Download Jutoh

Download the latest Jutoh release here. Until registered, it will act as a demonstration with a few limitations. The previous major version, Jutoh 2, can be downloaded here.

You can uninstall the old version first if you wish (on Windows, from the Start menu or Control Panel). Or you can use Check for Updates on the Help menu, which will download an update if there is one. You can specify the same folder when installing each time. If in doubt, you can download and install Jutoh in the usual way.

Jutoh 2 and Jutoh 3 can co-exist on your computer, and use different settings and sample locations. Please see the FAQ about migrating from Jutoh 2.

Please see Release Notes for what's new in this release. Also, don't forget to take a look at the Jutoh Book if you haven't before. Click here for information about submitting a problem report.

For information about migrating from Jutoh 2 to Jutoh 3, please see the FAQ.

Windows logo Jutoh for Windows

Jutoh supports Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11. Use the 64-bit version to run Jutoh on ARM Windows devices under emulation.

Windows 8/10+ users: click on More info when you get the "Windows protected your PC" screen, and then click Run anyway in the next screen. For further information, see How do I install Jutoh on Windows 8+?

Jutoh 3.23 for Windows, 32-bit (recommended)
Jutoh 3.23 for Windows, 64-bit (more info)
Jutoh 3.23 for 32-bit (what's this?)

Mac logo Jutoh for Mac

Jutoh runs on macOS from 10.10 (Yosemite) and above on Intel and ARM.

This disk image will be automatically mounted as a drive, and you can then drag Jutoh to an appropriate place, such as the Applications folder.

Jutoh 3.23 64-bit for Intel/ARM macOS 10.10+

Linux logo Jutoh for Linux 64-bit

64-bit packages, compiled on Ubuntu 18.04. With this distribution, on some systems you may also need to download libpng16. If Jutoh does not run, search for libpng16 in your package manager and install it.

Jutoh 3.23 tarball for 64-bit Linux (generic installer)
Jutoh 3.23 DEB for 64-bit Linux (Debian, Ubuntu 16+, Mint 19+)
Jutoh 3.23 RPM for 64-bit Linux (Fedora, Mageia, openSUSE)

Raspberry Pi logo Jutoh for Raspberry Pi 2+

Jutoh 3 for Raspberry Pi 2/3 is free! It also runs on the Pinebook if you install the required 32-bit libraries. It has been built and tested on Raspbian. Before installing the RPM, you will first need to install the libpng12 RPM.

Jutoh 3.12 tarball for Raspberry Pi 2 (generic installer)
Jutoh 3.12 DEB for Raspberry Pi 2 (Raspbian, Ubuntu)
Jutoh 3.12 RPM for Raspberry Pi 2 (Pidora)

Jutoh translation file

If you wish to contribute a translation, please download the following file and read the notes on translation.

jutoh3.23.po template translation file an archive of the source for all translations

CereVoice files

CereVoice from CereProc is a high quality speech synthesis system supported by Jutoh. On Windows, you can use CereVoice via Microsoft SAPI, and on Mac OS X you can use CereVoice via Apple Speech Manager. On Linux, and other platforms if you prefer, you can use a command-line CereVoice tool that Jutoh runs to generate speech.

Download a file for your operating system, unarchive to a suitable location on your hard drive, and go to Jutoh Preferences/Speech. Select the CereVoice speech engine, click Properties, and choose the 'cerevoice' file ('cerevoice.exe' on Windows). For more details, please see the Jutoh book: Appendix B: Configuring Jutoh and Chapter 21: Working With Text-To-Speech. for Windows
cerevoice-4.0.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz for 64-bit Linux for Mac OS X 10.9 and above

Older version: for Windows
cerevoice-3.2.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz for 64-bit Linux for Mac OS X 10.9 and above