Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0335: Why are styles in my ODT document mysteriously taking on attributes such as indent that I didn't specify? | Next: KB0337: Why do pictures sometimes disappear in Kindle for PC?
Amazon recommends using a percentage width for images that stretch the full width or most of the width of the display, but the guidelines say:
"Inline images should be sized in em units so that they scale in relation to the text around them when users adjust the font size of their reading system."
An inline image is one that forms part of the flow of the text, such as a symbol.
Jutoh can convert image sizes to ems if they are specified in absolute values (cm) and not percentages. Edit the configuration option Dimension units and set it to Em. All absolute dimensions, including for text boxes and tables, will be converted to ems using a scale factor that you can change in the Options page of the Project Properties dialog, using the Dimension scale factor field.
Alternatively, you can add a size in ems to an individual image if you wish by not enabling any size in the Size tab of the image properties, and instead, in the Advanced tab, typing something like this into the Custom properties option:
width: 20em;
At the time of writing (July 2018), Kindle Previewer 3 doesn't change an em-specified image size according to font size changes in the preview options - presumably a bug; but KP2 does and so does Kindle for PC (though you may need to navigate back and forth for the images to be sized correctly after a font change).
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0335: Why are styles in my ODT document mysteriously taking on attributes such as indent that I didn't specify? | Next: KB0337: Why do pictures sometimes disappear in Kindle for PC?