Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0273: Why are my tables and boxes clipped on the right edge? | Next: KB0275: Why does Jutoh complain about an unrecognised character attribute when converting from DOCX?
This may be shown when the third-party utility wmf2svg was unable to convert a WMF (Windows Metafile) image into an SVG image. If the image is missing, you will need to insert it into Jutoh, for example by pasting a PNG or JPEG image, or using a Jutoh drawing object to specify an SVG file that was created using suitable software, such as Inkscape.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0273: Why are my tables and boxes clipped on the right edge? | Next: KB0275: Why does Jutoh complain about an unrecognised character attribute when converting from DOCX?