\python.exe c:\apps\kindlestrip1.35\ "%FOLDER%\%FILENAME%.%EXT%" "%FOLDER%\%FILENAME%_new.%EXT%"

Note that you should not nest double-quotation marks. You can use %FOLDER%, %FILENAME% and %EXT% variables - these are components of the final ebook file name (as specified in the Book file name and Book folder configuration properties). You can also specify %APPDIR%, the folder in which the Jutoh application is executing.

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