Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0239: Why does Jutoh warn about blank paragraphs? | Next: KB0241: Why does Jutoh warn about a page break at the start of a document?
If you set Jutoh to output Epub 3, you can arrange for a link to a paragraph of text, for example a bibliography item, to be a popup when the book is viewed in Apple Books (iBooks). For other formats and ereaders, the link will just be a normal link.
This involves moving the bookmark to the overall target paragraph (instead of using a separate bookmark) and marking the paragraph as a footnote; and also marking the link as a noteref (reference to a footnote).
Here's how to do it:
Go to the link destination (for example, a bibliography). If this is formatted as a list, remove the list formatting by selecting the whole list and using the command Format | Lists | Clear List Formatting. Then type the list numbering explicitly. Popups won't work otherwise.
For each entry, right-click (control-click on Mac) and click Paragraph.
In the Advanced tab, enter the bookmark name into the Id field. Also set Epub type to "footnote".
Delete the original bookmark.
Repeat for all items.
Go to where you reference an item, click the link, and for Epub type, enter "noteref". Click OK.
Repeat for all references.
Choose the Epub 3 configuration, compile, and upload to Apple Books.
Note that this only works where this is one paragraph per referenced item.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0239: Why does Jutoh warn about blank paragraphs? | Next: KB0241: Why does Jutoh warn about a page break at the start of a document?