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KB0354: Can Jutoh perform font subsetting?

Font subsetting is where a font is reduced in size to contain only the glyphs required for the book. This reduces the book file size, and provides an element of security by making it harder to use the font outside the context of the book.

Jutoh cannot perform font subsetting, so you will need an external utility. Some of these don't know which exact characters you need to use, so allow you to select character ranges - for example, you may only need basic English alphabetic characters, and not Greek, Cyrillic and other languages supported by the font.

Here are some examples of font subsetting tools:

When you have created new subsetted fonts, you can embed them into your Jutoh projects. You can apply Obfuscate fonts for extra security, if your target distributors support it.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0353: Can I embed fonts in an OpenDocument (ODT) file? | Next: KB0355: Can I import an old Word file in DOC format?