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KB0197: Why does Jutoh complain about paragraph style indentation for lists?

This topic is obsolete, and refers to behaviour prior to Jutoh 2.96. Jutoh no longer combines paragraph and list style indentation to compute an indent - the list style indent replaces any paragraph indent.

When compiling your book, you may see a warning like this:

WARNING (Jutoh): the paragraph style Body Text First Indent used in document Chapter 2: What If... within a list has a left indent.

To understand this, it's worth remembering that a list item is affected by two styles: the paragraph style, and the list style. The list style defines an indent for a given level in the list. If the paragraph style also has a left indent, Jutoh can't tell what the actual indent should be.

So for best results, format paragraphs within a list using a paragraph style without left indents. If necessary, you can create a new paragraph style such as List Item, and apply that. Indent attributes may be inherited from a base style, so you can override these by specifying zero values in the paragraph style.

You can fix the problem throughout your project by using the option Remove list item paragraph indentation in Format | Book | Formatting Cleanup. It will create and apply new automatic paragraph styles without left indentation.

You can switch the compilation warning off in Advanced Settings.


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