We have a no-quibble refund policy, if you let us know within 30 days of purchase, quoting your purchase reference number.
Obviously, we prefer you to try the demo and form an opinion from this before purchase. Also, if you're having trouble with Jutoh, please contact us for support and we'll do all we can to resolve your problems, including troubleshooting your project.
It may help if you read the following before requesting a refund, since it may solve your problem and save you the trouble of trying to find an alternative solution.
By default, Jutoh doesn't write font name information to your generated ebooks, so that the optimum font will be selected by the device. This is the behaviour recommended by Amazon and other distributors. However, if you wish the device to select similar fonts, edit your configuration (click Edit in the Jutoh Control Panel next to the current configuration), and search for Generate generic font names at the bottom of the configuration panel. Check this option and compile your book again.
If you really need the exact fonts to be displayed on the device as in the editor, you will need to embed some fonts. For more on fonts, please type "fonts" into the Jutoh toolbar.
Although Jutoh has depth for advanced users, it's designed to keep advanced details hidden so beginners can quickly get results. At its most basic, this is what is involved:
Jutoh may show you some errors, warnings or tips but if you take each in turn and read the advice that Jutoh gives, you'll be able to fix any problems. Other tools may not give such detailed information, but this is a good thing - it lets you improve the book's quality before publication.
The bottom line is - if you're stuck, write to us, and we'll give as much support as you need to get your book published. Think of us as your publishing consultant. We'll look at your project if you want, give you suggestions, and we'll give you the support you need for as long as you need it. You're unlikely to get this level of service from other vendors, and it's one of the reasons why our feedback page has such warm praise for the Jutoh experience.
One of the challenges of authoring tools such as Jutoh is bridging the gap between regular word processing, as most people are used to it, and the demands of high-quality digital publishing. A reflowable ebook is a different beast from a Word file, with some restrictions and simplifications, including:
Jutoh does a good job of importing Word and OpenDocument files, but whether further edits need to be made depends a lot on the habits of the original author. If you used a lot of named styles, then you're ahead of the game. If you used a lot of direct formatting (applying styling to each paragraph instead of using named styles) and blank paragraphs for spacing, then you'll have a bit more work to do. But Jutoh will let you know of such issues, and will give guidance.
It's worth remembering that digital publishing is the modern equivalent of typesetting - a very specialist trade. While Jutoh can remove a lot of the pain, to produce a high quality ebook may require some adjustments and changes of habit since most people don't 'learn' word processing formally, or if they do, they may not learn all the best habits. So expect a little bit of work polishing your book - no software can eliminate this. But Jutoh gives you hints and tools to make it a great deal easier than it could otherwise be. And - at the risk of labouring the point - we'll give you personal support to get you through any frustrations.
Copyright © Anthemion Software, 2020