Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0207: Why is some formatting not as expected in the generated ODT file? | Next: KB0209: Why does Jutoh warn about a missing toc guide type?
Sometimes if you have comments in your project, and you export to ODT, you find that large portions of text are coloured from the position of a comment.
The problem is that sometimes when importing content, the existing comments have the same identifier. This identifier is not currently visible to the user or editable. The problem might occur if you imported chapters individually into a project instead of all at one. Comments with the same identifier cause the colouring-in of text between the comments.
Currently, you can't change the comment identifiers to be unique, except by deleting them and adding them again. What you can do is exclude them from the export, by clearing Special comment formatting in your OpenDocument configuration; or you can delete the comments from within LibreOffice/OpenOffice: click on the down arrow under the comment, and then click on Delete All Comments.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0207: Why is some formatting not as expected in the generated ODT file? | Next: KB0209: Why does Jutoh warn about a missing toc guide type?