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KB0242: How can I crop images that overlap fixed layout page edges?

See also: Creating fixed layout ebooks in the Jutoh manual

If your fixed layout project contains image objects that overlap the edge of the page, this can cause problems in some readers.

To fix it, double-click on the image object and in the Region tab of the properties dialog, clear Inherit properties and check Pre-render this object. This will cause the image to be merged into the background object, thereby clipping it.

You can also set Pre-render in the page properties, or for the whole book via the configuration option Pre-render objects.

You can pre-render text objects too, but they are less likely to overlap the edges, and you may not wish to remove the benefits of rendering text dynamically on the device.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0241: Why does Jutoh warn about a page break at the start of a document? | Next: KB0243: Why are centred paragraphs not showing properly on Nook?