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KB0289: Why does Kindlegen execution fail?

See also:
How do I install Kindlegen and Kindle Previewer?
Why could the toc not be built when compiling for Kindle?

After compiling, you may see an error message like this:

ERROR (Jutoh): Kindlegen execution failed.

If you haven't set up the Kindlegen location yet, see How do I install Kindlegen and Kindle Previewer?. If you don't want to use Kindlegen to create .mobi files, you can choose to just create Kindle-optimized Epub files instead.

If Kindlegen also complained that the toc (table of contents) could not be created, then this message may go away when you have solved the table of contents problem, for example by removing missing links.

The error might also occur if you omitted a book title in your metadata.

While the error might be because Kindlegen was not installed correctly, it may simply be because Kindlegen returned an error code when a serious problem with the book occurs; so try solving any other problems that Jutoh reports first, and see if this fixes it.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0288: Why could the toc not be built when compiling for Kindle? | Next: KB0290: What is the difference between the Epub and Kindle configurations?