What's New?
This is a detailed log of changes in Jutoh, from version 2.
See also New in Jutoh 3 for an overview of the major new features, with screenshots.
Version 3.23, March 9th, 2025
- Corrected a bug in the configuration editing dialog that made it impossible to rename or change the description of a configuration.
Version 3.22, March 7th, 2025
- Corrected a DOCX import bug introduced into Jutoh 3.20 whereby bullets were omitted from imported lists.
- Single quotes are no longer removed from filenames.
- Spell-checking now ignores soft hyphens so words containing them won't be flagged as containing typos.
- When using Export for a single HTML file, the user selection is now taken into account.
- ODT list headers are now parsed as per regular list items instead of ignored.
- Added External link target configuration option for where to open external hyperlinks, for example "_blank".
- Added Enable hyperlink option in TOC levels. This allows items in a TOC to be generated simply for information rather than linked to a section, for example a blog-style teaser paragraph.
- Added keywords to the Default certification date advanced setting to allow for automatic date replacement when applying defaults.
- No longer warns of a duplicate configuration filename if the folder is different.
Version 3.21, January 6th, 2025
Bug fixes:
- On Windows, now finds the application for a file association more reliably, reducing the need to set up a helper, for example for Adobe Digital Editions.
- Jutoh now properly translates between Epub 2 and Epub 3 guide/epub types so either can be used in the document properties.
- When running on Wine, Linux or Mac, Jutoh won't test for the HTML help compiler file existence as the test might erroneously fail. The HTML help compiler can now be invoked from Linux using Wine.
- Fixed a crash when conversions fail in HTML help generation.
- Fixed a crash bug when opening fixed layout projects.
- When writing the cover HTML, now only specifies one of full width or height to allow scaling in Adobe Digital Editions. Full height is specified if the image is portrait, and full width is specified if the image is landscape.
- 'Fatal' error messages in EpubCheck are now detected.
- Fixed removal of advanced attributes when replacing bold and italics with strong and emphasis elements using the phrase tag mapping.
- Fixed a bug in NavMap creation that resulted in a missing link and an EpubCheck error, as a link was assigned to the wrong item.
- Now generates the xml:lang attribute for the Epub 3 OPF file.
- Fixed a bug in the Linux RPM such that the desktop file tried to run a script and not the Jutoh executable.
- The Welcome screen now never has scrollbars, and the desktop scrollbars takes any subwindows into account.
- If a filename contains a full timestamp, Jutoh no longer uses an erroneous filename for post-compile commands and post-compile book uploading due to time differences. Check, Examine and Upload also now use the last compile time for identifying the file.
- On Windows, if no devices could be found for book uploading, and an MTP device is plugged in, Jutoh warns that it cannot currently copy to MTP devices.
- Links for footnotes no longer have an epub:type for Epub 2 files since this fails Epubcheck, even if it works on some platforms.
Accessibility changes:
- Added "Novella Accessibility Sample.jutoh" showing various aspects of accessibility.
- The Making your books accessible section of the help and user guide has been rewritten.
- Now 'Include cover in NavMap' is on by default and the recommendation is to enable it, since a cover page with no possibility of navigating to it could violate Epub standards and cause an error in recent versions of Epubcheck.
- A new Accessibility page has been added to the Metadata page. This shows fields for specifying accessibility information such as Accessibility summary, modifying the custom metadata.
- Added accessibility metadata defaults to the Advanced Preferences dialog, which are used when clicking Use Defaults in the Accessibility Metadata page.
- Removed epub:type from body tags as is not compatible with ARIA accessibility (Epubcheck complains if we add a role, and Ace for DAISY complains if we don't).
- Added Accessibility warnings advanced setting. If this is on, Jutoh will warn about issues including missing accessibility metadata, poor contrast ratios for text, missing alternative text for non-decorative images, the need for table footers and headers to be marked up, and a bad or missing heading hierarchy. Also added Table accessibility warnings.
- Added Set image alternative text option to Formatting Cleanup, to save time when marking a lot of images as decorative or setting a description for more than one similar image. In the Inspector, each image's decorative status is shown.
- Added Minimum contrast ratio and Minimum large text contrast ratio advanced settings to allow relaxation of the strict standard minimums.
- Warning about hard-wired colours are now only shown if Accessibility warnings are enabled, in addition to Colour warning.
- Added the most important ARIA attributes to all advanced properties, for better accessibility control.
- Removed the Edit Custom HTML button from the project properties Cover page, and introduced a Properties button in the cover design dialog which is used to edit the custom HTML and also the cover image's alternative text. The Help button for the cover designer dialog now has a dedicated topic instead of going straight to the 'Creating cover designs' topic.
- Added List style to the table of contents wizard and properties, to create a more accessible table of contents.
- In tables, empty header cells are now written as data cells for better accessibility.
- Added Decorative checkbox to images and drawing objects, as a convenience for setting the Role property to presentation.
- Added a Book | Check Accessibility command with a short summary of issues.
- Added Deduce From Project button in the accessibility metadata to show the Accessibility Summary dialog and create basic metadata values.
- Added a configuration option Advanced footnote formatting to specify that footnotes should be placed directly under their citation paragraphs, and also allow customisation of footnote paragraph styles.
- The keyword %DOCUMENTTITLE% is now replaced with the document title when resolving templates during HTML generation. This allows a template to specify a project-wide head section but also use the correct document title.
- Added Reset button to the Formatting Cleanup dialog, and now the last-used options persist between sessions.
- When importing from a template or using File | Import | Import from Project, the metadata and custom metadata can be chosen separately. Also, the user selections will be saved in the project.
- The Visible page numbers options in Project Properties have been moved to the configuration option Page number formatting, and a new character-style setting in this option allows specification of a page number at the point where the print book page number field is, and not in a separate paragraph or box.
- When %SECTIONFILENAME% is used in a configuration's Section file name, the naming convention for sections whose name is not user-specified is now consistent with the default section-%SECTIONNUMBER% setting.
- Added "..." button to Error window for quick access to warning options.
- Now asks for confirmation before closing the New Project dialog to avoid an annoying loss of entered data.
- Reorganised the new project advanced options dialog into three tabs instead of two.
- Added Apply next to split styles in the new project dialog, and "..." buttons to edit multiple styles or patterns.
- The new project dialog now does a better initial guess at splitting choices, in line with the Quick Convert behaviour.
- Import in the new project dialog is made slightly quicker by allowing the File and Folder buttons to automatically check the Import option, and by setting the initial browse location to the specified project folder.
Version 3.20, October 21st, 2024
- Pre-rendered captions are now shown without objects such as references and bookmarks.
- Pre-rendered captions have their alt text set to the caption text if there is no existing alt text.
- Fixed a bug whereby list items could take on the wrong font for HTML-based formats, as style sheet defaults were applied.
- Support for Windows 10/11's 'Regional Settings' Unicode encoding setting. This fixes an error message on startup and lets Jutoh know that the system encoding is UTF-8.
- Added "a,b,c" and "A,B,C" footnote numbering types. Letters will be repeated if there are more than 26.
- Added support for importing DOCX and ODT footnote numbering formats, and writing ODT footnote numbering formats.
Version 3.19, August 14th, 2024
- Fixed a bug on Windows whereby italic text could be clipped on the right hand side of the display, and mouse operations became inaccurate.
- The context menu command Manage Styles in the style sheet palette now reflects the name of the style sheet being edited, and the command now shows the project properties with the correct style sheet.
- When saving from an undocked window, the main window title bar will now be updated correctly to reflect the fact that all documents have been saved.
- Added a section on arranging windows to the application help.
- Fixed a spurious error when generating the HHC for HTB files when the Table of Contents document is being omitted using conditional formatting.
- Added a check for the presence of the "Text body" style since it can interfere with the "Body Text" style in some versions of LibreOffice.
Version 3.18, July 12th, 2024
- Tools | Web Search now prompts for text to search for if none is selected.
- The behaviour for Tools | Web Search can now be customised via Preferences/Web search to show a menu with context for different kinds of search. The search engine cutomisation is now on this page instead of the Helpers page.
- Fixed a bug when optimizing ODT style sheets and the definitions for styles used within headers and footers were omitted.
- Fixed a bug in contextual spacing import from DOCX.
- Fixed a bug whereby if you didn't specify a width for a floating text box, centred text in the box didn't show in Jutoh, although it showed in the generated book.
- Fixed a bug whereby floating objects in a centred or right-aligned paragraph could be placed in the wrong position.
- Fixed a bad size for the after-import dialog on high-resolution displays, and also the gauge in progress dialogs.
- The option Preferences/Import/Remove page breaks is no longer reset back to its default 'on' value by a Quick Import, and Quick Import now respects this value to retain page breaks.
- On Windows, fixed unnecessary scrollbars in the Welcome window on Jutoh's desktop in some circumstances.
- Fixed a problem on Linux systems running Wayland causing display glitches when drawing dotted lines. Jutoh now avoids drawing dotted lines on Wayland.
Version 3.17, June 11th, 2024
- Fixed lots of bad sizing on hi-resolution displays.
- Added the configuration option 'Main table of contents' so that a specific configuration can use a custom table of contents and the correct logical contents (NavMap) can be created.
- Added more configuration options under Metadata to allow a configuration to override the book's metadata. This is useful when creating multiple different books from a single Jutoh project.
- Fixed a bug in the bibliograpy whereby combining numbered citations with conditional content removed most of the citations.
- Fixed a bug in the script configs option whereby omitting the format extension didn't deduce a suitable format type, if the name wasn't the same as the format, leading to a spurious error.
- Fixed a bug whereby editing some styles via Format | Edit Styles would not mark the project as modified.
- Now shows INFO messages after running EpubCheck.
- Updated the bundled EpubCheck to version 5.1.0.
- Added a partial Russian translation, thanks to Sergei Talipov.
- Fixed a problem outputting invalid HTML comments in some circumstances.
- If you specify the value '(tags)' for the configuration option 'Superscript CSS' or 'Subscript CSS', Jutoh will write HTML tags instead of CSS.
- Improved sorting in indexes, and added a case-sensitive sorting option.
- After double-clicking and holding down the left mouse button (not on a touchpad), the selection can now be extended by dragging.
- Fixed a bug generating HHP and HHC files for CHM, when selecting a non-UTF-8 encoding.
- Added HHP encoding setting to the 'HTML Help' page, to allow the correct encoding for CHM (only).
- No longer applies the date of an imported file or template when creating a new project.
- Jutoh now warns if the language field is invalid or (for ODT compilation) does not contain the country code.
- Improved non-standard text reporting if there are formatting defaults in the style sheet.
- Fixed a crash when importing from a StoryLines file into a Storyboard document.
- Fixed a bug that moved a card on a hidden row to a visible row when inserting columns and rows.
- In the Storyboard palette card preview, removed redundant blank lines from between fields and removed blank lines after paragraphs with no after-paragraph spacing.
- Added the speech profile option "Alias string tables" to allow specification of pronunciation aliases within string tables.
- Pronunciation aliases, including in speech objects, now work in non-MP3 configurations to allow submission of ebooks with better pronunciation to AI narration services.
- No longer complains when tel: and fax: schemes are used in URLs.
- Increased the width of the font size list in formatting dialogs, since contents are clipped on some macOS UIs.
- Now prompts to save a modified project that would be closed by opening or creating another project.
- The Kindle Previewer helper now directs you to a web page for the download instead of doing it itself, since this was unreliable. Jutoh warns about installing KP3 into the default location, which can render Jutoh unable to launch Kindle Previewer. It should be installed e.g. c:\Kindle Previewer 3 on Windows.
Version 3.16, February 16th, 2023
- Fixed a bug whereby renaming a string table didn't register after closing the Project Properties or Preferences dialog.
- On Mac, the colour selection dialog has been replaced with a generic version to work around an inconsistency with the way the colour dialog showed and returned colours. You can change back to the native one by clearing the advanced option "Use generic colour selector". The native version will return a consistent colour, but the swatch shown in the dialog may not be visually consistent with colours in the application.
- Fixed a crash when moving a group of documents down using the Document | Move Document | Down button.
- Fixed a crash when a link's target document does not exist.
- Improved DOCX import of pictures and groups; some image rotations are now applied.
- Fixed a bug whereby the bibliography's list of database sources could be cleared when adding a new database.
- Fixed a bug whereby if additional bibliography database sources were specified, and "Add all entries in source" was checked but sorting was not specified, items could be shown with zero citation numbers.
Version 3.15, November 28th, 2022
- Fixed a bug in ODT output whereby sequence identifiers were not correctly written, so cross-references to them didn't work.
- Fixed a bug in DOCX import where page breaks weren't recognised if following paragraphs contained borders.
- Added the ability to override the default book language in the section properties via the Language advanced property.
- Fixed a file name error when generating SMIL files, and also ensured there are fragment identifiers in seq objects. Removed xml:lang attribute from smil tag to pass EpubCheck.
- Fixed a bug generating spurious SMIL paragraph references with identifiers for paragraphs that are removed due to a lack of content.
- Fixed a bug when finding custom messages using regular expressions, added identifying text to custom messages when compiling, and fixed a bug handling custom message exceptions.
- Added a warning if there is an output file name clash with ODT and other formats in different configurations, and not just Epub and Mobi.
- Now clears the timing set data when switching between documents in the book section properties dialog.
- Fixed a crash when accidentally linking to a non-book-section document.
Version 3.14, July 14th, 2022
- Fixed shortcut problem on Mac for project undo and redo.
- Fixed spellcheck behaviour when more than one project is loaded: checking now uses the correct project's dictionary.
- Improved pasting behaviour so all style sheets receive pasted styles, and the styles are immediately refreshed.
- Fixed a bug in ODT output whereby paragraphs could retain erroneous page style information, causing large spaces.
- Fixed a crash bug in ODT output when exporting only scraps.
- Fixed a bug where iBooks optimization caused mismatched tags around an image inside a list.
- Fixed an occasional crash in paste operations.
- When pasting or converting from HTML, an empty break tag alone in a paragraph is interpreted as just an empty paragraph (helps when pasting from certain applications such as Evernote).
- Added the ability to specify multiple styles for formatting a TOC item at the same level, useful when you still want most of the items to be at the top level of the logical TOC but for them to be distinguished in the TOC page.
- Suppressed bogus warnings for the book filename, if specifying path characters such as '.' and '/'.
Version 3.13, December 12th, 2021
- Added Discard empty paragraphs option to the New Project dialog advanced options, and made it work for plain text files.
- Made it possible to have multiple print configurations with different paper sizes by specifying (custom) in the page style but leaving the paper size values empty. The configuration paper size will be used. This means that you can still specify a layout (e.g. Right only) in the page style without having to specify the paper size.
- ODT export now correctly writes any images within page style headers and footers.
- Corrected an ODT import problem with horizontal rule border properties.
- Corrected an ODT import problem where references contain a hex encoding for the pipe character instead of the pipe character itself, leading to unresolved links.
- Corrected ODT annotation output which formerly marked the remainder of the file in blue.
- Reduced the initial height of the Formatting Cleanup dialog, which was excessively large.
- Added the command Storyboard | Filter Rows to allow only selected rows to be viewed.
- Storyboard cards are now created after the focus card if no position was otherwise specified.
- Fixed a bug rendering bullets inside a box.
- Fixed incorrect indentation when applying bullets to an indented paragraph.
- Fixed a bug outputting tables to ODT: the option to remove tables from boxes could cause a crash.
- Fixed a crash when processing a non-breaking hyphen field.
- Fixed a crash in the Storyboard from pasting text as a new card.
- Improved sorting in the Organizer's Favourites tab.
- Fixed wrong quotation mark being used when typing a double quotation mark after an opening single quotation mark.
- Correcting spelling in automatic spellcheck mode now updates other open documents.
Version 3.12, October 11th, 2021
- Added an image viewer for media documents that are images.
- Added Italian user interface translations, including Writing Recipes, Tech Tips and Wit and Wisdom, thanks to epic work by tfrtint.
- Increased the maximum number of favourite projects to 100.
- Added new command Book | Check Spelling Automatically for spellcheck-as-you-type.
- Added a new configuration option Bibliography formatting template so that different formatting templates can be used per configuration.
- Fixed removal of URLs from footnotes and bibliography citations when Generate URLs is off.
- Fixed a Word import problem where the wrong images could be imported, due to there being two 'media' folders in the DOCX file.
- Added the Formatting Cleanup option Remove all formatting.
Version 3.11, September 1st, 2021
- On Mac, when Jutoh runs it checks whether iCloud has been enabled for the Documents and Desktop folders, and if necessary asks the user whether it should change settings accordingly, to edit projects in a temporary location.
- Added Copy project to original location when saving / auto-saving to Preferences/Project, on by default. This avoids confusion when finding that the original project file is unchanged despite edits, and ensures that recent edits will be backed up.
- Added submenu View | More | Inspector allowing spelling commands Ignore, Add and Replace to have keyboard shortcuts assigned to them.
- Corrected an unknown bookmark error when a bookmark (such as a paragraph Id) contains spaces.
- Added KB 0451 about large tables and Kindle.
- Enabled navigation headers and footers in HTB/CHM generation.
- For CHM and HTB, now omits warnings for empty cover and empty publisher since they are not used by these formats.
Version 3.10, August 18th, 2021
- Corrected a margin rounding error in the print on demand wizard.
- No longer allows an 'Internal' helper command to be renamed or edited.
- The message that shows when creating a bookmark with invalid characters can now be suppressed. Finding bookmarks using Find and Replace searches for the corrected bookmark name.
- Updated the splash screens for French, German and Dutch languages.
- Added a warning when text size and embedded fonts are combined in character formatting, since it can cause rendering problems on Tolino.
- Added a warning for multiple formats being generated by the same configuration (e.g. Epub and OpenDocument).
- Now forces TIFF images to be saved as PNG when writing HTML, Epub or Kindle for compatibility with these formats.
- Fixed a bug whereby automatic box styles would not always be written correctly.
- Fixed a bug whereby page styles could be written to ODT with the wrong page size, if not explicitly specified per page style.
- Corrected several bugs in image and drawing object box style handling.
- Updated Epubcheck version to 4.2.6.
Version 3.09, July 12th, 2021
- Added move document commands (up, down, left, right) to the Tools formatting palette tab, to make changing your project hierarchy easier.
- Added the option Create hierarchical project to the New Project dialog, so that Jutoh creates a hierarchy of documents reflecting the styles used to split the imported file.
- Added split options to the Preferences/Import page to allow control of splitting even if using Quick Import; also divided up the Import page into sections and enabled scrolling.
- Added Convert tabs to hard spaces option to Preferences/Import page and New Project dialog advanced options.
- Added Include option in document properties for book section documents to include a section from a different Jutoh project when compiling or updating.
- Added the menu command Replace Style to the context menu in the Styles palette, providing a quick way to invoke the Find and Replace dialog for replacing styles.
- Added a Documents page in the Word Count dialog to show the word count for each document. You can check or clear documents to see the word count for just a selection of documents.
- Check for Updates now just goes to the web site on Linux as well as Mac, because of a crash problem.
- Added Show citations option in the bibliography settings, to hide citations within the content.
- Fixed a crash bug in caption addition with multiple images in a paragraph.
- Added a warning when updating tables of contents if guide types or document identifiers are duplicated.
- Fixed erroneous horizontal rule insertion in Word file import, if bottom margin properties are detected but the width is still zero.
- Fixed contextual spacing in Word that was recently broken (removing spacing between paragraphs of the same style where indicated).
- Fixed a bug importing text boxes using a pict/shape/textbox hierarchy.
- Added Listify and Delistify commands on the Format | List submenu to convert plain text to list paragraphs and list paragraphs to plain text.
- ODT import now interprets a paragraph with a bottom border as a horizontal rule.
- Corrected a bug whereby Find and Replace skipped every other blank paragraph when searching for styles.
- Fixed mouse-hover reporting of bookmarks in the status bar for content within boxes and tables.
- Fixed bookmarking text with spans of different formatting so that the bookmark applies to only the first selected fragment, and not all of the text before the selection.
- Fixed the configuration option Generate URLs not removing URLs when cleared.
- Added an error message if a media object has no file name.
- Added advanced options Paste HTML, Paste ODT and Paste DOCX to support disabling of these formats if needed.
- Fixed a bug in HTML import when importing bookmarks containing colons.
- When searching for just the end of line using the regular expression "$", and replacing with text, Jutoh now advances to the next paragraph instead of replacing again in the current paragraph.
Version 3.08, March 29th, 2021
- Epub generation is now enabled by default for new Kindle configurations since Amazon is removing .mobi support from KDP.
- The Export command now exports to an Epub file name instead of Mobi if generating Kindle-optimized Epub only.
- Fixed disabled Clear Direct Formatting menu item in the formatting palette menu.
- Fixed Clear Direct Formatting to only clear direct formatting from character formatting that has a base style (as per paragraph formatting) rather than remove the formatting completely.
- Fixed links between book section documents copied with Document | Copy Documents.
- The drop caps dialog now lists available character styles.
- Added "Documents" section to Word Count dialog if the current document has child documents, to show the word count for the whole hierarchy.
- Fixed a typo in the Insert Table shortcut in the Dutch translation that caused Shift+A to be mapped to Insert Table.
- Improvements in importing and applying negated formatting, for example character formatting explicitly removing capitalisation from the underlying paragraph formatting.
- In the Insert Citation dialog, added sorting of the database by clicking on the column headers.
Version 3.07, March 3rd, 2021
- Fixed a crash bug when adding documents that aren't book section documents under Content.
- Fixed a crash bug on undo/redo for project organizer operations.
- Fixed status line word count when selecting text.
- Now silently fixes improper zero dimensions in tables and cells instead of complaining about them.
- The name generator is now a dialog, to avoid the need to switch to the Jutoh desktop.
- The footnote editor in the Find dialog is now hidden when necessary, and the Find dialog preserves custom window sizes better within the current session.
- Find Next (F3) now shows the Find dialog if searching within a footnote.
- Added Documents to exclude setting to Project Properties/Options to allow exclusion of documents from spelling.
- Added the property Remove space before footnotes to Remove spaces in Formatting Cleanup.
- Fixed a bug whereby palette tools in compact mode didn't work. Also allowed font name, size and style controls to show for a narrower palette before being minimized.
Version 3.06, February 15th, 2021
- Fixed display of controls in the Inspector for modes that show extra controls such as Spelling and Find.
Version 3.05, February 13th, 2021
- Added new quick navigation controls to the Inspector palette for scrolling through a project: a thumbwheel and a gauge, both supporting wheel mice.
- In the embedded font wizard, an existing font substitution (defined by a configuration) that doesn't have a corresponding embedded font can now be overridden and a font embedded for it.
- In the storyboard, changing the card type via the context menu now changes the clicked card's type and not just the current type.
- Added initial support for pasting HTML (Windows and Mac) and Microsoft Word (Windows).
- Added the command Edit | Paste Special to allow choice of data formats to paste.
- Added simple HTML copying to the clipboard, for pasting formatted content into other applications.
- Pasting formatted content now only changes the current paragraph's style if the paragraph is empty.
- Added a Caret width option to Advanced Preferences for improved accessibility.
- Added an Options command to the Inspector menu showing a dialog with various preferences, including the ability to show the document title for each Inspector item.
- Added the configuration option File creation details to write a comment with the Jutoh version, file creation date and configuration used, in the Epub OPF file.
- Added a Further Options command to the Find and Replace dialog menu, and simplified the options in the Find and Replace dialog.
- Added an option to fill the Find and Find All dialogs with the selected text, if any, to save keystrokes. On by default.
- Fixed editing a footnote from within the Inspector in Spelling mode.
- Made the sorting of the drop-down style list on the Tools tab consistent with the Styles tab.
- Added Remove all spans option to Formatting Cleanup.
- Jutoh now removes redundant title elements when compiling a Kindle configuration since they will cause rejection by Amazon.
- Fixed a bug importing from DOCX where bookmarks in otherwise empty page break paragraphs were lost.
- Fixed a bug importing from DOCX where edited text could be omitted.
- Improved detection of a locked Documents folder in the Setup Wizard, and Jutoh shows a KB topic.
- The Windows installer no longer installs samples to the Documents folder, in case the folder has been locked by the operating system. The samples are now copied when Jutoh is run, and so will appear if the user fixes the Documents folder permissions and restarts Jutoh.
- Added a warning for zero image dimensions, which may have been applied accidentally.
- Updated EpubCheck to version 4.2.4.
- Fixed a bug whereby adding a bookmark to a selection could create multiple bookmarks if there were spans of different formatting within the selection.
- Fixed a bug where metadata keywords were not replaced in the Epub NCX file.
- Fixed a bug eliminating conditionally-compiled items from the NCX.
- Fixed a bug clearing the file history via Preferences/Privacy.
- Fixed a bug in asset editing whereby some changes didn't get saved, especially pasting text using the keyboard.
- Fixed a bug requiring Use project assets to be checked even when only using document assets.
- Fixed a bug saving the alternate text in a media object.
- Added further dark mode improvements, including the "..." menu buttons.
- Added image attributes to the HTML form button advanced properties.
- No longer shows a palette in the main window that applies to the selected floating document window.
Version 3.04, December 23rd, 2020
- Fixed shortcuts in the storyboard card properties dialog.
- Fixed a crash when compiling a project including a storyboard for ODT.
Version 3.03, December 17th, 2020
- Bibliographies, alphabetical indexes and endnotes now take conditional formatting into account.
- Fixed a bug in Find and Replace when replacing text after finding a regular expression that yielded no selection: the text could be replaced at the wrong position.
- Speeded up style operations for multiple table cells.
- Fixed resolution of bookmarks in footnotes on import.
- Added support for comment author initials in ODT import and export.
- Added the ability to exclude documents from the word count, using tags, via the Word Count dialog.
- Improved the look of bitmap buttons on Mac.
- HTML/Epub import now handles "sub" (subscript) and "sup" (superscript) tags.
- ODT import now takes into account blank paragraph style names within outline levels, which indicates that the outline level is not applicable. This allows lower-level headings to not be reset in Jutoh, consistent with LibreOffice.
- Fixed an ODT export bug writing a space after footnote references.
- Fixed auto-replace settings not saving.
- New fixed layout configurations are now Epub 3 by default.
- Fixed an Epub bug in projects with multiple identifiers, where the NCX identifier might not match the main book identifier, triggering an EpubCheck error message.
- Added image reimport for fixed layout and storyboard documents. Fixed layout background image names are now set when loading their images from file.
- Added Use for Quick Convert option in general settings, to allow the standard document folder to be used for Quick Convert as well as the new project dialog.
- Added a warning in the setup dialog if there are insufficient permissions to write to the documents folder.
- Fixed some bugs in the file explorer recent folder list; the folders are now listed with the last subfolder first for readability; clearing favourites via Preferences/Privacy now clears the recent folders.
- There is now a Mac version for Big Sur on Intel and ARM.
- The Mac version for Big Sur now supports dark mode.
- On Mac, there is an advanced setting Separate toolbar which you can clear to use Big Sur's compact menubar and toolbar.
- On Mac, implemented pinch to zoom for the text editor, storyboard document and fixed layout page document.
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- Added experimental advanced option Disable drawing optimizations to attempt to work around a black box glitch in the editor using a Radeon RX 580 Series graphic card.
- Fixed the icon for the 64-bit Windows version.
- In the storyboard properties, added checkbox Suppress column numbers for card types to allow cards to effectively be grouped with a previous column.
- You can now insert a new column in a storyboard by double-clicking on a column label.
- Added an Apply button to the storyboard card properties dialog; Ctrl+S can now be used to apply the changes and save the document within this dialog.
- Fixed a crash bug when applying a library of replacements and a regular expression removes a whole paragraph.
Version 3.02, October 18th, 2020
- Added a warning when previewing a .mobi file with Kindle Previewer that you may be asked to use an .epub file instead; you can then tell Jutoh to change your configuration to generate Epub, or globally generate Kindle-optimized Epub.
- Added a warning when previewing a non-Kindle-optimized .epub file with Kindle Previewer.
- Jutoh will no longer show a warning when launching a Kindle-optimized Epub in Kindle Previewer.
- Downgraded the warning about generating both Epub and Mobi files in a single configuration to a tip with an updated message, now that Amazon is encouraging the submission of Epub files instead of Mobi files.
- Table templates are now sorted alphabetically.
- When embedding fonts, the defaults for style and weight are now "normal".
- Fixed a loop in find and replace when finding an empty paragraph and replacing it with an empty string.
- Fixed a bug in the shortcut document loading non-ASCII characters in the shortcut path.
- Added a prompt to synchronize citation inconsistencies between citation fields and bibliographic databases.
- Fixed a bug whereby blank bibliography databases with no name were sometimes added.
- Fixed a bug in tips whereby UTF-8 characters were not displayed correctly.
- Fixed a storyboard column numbering problem after inserting columns.
- Added a warning when the user tries to delete all rows, and prevents the user from deleting all columns.
- Added ODT-only configuration option Estimate table column widths for compatibility with Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect. This option may be removed in future if column width estimation has no unwanted side-effects.
- Fixed initial search when invoking bookmark selector dialog.
- Added the advanced setting Large list text to increase text size for styles lists such as the Inspector.
- Added the advanced setting Large dialog text size to increase dialog text size on Mac.
Version 3.01, September 25th, 2020
- Fixed a crash when changing the type name for a storyboard card.
- Moving a storyboard card now updates the palette.
Version 3.00, September 24th, 2020
- First public release of Jutoh 3, with an improved user interface and many new features such as the storyboard; new Inspector modes for spelling, custom checking and formatting; writing prompt; the ebook 'Fiction: The Facts'; inspirational quotations, and more.
Version 3.00 beta 15, September 14th, 2020
- Fixed a bug in the Storyboard whereby the document name could be lost after certain operations.
- Added keyboard navigation to the symbol selector.
- Fixed a bug not advancing Find when searching for empty paragraphs using the regular expression ^$.
- Fixed a bug in Formatting Cleanup/Split large tables whereby the new table fragments could be in the wrong order.
- Date field now uses local time to avoid problems converting from UTC.
- Improved indication of the location of erroneous characters.
Version 3.00 beta 14, September 11th, 2020
- Fixed a crash when showing the context menu in fixed layout text boxes.
- Fixed formatting palette being disassociated from the current document when using the Close Other Tabs command.
- Pre-rendering objects in a fixed layout project now works even if there is no background image.
- Corrected the wrongly-reported pixel/point text sizes for a fixed layout project.
- The heading of the automatically generated table of contents now uses the heading level specified by "TOC Heading", and uses a normal paragraph if no outline level is specified.
- The default table of contents heading tag is now h1, not h3.
- Slightly simplified the cloud drive warning message, and the warning isn't shown when opening a Jutoh sample.
- Formatting in Find and Replace can now include drop caps.
- Changed the Setup wizard and Kindlegen installation dialog to reflect the fact that Kindlegen can no longer be downloaded independently from Kindle Previewer.
Version 3.00 beta 13, August 20th, 2020
- Fixed spelling checking of web addresses in the Inspector.
- Added a new Formatting Cleanup option, Convert line breaks to paragraph breaks.
- The Inspector doesn't lose your place so easily after edits have been made.
- Fixed a crash in the symbol dialog.
- In Formatting Cleanup, table splitting now distributes the rows evenly between the last two new tables.
- Fixed a bug erroneously reporting edited text when adding a custom checking exception.
- New Kindle configurations (including in new projects) now have Convert images to JPEG set to None by default because Kindlegen converts to JPEG anyway.
- Fixed the font selection control not working on Mac.
- Fixed icons not appearing in the toolbar customisation dialog when setting retina mode to Always and displaying on a non-retina screen.
- Fixed styles not being copied when using the Copy Documents command or pasting a document from another project.
- In the footnote editor, fixed the footnote/endnote/auto setting not being saved for a new footnote.
- Improved the behaviour of the font name selector in toolbars on Mac.
- Fixed initial focus in dialogs on Mac.
- Made keyboard focus behaviour consistent in the Find and Replace and New Document dialogs, on Mac.
- Added the advanced setting "Focus the editor after find" to choose whether to set the keyboard focus on the editor after a find command.
- Fixed an Inspector bug in Boxes mode whereby the item names were blank.
- Made dialog spacing more consistent.
Version 3.00 beta 12, August 11th, 2020
- Fixed a Mac bug whereby importing from a file in the New Project dialog showed an error message.
- If Jutoh cannot find its own location and resources, it now emits a message and quits instead of showing a broken UI.
- Jutoh can now be run with "jutoh" in all versions of Windows without needing the .exe extension to be typed.
- Fixed a bug with the Inspector showing information from documents under Scraps when it shouldn't.
- Improved high contrast colour mode detection.
- Added warning "Kindle devices may not show this text in black due to an Amazon bug where the colour specified in the paragraph style is not overridden by black in the character style" as explained in KB 0429.
- Fixed a couple of problems with migrating settings from Jutoh 2.
- Made a small speed improvement when compiling a book with images that don't need to be converted.
- In the Help with Print on Demand wizard, removed the page for editing the Headers and Footers paragraph styles since this doesn't make sense for the manual page style allocation method which the wizard is intended for.
- Moved the Speech submenu from the View menu to the Book menu, and moved preference commands down in the View menu.
Version 3.00 beta 11, July 25th, 2020
- Added Compact after option in preferences to automatically compact after a specified number of save operations.
- Improved spellcheck behaviour for certain symbols including the (r) symbol.
- Spelling and custom checking Inspector modes no longer select the first item on update, since it causes a cursor jump when editing.
- Added When compiling option in Preferences/Find & Replace to enable or disable custom compile messaages.
- Navigating the project outline with the keyboard now keeps the keyboard focus on the outline (the Enter key sets the focus to the document).
- The Ctrl+Tab switcher now scrolls if there are a lot of document tabs open. It also now selects the previously-focussed window, making it easy to toggle between two windows.
- Fixed storyboard title, focus and new document bugs.
- Fixed a text wrapping bug on Linux, by replacing the inaccurate native text measuring code.
Version 3.00 beta 10, July 14th, 2020
- Improved matching in the bookmark dialog.
Version 3.00 beta 9, July 13th, 2020
- Fixed several storyboard refresh problems, especially on Linux.
- Fixed storyboard card style update when a style is renamed.
- Added buttons to reorder storyboard card types and fields.
- Improved floating storyboard card editor behaviour, and made floating mode and size persistent.
- Fixed a problem with the file history being reset.
- Fixed the bookmark dialog over-matching with the search text.
Version 3.00 beta 8, July 8th, 2020
- Added the storyboard document type, for drag-and-drop planning.
- Revised and simplified the New Project dialog.
- Added the writing prompt, writing quotations, writing recipes, and Fiction: The Facts ebook.
- Style sheets can now have default formatting attributes, to provide fallbacks if paragraph styles do not specify them. Document import and export now reflects any default attributes that might be present.
- Added Try More Features command to the Help menu, which is enabled if there are further features to try for the currently active licence. This shows a dialog of features which can be individually enabled for this Jutoh session.
- New document commands on the Document menu have been moved to a separate New submenu.
- Tidied up the Edit and Formatting menus, grouping formatting commands and adding further commands for applying and clearing bulleted and numbered lists. Insert now has its own top-level menu.
- Replaced the menu command Reset Text Formatting with the more standard Clear Direct Formatting, and added Default Style for clearing any style from spans of text.
- Added a new highlighting option, "Direct character formatting", to make potentially redundant direct character formatting more visible.
- Added a new Inspector mode, "Formatting", which finds direct and other formatting in the project.
- Added a new Inspector mode for Jutoh Plus, "Custom checking", which shows custom compile messages.
- Added a new Inspector mode, "Spelling", which lists all the unknown words for the whole project.
- The cover designer now has undo/redo, draggable objects and an alignment menu, and supports rounded rectangles and ellipses.
- Increased the quality of the cover image thumbnail.
- Property changes for most document types can now be undone, using Edit | Undo. This includes changing the document title.
- As well as project property changes such as editing metadata, styles and configurations, structural changes and project-wide changes can now be undone using Edit | Undo Project Properties. These include document creation, deletion and dragging, and operations such as Formatting Cleanup, Reimport Project, Replace All, Copy Documents, Delete Documents, and Import from Project.
- Added "Add 'Only' styles" advanced setting, off by default, to specify whether paragraph styles such as "Only Epub" should be added to a style sheet for use with conditional content.
- Added a command Format | Book | Apply Find and Replace Presets to apply presets to the whole document. This allows automation of formatting cleanup, for example replacing automatic styles with named styles. There is also a new Apply presets command in Preferences/Import to automatically apply presets after import.
- Added the ability to view and search all bookmarks in the page link dialog, so you don't need to browse by document.
- The command Format | Insert | Symbols | Symbol now shows a dialog that includes a list of favourite symbols.
- Added the command Show Occurrences to the Styles palette, to show all the content that uses the selected style, in the Inspector.)
- Added a new table of contents option: Group headings in a single paragraph. This can be used to create a more compact table of contents.
- When closing the project with unsaved document changes, you will now be shown a list of modified documents, which you can selectively save.
- Added a Go submenu to the Edit menu, with Back, Forward and Mark commands for navigation between endpoints of page links and also returning to a location that you have marked.
- Added the ability to pre-render image captions via the new configuration option Pre-render image captions. See Working with pictures for details.
Version 2.97, September 22nd, 2020
- Fixed formatting palette being disassociated from the current document when using the Close Other Tabs command.
- Pre-rendering objects in a fixed layout project now works even if there is no background image.
- Corrected the wrongly-reported pixel/point text sizes for a fixed layout project.
- The heading of the automatically generated table of contents now uses the heading level specified by "TOC Heading", and uses a normal paragraph if no outline level is specified.
- Now uses the page-break-after CSS property to implement page breaks, instead of page-break-before, as it works better for Moon Reader.
- Fixed a bug whereby small caps emulation wasn't working.
- The Resample function in the image properties dialog can now change the format even if no size change was specified.
- Fixed a bug when editing shortcuts - the secondary shortcut window could be closed before the shortcut editor dialog, causing a freeze.
- Improved width of horizontal rules in ODT.
- The Custom Tables of Contents setting in the Update dialog now remembers the last setting.
- Fixed a crash when updating/compiling just after adding a new sequence field.
- The default table of contents heading tag is now h1, not h3.
- Slightly simplified the cloud drive warning message, and the warning isn't shown when opening a Jutoh sample.
- Formatting in Find and Replace can now include drop caps.
- Changed the Setup wizard and Kindlegen installation dialog to reflect the fact that Kindlegen can no longer be downloaded independently from Kindle Previewer.
- In Formatting Cleanup, table splitting now distributes the rows evenly between the last two new tables.
- Fixed a bug erroneously reporting edited text when adding a custom checking exception.
- New Kindle configurations (including in new projects) now have Convert images to JPEG set to None by default because Kindlegen converts to JPEG anyway.
- Fixed the font selection control not working on Mac.
- Fixed icons not appearing in the toolbar customisation dialog when setting retina mode to Always and displaying on a non-retina screen.
- Fixed styles not being copied when using the Copy Documents command or pasting a document from another project.
- In the footnote editor, fixed the footnote/endnote/auto setting not being saved for a new footnote.
- Improved the behaviour of the font name selector in toolbars on Mac.
- Fixed initial focus in dialogs on Mac.
- Made keyboard focus behaviour consistent in the Find and Replace and New Document dialogs, on Mac.
- Added the advanced setting "Focus the editor after find" to choose whether to set the keyboard focus on the editor after a find command.
- Fixed an Inspector bug in Boxes mode whereby the item names were blank.
- Made dialog spacing more consistent.
- Improved high contrast colour mode detection.
- Jutoh can now be run with "jutoh" in all versions of Windows without needing the .exe extension to be typed.
- Fixed a bug with the Inspector showing information from documents under Scraps when it shouldn't.
- Made a small speed improvement when compiling a book with images that don't need to be converted.
- Added warning "Kindle devices may not show this text in black due to an Amazon bug where the colour specified in the paragraph style is not overridden by black in the character style" as explained in KB 0429.
- Navigating the project outline with the keyboard now keeps the keyboard focus on the outline (the Enter key sets the focus to the document).
- The Ctrl+Tab switcher now scrolls if there are a lot of document tabs open. It also now selects the previously-focussed window, making it easy to toggle between two windows.
- Fixed a text wrapping bug on Linux, by replacing the inaccurate native text measuring code.
- Fixed a problem with the file history being reset.
- Fixed a bug not advancing Find when searching for empty paragraphs using the regular expression ^$.
- Fixed a bug in Formatting Cleanup/Split large tables whereby the new table fragments could be in the wrong order.
- Date field now uses local time to avoid problems converting from UTC.
- Improved indication of the location of erroneous characters.
Version 2.96, June 21st, 2020
- Jutoh no longer adds paragraph and list style indentation, so it is no longer necessary to clean up this formatting or use a different unindented paragraph style for lists. This change may affect your document: please adjust your list style indentation if you previously reduced it to compensate for the extra indentation.
- Added a Resample button in the image and drawing properties dialogs to allow you to change the resolution of your image without needing to use external software.
- Added Clipboard Content to the additional replacement criteria in Find and Replace. This allows you to specify arbitrary text, formatting and objects (such as images) to use as replacement content.
- When replacing unintended bullets in Document Cleanup, now does so even if a list style was not present.
- For ODT generation, if a paragraph containing a table is specified as suppressing page breaks before the next paragraph, this attribute is passed to the table during ODT creation since the containing paragraph has to be removed.
- For ODT generation, "Avoid page break before paragraph" is now translated to "Avoid page break after paragraph" for the previous paragraph since ODT doesn't support the former attribute.
- Added configuration option "Remove boxes containing tables" for ODT generation, since boxes prevent large tables from pagination.
- Added advanced setting "Show notes in the outline" to show document notes in the Inspector book outline. It adds the notes to the first outline item for each document.
- Optimized the Inspector's performance so if the current document was edited, the Inspector only refreshes the items for the current document.
- When installing Kindlegen from Kindle Previewer on Mac, now checks for /Applications/Kindle Previewer 3.app/Contents/lib/fc/bin/kindlegen as well as /Applications/Kindle Previewer 3.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/fc/bin/kindlegen since the location has changed between 3.36 and 3.37.
- If Kindlegen is not found when compiling, but Kindle Previewer 3 has been installed, Jutoh will try to automatically configure Kindlegen from KP3.
- Added a magnifying glass icon to the main toolbar and book section toolbar, disabled by default, for invoking Find & Replace.
- Added a Fit button to the cover designer previewer to show the cover at 1:1 or scaled size.
- Fixed a bug caused by the configuration option "Add thin spaces around punctuation" which was adding named entities instead numerical entities, causing an EpubCheck error.
- Fixed a bug after searching whereby typing used the attributes at the previous caret position.
- Fixed a bug in advanced URLs (where all attributes of the "a" tag can be specified) that replaced spaces with %20 even for space between attributes.
- Fixed a spacing bug in HTB/CHM formatting for indented paragraphs.
- Fixed default topic in HTB/CHM generation to take into account conditionally compiled topics.
- Alias and Ids files for HTB/CHM generation now use the generated file name, not Jutoh project file name.
- Fixed some ODT import bugs: missing text for fields such as "text:creation-date", wrongly imported list style names, missing end-comment tags, and wrongly listified footnotes within lists.
- Improved font substitution for import from DOCX, ODT and HTML. You can now specify how fonts will be substituted via Preferences/Import/Font substitution, and the font substitution table in Preferences/Strings.
- Improved font import from DOCX, by taking account of the theme's fonts within the DOCX file. This now allows headings and body text to get the correct fonts as specified by the theme's 'major' and 'minor' fonts (Latin languages only).
- Removed the option "Kindle enhanced typesetting compatibility" since unfortunately this no longer works for disabling Kindle Enhanced Typesetting.
- Added a warning for no "text" or "bodymatter" guide type when compiling a fixed layout project for Epub 3, since some distributors require it.
- Fixed some project properties initialisation problems when creating a new project from a file, especially when setting up the initial bibliography information.
- Fixed invisible text problems when setting a dark window background in Windows.
- When regenerating the table of contents, index, endnotes or bibliography, if the relevant document is open in a tab, the replacement text will be undoable.
- Added a Replace all spaces control in the code formatting dialog to allow all spaces to be replaced with hard spaces.
- Fixed a crash in find and replace if changing formatting for floating objects with floating object preview mode on.
- Added MP (megapixel) size information to Images mode in the Inspector.
- Fixed deletion and loading bugs for timing sets in the Media tab of the document properties dialog.
- Fixed a bug whereby contents of a floating text box could disappear.
- Improved ODT import for tables of figures and tables, and bibliographies.
- Improved import of ODT automatic heading numbering; outline headings are now found more reliably.
- Improved ODT export for importing into other tools, such as SoftMaker Office.
- Fixed a bug whereby highlighting could be done between tags even when the highlighting option was disabled.
- The command types in Preferences/Helpers are now sorted alphabetically.
- Cross-references to bookmarks within list items now work as per LibreOffice, with context taken into account if necessary.
- Symbol for a line break now defaults to a pipe character ('|') since it's available in all fonts.
- String tables can now be saved to a delimiter-separated file, and an encoding can be specified.
- Jutoh tries to avoid repeating a paragraph break when the user types Enter and the current paragraph has a paragraph break.
- Focus restoration on Mac is now improved when switching back from another application.
- Fixed a spelling check positioning bug for large chapters.
- The Enter key now works in the Find and Replace dialog on Mac, to find the next match.
- The context menu for document tabs is now positioned better on Mac.
- No longer warns about invalid characters such as newlines in text passed directly to HTML (i.e. with HTML in the style name) since they might be legitimate, for example if inserted from a string table containing multiline HTML values.
- Symbol shortcuts now retain the font name chosen in the symbol selector, in order to format the symbol correctly. Symbol shortcut names can now be edited.
- If a table of contents hasn't itself been added to the NavMap when building an advanced TOC, it is now automatically placed in the correct place in the NavMap rather than always at the start.
- The spelling check now checks footnotes, and project dictionaries are now case-sensitive to be consistent with the global dictionary.
- Undo/redo commands now go to the position of the affected text in the editor.
- Added Clear All button to string table editor and find and replace presets editor.
- Corrected Format | Insert | Print Book Page Number to insert a print book page number (for reconciling print and digital book locations) rather than a page number field (for outputting a page number in OpenDocument).
- Inspector now searches in footnotes for all types, except "Book outline" and "Footnotes".
- Added a Delete command to the Inspector context menu in "Bookmarks" mode.
- Fixed customisation of undo and redo shortcuts.
- Navigating to a target with Ctrl+Click (Alt+Click on Mac) now works with cross-references.
- Added the advanced setting Thumbnail image size for image browsing.
- The command Edit | Paste New Document now creates a text document under Scraps, and a book section document under Content; paragraph styles are now assigned; and ODT pasting is supported.
Version 2.95, February 4th, 2020
- Workaround a misalignment in centred horizontal rules for ADE in Epub 3 mode.
- Fixed a crash when exporting text scraps to ODT.
- Fixed a crash when there are folder documents in the project.
- For HTML import, improved parsing of multiple CSS class references by creating a combined CSS class.
- Filtered out some annoying TIFF warning messages.
- HTB/CHM output now uses the correct book title from the metadata, not the project file name.
- Improved DAISY output to allow specification of frontmatter, bodytext and rearmatter document tags. Now outputs title and author in frontmatter.
- Page references imported from Word can now have the "here" text translated via a string table as per cross references.
- Modified the Kindlegen installation dalog to be easier to use and warn if Install was not clicked.
Version 2.94, December 17th, 2019
- Fixed smart quotes in editor and Document Cleanup when an em dash precedes the quotation mark.
- Smart quote editor in Auto-Replace Preferences dialog now has text fields for easier coping and pasting symbols.
- Fixed a problem generating "h0" tags if a style named "Heading" is used.
- Fixed several problems in simple HTML generation including misplaced heading and paragraph tags.
- Added the configuration option "Content encoding" to let HTML and text files take a specified encoding.
- Added the advanced setting "Font size mapping" taking 7 comma-separated point sizes. This allows customisation of text size for simplified HTML.
- If the HTML encoding is not UTF-8, symbolic HTML entities are generated.
- The Examine command now works for HTB files.
- Added Scraps style sheet setting in Project Properties/Options to select the style sheet to use for documents under the Scraps folder.
- Fixed an HTML output bug writing alt text that contains quotation marks.
- Moved the Import from Project and Import Updated Images menu commands to a new File | Import submenu, and moved Reimport Project to it. Renamed the Import command to Import Document.
- In Document Cleanup, the four ad hoc character formatting options have two new properties. If you check Also for non-automatic styles, named character styles will also be affected. If you check Only remove if the appearance will not be affected, Jutoh will only remove the formatting if the underlying paragraph style is the same as the character style and therefore the appearance will not be affected.
- Fixed a Document Cleanup bug whereby style-based operations could fail if the project has been compiled since opening.
- Replaced 'lang' attribute with 'xml:lang' in the SMIL element, avoiding an EpubCheck error.
- Content, Scraps and Resources folder names for existing project files are now updated according to the current language.
- When building an advanced table of contents, globally unique bookmark names are now generated to reduce the chance of a name clash when content is rearranged.
- Added an option for importing custom tag objects from a template or project.
- Added a global numbering option for footnotes.
- If custom reference text for footnotes contains a single symbol and no %REF% keyword, Jutoh will emit multiple symbols to create unique references.
- Sequence field numbering will now restart at the specified level even if built-in automatic numbering is not enabled.
- Fixed a problem building an advanced table of contents when the only content in a heading paragraph is a field.
Version 2.93, October 15th, 2019
- The font embedding wizard has been reworked to list fonts used in the project, allow multiple font families to be embedded, and generate the required font substitutions.
- When creating an alphabetical index, Jutoh now strips out trailing and leading spaces, and trailing commas, from index entries and keys. Jutoh also no longer uses leading quotation marks as group headings. Fixed sorting before creating the index section.
- Improved use of space in the Objects section of the Tools formatting palette tab.
- Fixed a bug in 2.92 whereby newlines in the metadata description prompted an error.
Version 2.92, October 4th, 2019
- Added a new setting to Preferences/Helpers: Kindle file generation method. This can be set to Kindlegen, Calibre, or None (Kindle-optimized Epub only). When compiling a Mobipocket configuration, Jutoh will implicitly assume an Epub file should be generated if the Kindle mode is set to None.
- The Kindlegen download dialog has been reworked to include setting the Kindle file generation method, as well as installing and downloading, installing from a local archive, and using the Kindlegen supplied with Kindle Previewer 3 (especially on macOS since Amazon doesn't supply a 64-bit standalone Kindlegen).
- Improved warnings for Epub file name clashes and added automatic fixing.
- Showing keyboard shortcuts next to styles names in the palette is now the default.
- Word count options have been moved to their own Options page in the Word Count dialog,
and a new option Paragraphs to exclude has been added, for specifying paragraph styles to exclude from the word count. For example, you may not wish to count words in paragraphs marked as notes.
- Added a new Remove paragraphs by style option to the Document Cleanup dialog. For example, you may have marked notes with a specific style, and wish to remove them from your book in one step.
- Improved Document Cleanup behaviour for ad hoc text colour, background, font size and font name. These only work on automatic styles now, and the number of changes reported is now accurate. Links are excluded from foreground and background colour changes.
- Repairing paragraph styles in Document Cleanup now adds a new non-automatic paragraph style if the style was missing from the style sheet.
- When importing from an ODT with change tracking, now silently ignores the tracking.
- Fixed a bug in sequence (including caption) numbering when using the outline method - any extra separator text (such as "Chapter") was being used in the sequence text instead of just the heading number.
- When inserting a cross-reference to a heading, the Chapter format now just inserts the chapter number, and not any separator text, to be consistent with ODT.
- In sequence definitions, you can now specify paragraph styles to be applied to the figure paragraph and also the outer paragraph containing the text box. This allows finer control of spacing when inserting a caption.
- Added a preview to the sequence definitions dialog to see the effects of changing the numbering style and other options.
- Now writes sequence definitions to ODT (erroneously omitted previously), so sequence fields are correctly updated in LibreOffice.
- Cross-references can use a new Full text format for the Heading type. This allows a single cross-reference field to be used for a full automatically-numbered heading (label, number and heading), so two individual fields don't have to be used. This is written to ODT files as a simple link as it isn't supported natively in ODT.
- Cross-references using the Number and caption format and Heading type insert the number and label (prefix) of an automatically-numbered heading. This is written to ODT files as a simple link as it isn't supported natively in ODT.
- Cross-references using the Heading type and Chapter format now format the complete number with different levels if specified in the outline style.
- Improvements to the cross-reference dialog: it always selects an item if possible, and an explanation is shown for the current type and format.
- Fixed a bug in ODT output whereby an image with the same name used in different sizes caused erroneous image sizing.
- For ODT output, if the configuration option Use special index formatting is checked, Jutoh will replace the Index page with an alphabetical index field.
- For ODT output, Jutoh will move the first bookmark in a special section (TOC, index, or bibliography) to the title of the special field when substituting a field for the section. Links to this bookmark will then be output with a "|region" suffix, as ODT requires. Previously, bookmarks would be lost when substituting the field for the section. Unfortunately this technique still doesn't work, possibly due to a LibreOffice bug whereby the index name is not recognised by links even when shown in the Navigator.
- No longer complains when you try to use a style name of one type (e.g. character) which is used by a style of another type (paragraph).
- Fixed a crash bug when importing a DOCX with picture offset attributes.
- Renamed 'Label' to 'Name' in the caption dialog to be less confusing.
- Added a hint for the new EpubCheck warning "'toc' nav must be in reading order".
- Fixed a bug with the default TOC method whereby the Epub 3 NavMap might have a different order from the spine order (project document order), triggering an EpubCheck warning.
- Updated EpubCheck to 4.2.2.
- No longer uses the CSS property display:inline-block for Kindle books for boxes that contain tables, to avoid disabling enhanced typesetting.
- Now shows citations in footnotes in the Inspector.
- Added advanced setting "Inspector citation format" to show more helpful citation information in the Inspector than just the default citation text, which might be merely a number.
- Fixed a bug writing bibliographic references to ODT whereby special XML characters could prevent the file from opening.
- Single-file HTML output now includes the cover, if indicated in the configuration.
- Fixed a crash in the New Project dialog when specifying a template project, and then clicking Back.
- The Inspector in "Book outline" mode now reflects the heading background colour and underlining of the heading style.
- Added a warning for invalid characters found in the Title and Description metadata.
- Removed unnecessary controls for File Types in the Preferences/Helpers page.
- Fixed a problem in DOCX and ODT import whereby links using a different case than the target bookmark would be unresolved. DOCX links and bookmarks are case-insensitive.
- Text file generation now applies upper case to fragments as well as paragraphs.
- Added KB topics 0401 to 0410.
Version 2.91, August 5th, 2019
- Corrected replacement of spaces when performing a web search via Tools | Web Search.
- Now writes 'flow with text' property to ODT for floating objects, to avoid flowing onto a footer.
- Fixed 'Show styles used in this project' option to also work with text scraps.
- When inserting a symbol, the symbol dialog now shows the current font; also, now applies the selected font for the character span of the new symbol.
- When importing from DOCX, ignores 'nil' borders around paragraphs to avoid spurious boxes being created.
- Fixed bug exporting HTML with different rowspans within a row, where some rows would not be written.
- When adding a custom error message exception, the default mode is to add the exception text for the whole paragraph, since this is the commonest case.
- Fixed a bug in file recovery after a crash occurs following creation of a new project. Previously, Jutoh would not automatically recover a temporary editing file (when editing in a Dropbox file) if the project had just been created.
- Global spelling dictionary changes are now saved immediately in case of a crash.
- Added Normal and Reverse options when sorting the children of a folder.
- Added KB topics 0396 to 0400, particularly concerning cross-references and captions.
Version 2.90, June 7th, 2019
- Added the command Tools | Web Search (F2) which searches the web for the selected text. You can customise the URL via Preferences/Helpers/Web search command.
- Added Create personalised books option in the Batch Compile dialog, taking records from a text file, storing them in a string table and then compiling one book per record with changed content. This is a Jutoh Plus feature.
- Added a new sample 'Heritage Screenplay.jutoh' demonstrating screenplay formatting styles and keyboard shortcuts, and auto-scene numbering using sequence fields. The sample also demonstrates removing scene summary content during ODT output but showing the summaries in Book outline mode in the Inspector.
- The Book outline view in the Inspector now takes into account bold formatting and capitalization in the heading styles.
- When compiling the Book outline in the Inspector, Jutoh now looks first at the Outline Style to find headings. If nothing matches, Jutoh uses the advanced table of contents settings to find headings. Failing that, Jutoh looks for an outline level within each individual heading.
- Fixed closing level tags in DAISY format.
- Fixed parsing quotation marks in imported Markdown.
- You can now specify string names in the Book file name, Book folder, and pre and post-compile command options.
- The last-edited string table is now shown in the project properties and preferences dialogs, within a Jutoh session.
- The configuration option Replace strings in content is now on by default.
- When importing from DOCX and ODT, Jutoh now only deduces auto-numbering should be on if headings have numbered bullets, not symbol bullets. This reduces the false positives when heading styles have accidentally been used in lists.
- On Linux, an extra 'Custom' submenu is added to the Format menu if you have any custom shortcuts for styles or symbols. This is needed for shortcuts to work in full-screen mode.
- After changing a style, Jutoh now invalidates cached buffers that would otherwise cause some windows to fail to update correctly, such as the 'Book outline' view in the Inspector.
- Added Help menu to the Inspector "..." menu.
- Replaced references to iBooks with Apple Books, except where setting names need to remain the same.
- File | Print (opening an HTML file in a web browser for printing) now works for the Scraps hierarchy if a document under Scraps is selected.
- File | Export | OpenDocument now works for the Scraps hierarchy if a document under Scraps is selected.
- If multiple sequence fields in the same document have the same identifier, they will be renamed during a compile to avoid giving an error. This allows you to copy and paste content that contains sequences without problems caused by the repeated sequence field identifiers.
- If the copy part of a cut operation fails (for example because the clipboard is busy), Jutoh no longer deletes the selection. Also, on Windows, Jutoh now tries multiple times to access the clipboard before giving up to allow the clipboard to become free.
- Fixed a bug in the style list display when style names contain the pipe character.
- Added a warning when Amazon product links are included, since they won't work on Kindle for iOS. Also added an accompanying KB and an advanced setting to switch the warning off: 'Amazon product link warning'.
- Fixed import of div tags as text boxes in HTML/markdown import.
- Improved regular expression matching such that multiple matches are not erroneously found by removing the character at the start and matching again. Now, the next match is sought after the end of the previous match. However, erroneous word boundaries may still be matched due to the remaining string being taken as a whole string. Documented this in the regular expression topic.
- An unterminated 'ref' tag is now flagged up as a Jutoh error to avoid the problem only being picked up by EpubCheck.
- The styles in the Formatting Palette are now refreshed when the buffer is edited, if this might change the list of styles shown.
- The More menu in the Formatting Palette no longer shows commands that are not applicable if no style is selected (for example when showing character styles).
- In index entries, added a third key (category) for a total of four levels in an alphabetical index.
- If an index's group style setting is empty, the group heading will no longer be emitted, instead of emitting a 'Normal' paragraph.
- The outline level for a heading style is now only written to ODT if it matches the outline style, as defined in Project Properties/Fields & Numbering/Edit Document Outline Style. This is because otherwise, if the ODT file has outline levels defined for multiple headings, you can't define what the actual outline should be, and the wrong heading may be used for the chapter field.
- When importing an ODT file, the outline style paragraph names are now set according to the outline level in imported heading styles.
- Added KB topics 0381 to 0395.
Version 2.89, February 28th, 2019
- Fixed a menubar refresh bug on Linux after editing shortcuts.
- Improved Jutoh's appearance when using a dark theme, including replacing some toolbar bitmaps.
- Fixed a bug when showing the book viewer for the Speak Document command, whereby the raw HTML would be shown.
- Fixed a bug whereby the configuration option Use default list indentation didn't work in non-English mode and still emitted a warning.
#if 0
- Configurations for less frequently used formats such as CHM and HTB are no longer automatically added to a new project.
- Added rudimentary DAISY 3 talking book support (text only).
Version 2.88, February 5th, 2019
- Added a Lists mode to the Inspector, for finding lists in your project.
- Added the configuration option Kindle enhanced typesetting compatibility and updated KB 0225 to explain how to disable enhanced typesetting for your book.
- When creating a new style from the formatting palette and only styles in the document or project are being shown, Jutoh asks if you want to apply the style to the current selection or location in the editor, so that the new style will appear in the list.
- Jutoh no longer inserts a line break before an hrule when it doesn't need to, in OpenDocument compilation.
- Jutoh now warns if there is a clash between a named style and an automatic style when writing Epub and Kindle files, and advises how to fix it. This can happen if you have previously imported an Epub or HTML file into Jutoh, that was itself generated by Jutoh.
- Fixed a bug in Document Cleanup, Convert following/preceding empty paragraphs option whereby extra paragraphs could be deleted.
- Fixed an erroneous non-contiguous list warning for continuation paragraphs.
- Fixed a missing hyperlink bug in Mobipocket compiles if preformatted text was at the top of the section. Fragment identifiers are now written for "pre" tags.
- Now checks for tables embedded in tables (disables Kindle enhanced typesetting) and monospace fonts with no embedding (may not work with Kindle enhanced typesetting).
- Now warns if common monospace fonts are used but the project is not configured to output font names. This helps warn the user who may be puzzled when code listings don't line up, for example.
- Now warns if the generic font name 'monospace' is used for a Kindle book with enhanced typesetting without font embedding, since the wrong font will be chosen (at least in Kindle Previewer 3).
Version 2.87, January 9th, 2019
- When building a table of contents, Jutoh now takes into account whether sections were conditionally compiled out.
- Fixed an erroneous CSS warning when compiling for Mobipocket when there is drop caps.
- Added "CSS syntax warning" advanced setting to allow the custom CSS name checking to be disabled.
- Added a workaround for list indentation being too great in Kindle enhanced typesetting, via the configuration option Use default list indentation. This option ignores list style definition indentation and uses device defaults, for consistency across Kindle viewers. It will be enabled for old projects opened in Jutoh 2.87, and for new Mobipocket configurations. There is also warning if the option is not enabled and the project contains lists.
- If whole rows in a table are made invisible by virtue of spans (merged cells) being identical in a row, empty rows are no longer written since they cause syntax errors, manifesting in missing content for some viewers.
- The table properties dialog now shows information about the table in the About field, including the number of rows and columns, and which cells will be changed. Jutoh will report if there are hidden rows or columns, caused by spans across a whole row or column. If you select a single cell, Jutoh will report the row and column spans for this cell, if any.
- In the Inspector, Tables mode, the row and column display ordering has been swapped for consistency with other parts of the UI.
- Fixed a problem in ODT generation whereby the top of images were cut off; this was caused by paragraph spacing, so Jutoh no longer writes paragraph properties such as spacing when writing default properties based on the "Standard" or "Normal" style.
- Fixed a problem in ODT generation whereby HTML special characters were not escaped in page styles.
- In the page style editor dialog, added the warning "If both header and footer are enabled, 'Same content on first page' must be the same value in the Header and Footer tabs" since the behaviour in LibreOffice won't respect different values for this option (i.e. you may see missing headers or footers on the first page of a chapter).
- Added Series and Series Index metadata fields in Project Properties, which write Calibre-specific metadata to Epub files.
- Added a new configuration option RTL page direction, so that you can independently set the page-progression-direction of an Epub 3 book without also making all paragraphs RTL. The page-progression-direction attribute is now correctly set for the spine instead of the spine items.
Version 2.86, December 22nd, 2018
- Added a Find type to the Inspector palette, so you can perform a search where all results can be seen in a list. Also added the Edit | Find All menu command to quickly perform an Inspector find.
- Added an item count to the Inspector.
- The last Inspector type selected is restored in the next Jutoh session.
- Building a table of contents now includes field values in extracting headings.
- Copying text to the clipboard now includes field values.
- When adding a custom table of contents, link optimization for Kindle is only enabled for the "Table of Contents" type and not the other types, since link optimization tries to go to the top of the section for a top-level heading.
- Fixed a bug that incorrectly processed content following a conditionally-compiled paragraph within a box or table, leading to spurious link errors.
- Increased the right margin value in the Body CSS Mobipocket configuration option, and updated it in existing projects also, in order to fix truncation of italics on the right side in Kindle for PC. The new CSS is "body { margin: 0 1pt }".
- Applying a preset no longer wipes out the search history.
- Fixed a bug in search when paragraph styles and objects are specified.
- Fixed import of en-dash from Word documents.
- Updated EpubCheck to 4.1.0.
Version 2.85, November 8th, 2018
- The configuration option Optimize style sheet now works for ODT generation (for paragraph, character, list and box styles).
- In scripts, fixed warning that a property couldn't be set if it didn't match the list of choices, even if an arbitrary value is also possible.
- Fixed page-style-start-number variable setting for documents, in Jutoh scripts.
- Fixed import of automatic styles within page styles from a template project in Jutoh scripts.
- Jutoh no longer omits the "P_" prefix when generating CSS style names if the name already has the prefix, since this can cause duplicate style names if the styles exist with and without the prefix.
- When searching help, improved visibility of topics whose titles match search keywords.
- Fixed a bug reporting word count for fixed layout projects.
- Added a warning if font obfuscation is used for a Kindle file, and another warning if font embedding is specified for an ODT configuration.
- Added a warning about incorrect CSS names in custom CSS per style.
- Added a warning for an empty cover design; also warns about a possible duplicate cover image in a document with the same name as the book title.
- Added a warning for fixed layout projects that contain text size expressed in points instead of pixels.
- Added a warning for 'TOC Entry' styles used outside of the TOC.
- Added a warning if NavMap items point to the same target.
- Added a warning for fixed layout Epub projects when the cover design is not portrait or the HTML cover page may not display properly in iBooks.
- Improved the 'embedded font not used' tip to report possible typos in the style font name in 'Font substitutions', and elevated it to a warning.
- Added "*Amazon Drive*" to the default list of patterns for detecting cloud drives.
- Added an option to the Import page of the preferences dialog: Remove direct character formatting from paragraph styles. It is on by default, and moves character formatting from the paragraph style to text spans to ensure styles such as "Normal + Italic" are not imported.
- Added document cleanup option Remove direct character formatting from paragraph styles to make ODT-imported formatting more consistent with Jutoh and other word processors and fix the problem with loss of character formatting, such as italics, when applying a new style to a paragraph.
- Fixed a bug with not marking a project as changed after editing a header or footer.
- Corrected some style bugs when importing and editing headers and footers.
- Fixed a bug writing special footnote objects to ODT.
- Added 12 new KB topics, KB 0353 - KB 0364.
Version 2.84, October 9th, 2018
- Added a new configuration option Obfuscate fonts, to mangle files and make it harder to extract them from an ebook file.
- Added a warning if the configuration option Enable fixed layout is not checked for a project containing fixed layout documents.
- Fixed a bug whereby the wrong files could be deleted when generating HTML, especially from a project created using a script.
- For scripting, fixed bibliography, index and fields settings, and added page layout and section page style settings (see the Jutoh Plus guide).
Version 2.83, October 5th, 2018
- Added line numbering for OpenDocument files. Edit line numbering properties from Project Properties/Page Layout/Line Numbering, and enable line numbering via the new Line numbering configuration option.
- Added project import option Resolve clashing styles. When importing into an existing project, Jutoh will normally clone styles that differ from those in the original sheet. Clear this to avoid duplicate similar styles.
- Fixed a bug where document content could be deleted when opening a project when the option Maximum file compatibility was on. This option has now been removed.
- Fixed a bug finding further misspellings after a first spellchecking replacement.
- Fixed a crash when creating an HTML configuration in a script.
- Added a compile check for a missing protocol (e.g. http://) in URLs.
- Improved location indication for some errors within footnotes.
- Added a check for zero or 1 point size on opening and importing since this can crash Jutoh on Mac.
- Now allows a single Markdown file or TextPack file to be specified for single file import in the New Project wizard (previously this could only be done via File | Open).
- The description control in the New Project wizard and Project Properties now uses a different text control which allows Ctrl+A for selecting all on Windows.
- When clicking Use an existing file in the cover design page in Project Properties, the previous file name is now used to initialise the file selection dialog.
Version 2.82, September 16th, 2018
- Fixed some style bugs in code insertion.
- Fixed a crash on Mac when creating a new project file in a cloud folder, and the cloud folder tip has not previously been disabled.
- Fixed a bug showing the Close Document command when a project is closed, and changed the shortcut for it to Alt+Delete.
Version 2.81, September 2nd, 2018
- Added Markdown import and export support. To this end, there are new text configuration options: Text syntax, Text packaging and Text file extension. There are also new file types that can be customised in Preferences/Helpers: Markdown files and TextPack files. Jutoh can export single or multiple Markdown files and also a .textpack (zip) archive.
- The configuration option Heading style prefix can now take multiple patterns as well as a simple prefix; if using a pattern, the heading level will be determined by the style's outline level.
- Added the configuration option Verbatim paragraph styles with default value "HTML*", and the configuration option Verbatim character styles with default value "HTML Text*", for passing content directly to HTML.
- Added the configuration option Preformatted paragraph styles with default value "*Preformatted*", for specifying preformatted content. In HTML this adds the pre tag, and in Markdown this prepends ">" characters.
- Added the configuration option Code character styles with default value "*Code*", for specifying inline code. In HTML this adds the code tag, and in Markdown this encloses the text in backticks.
- Added the configuration option Blockquote paragraph styles for specifying blockquotes. In HTML this adds the blockquote tag, and in Markdown this prepends four spaces.
- Added the configuration option Section file name for customising individual HTML or text file names.
- Added further options to writing goals, including an option to restart a goal when the project is opened.
- Disambiguated single item and multiple item deletion in several dialogs with Delete and Clear All buttons.
- File name truncation in the Welcome window now removes the middle portion to allow for version numbers.
- Fixed a bug causing missing bookmarks when using the Suppress section breaks configuration option with an automatic table of contents.
- Fixed a bug whereby drawing objects wouldn't be refreshed if the advanced option Load images on demand was enabled.
- Added Configure item to the Add Word command in the spell-check dialog if showing a menu.
- Added Clear and Search buttons to the personal dictionary dialog.
- Spell checking now ignores URLs and email addresses, instead of trying to check constituent parts of them.
- HTML import now supports multi-paragraph list items.
- Improved rendering of guidelines in tables when in Text Highlighting mode.
- Added character and page counts to the Word Count dialog, and the user can enter a value for characters per page.
- Fixed freezing for a long time when opening or compiling a file in a folder containing many subfolders and files, by no longer traversing all folders recursively.
- Fixed bug whereby MP3 compilation ignored the document selection.
- Fixed Examine command to work with CBZ files.
- When making a valid file name, Jutoh now strips accents before removing any remaining non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed inability to change paragraph alignment from left aligned to indeterminate or vice versa, and similarly line spacing from Single to (none), using direct formatting tools.
- Fixed toolbar customisation in a footnote dialog when right-clicking over the toolbar and choosing Customise.
- In the New Project dialog, File Conversion Options page, removed a redundant file encoding option and added an option to add Markdown files. Also added an option to use file names or numbering if a title could not be extracted from a file.
- Fixed a crash on close project bug if the status bar is hidden, introduced in 2.80.
- HTML configurations no longer automatically create a subfolder out of the project file name to store the HTML files. The Book folder configuration option now exactly specifies the location, to be consistent with other formats. However, in new and existing HTML and text configurations, Book folder consists of %FOLDER% appended to the project file name for compatibility and to avoid clashes with existing HTML and text files. This can then be tailored by the user.
Version 2.80, August 1st, 2018
- Added a Word Count (Ctrl+-) command on the Book menu, and also added the ability to define absolute or relative word count goals. The word count and active goals are now shown on the status bar. You may notice a small delay when showing the word count for the first time as the word count is cached in individual documents.
- Added advanced options to generate bitmaps from SVG images on loading, to load and save SVG and bitmap images, and to purge bitmaps that have SVG images. See Drawing Object Options in Project Properties/Options.
- Added Cache documents advanced option for speeding up editing.
- Added Use file locking option to Preferences/Projects. If this is checked, Jutoh will warn you if the file has already been opened by another user.
- The values in the page style editor now reflect the fact that precision is limited to cm in two decimal places, not three.
- The Book | Examine (F6) command now works for ODT files, making it easy to view the generated code.
Version 2.79, July 4th, 2018
- Added a new configuration option Generate URLs to allow URLs to be removed for print books, so hyperlink formatting is not applied.
- Fixed a problem in ODT generation whereby paragraph spacing was not inherited if either before or after-paragraph was specified, but not both.
- Fixed a bug in the New Project dialog whereby checking or clearing Remove unused styles from the style sheet caused the current style selection to reset to (none), causing confusion if not set again by the user before finishing the import.
- Added Rule to the objects that can be searched in the Find and Replace dialog.
- The configuration properties Left margin, Top margin, Right margin and Bottom margin can now be expressed in fractions of a mm.
- The page style editor dialog now initialises page size values from the defaults in a suitable ODT configuration if possible, when enabling page size.
- Page style margin values, if not specified, are taken from the configuration even if the page size was enabled in order to specify size and margins.
- Fixed a glitch in the page layout style properties dialog whereby the headers and footers were not displayed properly in the preview window.
- Fixed Insert context menu commands that were not working in header and footer editors.
- Fixed an occasional crash when closing the document properties dialog after browsing through documents and the original document was closed.
- Fixed a crash if configuration values contain different types due to an old Jutoh bug.
- When loading configurations, Jutoh now asks the user whether the configurations should be merged with the existing configurations.
- Fixed a bug whereby Jutoh could still show a user interface in quiet mode on Windows.
- Style lists in style editor dialog (Based on and Next style) are now sorted alphabetically.
- Fixed styles in Formatting Palette retaining old formatting in the style list after removing attributes.
- In the Help with Print on Demand wizard, added an option to use Microsoft Word or Libre Office, and an option to generate URLs or not. If creating a new configuration via the wizard, Jutoh will also set 'exclude tag' options to print for other configurations, to prepare for conditional formatting.
- Added KB 0333: Using Jutoh and KDP to create a print book.
Version 2.78, June 13th, 2018
- Fixed spurious large image warnings.
- If there are style names with accents, Jutoh now automatically switches to abbreviated style mode if the Abbreviate style names configuration option isn't already set, so that the generated file is valid. Jutoh now only emits one tip if there are accented style names.
- When generating image ids in Epub/Kindle/HTML export, now checks paragraph ids as well to prevent duplicates.
- Added a prompt before Replace All is performed, to prevent drastic accidental replacements.
- Small caps emulation is now turned off by default for new Mobipocket configurations, for better results.
- Jutoh now warns if it has to edit in a temporary location due to the project being in a cloud folder, to avoid confusion when the user doesn't find edits in the original location.
- Suppresses rare folder permission error messages after compiling.
- Improved chapter splitting where there are blank paragraphs with a heading style following the real heading.
Version 2.77, April 18th, 2018
- Updated EpubCheck to 4.0.2.
- Added CBZ image sorting option in Preferences/Import, to specify how to sort images in a CBZ file.
- Fixed the small caps improvement further by not shrinking non-alphanumeric characters, such as quotation marks.
- Fixed a bug that caused dialogs using checklist boxes to crash on Mac, such as the Help with Print on Demand dialog.
- Fixed duplicate bookmark generation in ODT export.
- In Jutoh Plus scripting, added deletesection command, and clear:"yes" parameter for insertfile command.
- If the project is read-only, commands for editing find and replace presets and exceptions are not shown in error details, and editing is not possible via the preset manager or find and replace dialog. The Import Updated Images command is now disabled if the project is read-only.
- Fixed a crash when undocking a window.
- Jutoh now prevents reinvocation of the preferences dialog via links in help shown from the preferences dialog.
- Added diagnostic dialog to registration via the Setup dialog, if the key is not recognised.
Version 2.76, March 21st, 2018
- Fixed a bug that removed URLs and page links from images, when loading documents and when adding links.
- In View | Text Highlighting mode, improved the appearance of small capitals.
- Added Paragraph break option to the Highlighting page in Preferences, initially switched off. This draws a dotted line under each paragraph.
- When importing from Word, if no alignment/justification is specified in the defaults for the document, a default of left alignment is now assumed. Otherwise, Jutoh won't set any specific alignment, and styles may unexpectedly have default alignment in the ereader.
- When importing and splitting using page breaks, and a section has no available text for use as a document title, Jutoh uses the title or description of an image in the section if available. If not available, then Jutoh creates a unique numbered section document instead of "Untitled".
- Improved import of title and alternative text from Word documents, and also HTML export. Added KB 0324 about what accessibility information is imported from Word and ODT.
- Fixed import of text boxes from ODT when the text box uses a custom shape.
- Improved ODT export of title and description properties for images and boxes.
- Horizontal rule in generated ODT no longer has a nested paragraph.
- Added auto generation of caption details for drawing objects.
- Fixed a missing bookmark bug in Kindle generation if a figure was the first object in the section.
- Added missing .kf7only and .kf8only CSS classes for Kindle generation when SVG graphics and bitmaps are both present for the same image.
Version 2.75, March 12th, 2018
- Fixed a crash when spell checking a large project causes tabs to be closed.
- Reset Text Formatting now removes character attributes from images, text boxes and tables, where character attributes can interfere with the background colour setting. The background colour is preserved.
- When reading a document, inappropriate character formatting that could interfere with the object's background colour is automatically removed.
- Mobipocket configurations now ignore the option Maximum table rows for inline-block and no longer emit display: inline-block CSS because it can cause enhanced typesetting to fail.
- Added KB 0320 to document Amazon bugs in tables and Kindle's enhanced typesetting shown in Kindle Previewer 3.
Version 2.74, March 5th, 2018
- When creating a media document, you are now given the choice of creating a local resource from a file, or remote resource (URL) needed for creating Epub 3 files when you refer to a remote resource within arbitrary HTML.
- When adding a word to the personal dictionary during a spell check, you can now choose to add the word to the project exceptions list (a special find and replace presets library called 'Spelling') or to the global personal dictionary. This behaviour can be changed via the new advanced setting Spell-check exceptions mode.
- Fixed a bug whereby changing custom CSS for a style from project properties didn't 'stick'.
- When editing a preset, the available styles are now present when choosing style search terms.
- After editing a find and replace preset library in Preferences, this name is available to Custom compile messages in advanced preferences without reopening the dialog.
- Fixed bugs in specifying a named style for a new text box and changing border attributes when a named style has been specified.
- Made the styles in the editor context menu alphabetically ordered with paragraph styles in their own submenu.
- When removing a link, any bookmark in this fragment is no longer removed; similarly, removing a bookmark does not remove any link.
- The shortcut for inserting or editing a URL is now Ctrl+K (for fresh installations), since this convention is used by various other applications.
Version 2.73, February 14th, 2018
- Fixed a bug in find and replace presets that required there to be an existing library before a file of presets could be loaded from file.
- Fixed a bug when presenting the exception dialog if the current text doesn't match the original text (the original whole-paragraph text wasn't presented). Also, the original found text is now always used and a note is shown if the text has been edited since the last compile.
- When adding an exception and the project has no preset libraries, Jutoh will prompt you to create a new Exceptions library for the project.
- When adding an exception to a library that isn't included in the Custom compile messages setting, Jutoh will ask if you want the library name to be added.
Version 2.72, February 8th, 2018
- Added the configuration option Styles with generic font names to limit generic font name output to certain styles.
- Added the commands Previous Error, Next Error to the menu View | More, with shortcuts Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] for quick navigation between messages.
- Error highlighting now works properly inside text boxes and tables, instead of only highlighting the top-level paragraph.
- For custom compile messages, added the matching text to the details, and made other improvements. Now shows the actual details without Jutoh Plus to allow the feature to be tested.
- If there is a mismatch between editor text and the original text found by a preset, the error message is updated to mention this after clicking Location.
- Added preset exceptions to allow the user to ignore custom compile messages that are not relevant to a particular match or paragraph that contains it. Exceptions can be edited manually in the preset manager panel, or added individually or in bulk via the details for a custom compile message. This allows the user to focus on actual errors and ignore false positives.
- Added preset management controls to the errow window context menu.
- Jutoh now comes with a sample find and replace presets library, Standard Find and Replace Presets.jfpresets. If no global presets are already saved in Jutoh, the sample presets are loaded as the initial global presets. The file can also be loaded manually from the Jutoh Samples folder.
- When copying all compile messages to the clipboard, the details are now included.
- In Epub 3 files, a file in the manifest is now correctly marked as scripted if there is a JavaScript resource file name, and not just inline JavaScript code in the document properties.
- Fixed inability to set the configuration option "Epub version" to 3 in German language mode.
- Fixed restoration of import data for use in project reimport, broken in Jutoh 2.69.
- Replaced the Help button with a smaller '?' button in the Find dialog, to reduce the dialog width.
Version 2.71, January 21st, 2018
- Fixed a bug in Save to Preset in the find dialog whereby if Find was not clicked first, the wrong data would be saved to the preset.
- Fixed a bug whereby adding presets from the Find dialog would not save the global presets.
- Added "Custom compile messages" option to Advanced Preferences, overriding any equivalent configuration option.
- Added the ability to edit a preset from a matching custom compile message details.
- Tidied up the regular expressions help topic and added some examples.
- The error message details window now shows the appropriate colour for the message, to be consistent with the message list.
Version 2.70, January 7th, 2018
- The compile message list implementation has been changed, and colours can be shown to help the user quickly differentiate between message types. Using the context menu, you can switch off colouring and change the text size. Colours can be edited within Preferences/Appearance. You can restore the previous message list implementation by clearing the advanced option Use coloured error list in Preferences.
- Added find and replace presets, which can be used both in the Find and Replace dialog and (in Jutoh Plus) to define custom compile messages. Changes have been made to the Find and Replace dialog, Project Properties and Preferences dialogs to allow use and editing of presets. Please search for "find and replace presets" for more information.
- Added a menu button "..." to the Find and Replace menu, with preset commands and also a command to go the start of the project.
- In the Find and Replace dialog, holding down the Shift key when clicking the Find button will start the search from the start of the project.
- Going to the start of the project before or during find and replace now goes to the real start of the first document and not the start of the current container such as a table.
- Fixed a bug inserting a URL when no content was peviously selected ("charstyle" was inserted in addition to the link).
- Improved the KF7 compatibility heuristic deriving the table "border" attribute from Jutoh borders, to reduce accidental inclusion of borders.
- Added KF7 compatibility configuration option to allow for fine-tuning or completely disabling KF7 compatibility.
- Fixed invocation of the project outline and document tab context menu using the context menu key.
- Added shortcut for Find and Replace from Start to the find dialog, so the user can quickly start searching from the start.
- Fixed confusing "Hyphenation suppressed" style description when the style has the setting explicitly disabled.
Version 2.69, December 14th, 2017
- Added Undo Project Properties, Redo Project Properties and Project Properties History commands to the Book menu, applying to edits to project properties including style sheets, configurations, cover designs, and string tables.
- Movied Project Properties to the end of the Book menu, in line with convention.
- Added Unlimited project properties undo to Preferences/Advanced/Options to control whether just one or an infinite number of project properties commands can be undone.
- Reassigned Shift+Ctrl+T as the symbol insertion shortcut instead of Shift+Ctrl+Y.
- In fixed layout projects, if the Pages per spread option is One and pages have Single left page, Single right page values, Jutoh no longer tries to merge these pages into a full-page spread so long as the configuration option Page width matches the edited page width. If the configuration value for page width is the same as the edited page width, then it is assumed the user doesn't want merged pages but is trying to ensure only one page is shown on the display. So in this case, Pages per spread is ignored and the pages are output as separate HTML pages. Otherwise, the generated code and warnings are hard to understand.
- Inserting a text box from a menu command now shows a text box properties dialog first.
- Added logging so you can see whether fixed layout pages are being split or merged.
- Fixed a bug showing box styles in the sequence definition editor.
- Editing in a temporary location for Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive and iCloud is now on by default.
- Corrected the temporary location so that it doesn't itself use a syncing folder, if the user's Documents folder is set under OneDrive, for example, as can happen in Windows 10. It will now use the local Documents folder under the current user if it exists, or the system temporary folder otherwise. The Setup Wizard now warns if your default Jutoh project location is in the cloud.
- Now avoids spurious error messages if trying to open a project file that has been deleted.
- When editing a style, if the style name was accidentally cleared, the old style name is restored to avoid an empty style name.
- When renaming a style, Jutoh no longer asks the user whether the project should be updated to reflect the style change, since this can be confusing and not doing it may result in incorrect formatting. Also, it allows undoing the command without prompting.
- When specifying a project template or style sheet template in a batch script, Jutoh now assumes that these styles should take precedence over styles in any imported document (DOCX, ODT, etc.)
- When specifying template, importstylesheet or mergestylesheet in a batch script, Jutoh will now apply the project template or style sheet when opening an existing project, not just when importing an existing document.
- Added bibliography.autobuild, index.autobuild and fields.autobuild settings to batch scripts to allow these to be automatically updated during compiling if required.
- Creating an index with Ignore accents checked now creates only one group per accented/non-accented first letter. Also, group headings are no longer bookmarked since accented group headings could cause duplicate bookmarks.
- Fixed a bug writing ODT when image objects contain names with invalid file name characters, writing invalid ODT.
- Added the number of rows to the large table warning.
- In the TOC Entries panel, you can now change the target even if the original identifier was -1.
- Fixed a bug on Mac where closing a help dialog with the system close button didn't exit the modal event loop, causing a hang.
- When generating a basic table of contents page, folders are now linked.
- Fixed a NavMap duplicate play order bug (causing an EpubCheck error) when a folder points to the same HTML file as the first document within the folder.
- Fixed a bug displaying drawing objects with size attributes set.
- Fixed a bug whereby editing levels in the outline editor did not store the paragraph style correctly.
- Fixed checkbox size in document cleanup on Mac with "Retina display support" set to "Always", using a non-retina display.
Version 2.68, November 1st, 2017
- The Insert Caption dialog has a new Insert box option and can now wrap the figure and caption in a text box, to help keep figure and caption together on supported readers.
- Inserting a box around a figure and caption marks it with an Epub type value of figure, so that such boxes are output as figures in Epub 3. The automatic figure identification feature (enabled on the Project Properties/Accessibility page) has been modified to avoid generating extra figure tags.
- Added Figure style and Insert box fields to the sequence editor dialog so that the Insert Caption dialog can apply appropriate styles.
- Added a new context menu Insert Caption when the object under the mouse pointer is an image, drawing object or table.
- The configuration option Limit images to viewer size no longer applies to objects with max width or height already set, to avoid defeating manual settings.
- Added a warning when specifying a relative image height, since iBooks does not support it. Also added an advanced setting iBooks relative height warning to control this warning.
- Fixed a crash on Mac on retina displays for unscaled cover design image objects with odd width or height, both when compiling and when editing a cover design.
- Fixed broken images in highlighting settings when Retina support is Always but the display is not retina.
- Previously, Jutoh generated pt units instead of em for heading text size, to work around a bug in older Kindle apps. This causes Kindle for iOS to not recognize the text size, and using em units does not appear to be a problem for modern Kindle apps, so the optimization has been removed.
- Removed a warning when double-page spreads are used in Kindle fixed layout books and no orientation is specified. This is valid and results in a single page in either portrait or landscape orientation.
- Fixed a bug when undoing a fixed layout object move, which could result in the object not being moved back to its original position if snap-to-grid or snap-to-margins was enabled.
Version 2.67, October 18th, 2017
- Fixed a bug whereby Jutoh ignored the generic font family names listed in Preferences/Advanced/Cursive fonts; now the 'script' generic name will be written as appropriate.
- Embedded font file URLs are now quoted if they contain spaces or single quotes, fixing a bug when viewing in Adobe Digital Editions.
- Added new options to Preferences/Helpers for SVG to PNG conversion: choose between ImageMagick, Inkscape and custom command.
- Added an Update drawing objects option to the Update dialog, to create PNG bitmaps from SVG pictures.
- Added an SVG conversion configuration option to convert SVG images to PNG bitmaps at compile time. Also added SVG conversion scaling and SVG conversion custom options for fine control.
- Added a Make PNG button to the drawing object properties page.
- Jutoh will warn if your embedded fonts didn't match anything in the content, but font names only differed by spaces, since this is a common mistake.
- When exporting ODT, Jutoh will now generate a simple TOC as it does for other formats, and will show a tip (instead of a warning) recommending use of an advanced TOC.
- Since ODT doesn't make use of maximum size information for images, Jutoh now statically limits the image size to the specified maximum size (only one maximum dimension will be considered, favouring width).
- Fixed a bug installing Kindle Previewer.
Version 2.66, September 29th, 2017
- When notebooks are split, the tab dividers update live when dragged.
- The menu command View | Clear Log Window no longer has an erroneous check mark next to it when clicked.
- Fixed a bug opening a link from the URL dialog, whereby the bookmark would only be scrolled into view if it was in the same document as the link. This would affect clicking from an index section, for example.
- Improved positioning of initially found text in Find dialog and Inspector.
- Corrected problem with selection of objects in the Find dialog due to duplicated UI control identifiers.
- Added prompts for detailed searching in the Find dialog for bookmarks, URLs, comments and conditions.
- Inspector now works for All Documents in fixed layout projects.
- If mixing reflowable and fixed layout documents, the cover is now only generated as fixed layout if the number of fixed layout pages is greater than the number of reflowable pages. This will usually avoid an EpubCheck warning about absolute positions.
- If a section could not be found in the navmap, the link will be removed instead of included anyway, so the generated NCX will still be valid.
- Improved the hint for a duplicate bookmark error, in the case that the bookmark is a paragraph identifier.
- When reporting duplicate bookmarks and some other errors, the relevant object is selected where possible, and not just the paragraph.
- Reduced flicker when simultaneously showing a compile error location and the KB topic for it.
- When just one paragraph is selected (or text within it), the properties of the paragraph can now be edited along with its advanced properties without first deselecting text.
- No longer generates incorrect HTML for a horizontal rule when the object is not in a paragraph on its own.
- When importing drop caps from DOCX files, now preserves the horizontal space to text and the number of characters to drop.
Version 2.65, September 11th, 2017
- After selecting a configuration in Project Properties and pressing OK, Jutoh will now change the current configuration in the control panel, since it seems to be the expected behaviour.
- The Outline mode of the Inspector now moves the outline selection according to the current cursor position in the editor.
- Added advanced setting Import styles on copy to make Jutoh favour imported formatting over original formatting where styles clash.
- If Kindlegen execution fails to run successfully because of a problem with the TOC, Jutoh no longer suppresses link error messages, to make it easier to diagnose the problem. Error messages and KB topics have been clarified and expanded to make it easier to diagnose problems with bad links in TOC entries.
- Extended Book | Import Update Images command to import images, SVG and MathML files into drawing objects, and added search for valid extensions not included in each image name. Documented in KB 0293.
- Added Check All and Clear All buttons to multiple document copy dialog and export dialog.
- Now installs Kindle Previewer 3 and not version 2 (automatic installation available on Windows only).
- When importing font data into an existing embedded font document, the file name field will now be updated.
- Fixed misspelling of settings.cnf location in mobile drive, when switching to storing settings externally in Mobile Preferences. Also fixed double initial mobile drive selection dialog.
- Fixed crash bug in Jutoh for Mac OS X (64-bit) where retina display scale factor was not always applied to the cover thumbnail; this led to crashes when importing files or creating projects if the cover image dimensions were not exactly divisible by 2.
- Added 11 more KB topics.
Version 2.64, July 7th, 2017
- Fixed duplication of styles when copying documents from another project using Document | Copy Documents.
- Fixed a bug whereby Paragraph dimension units wasn't initialised to the correct value for configurations in new projects, causing a warning to be generated for Mobipocket configurations.
Version 2.63, June 28th, 2017
- Fixed restoration of editor palette width when quitting and restarting Jutoh.
- Fixed a crash when importing an HTML file with no encoding.
- Added Optimize links setting to TOC options, on by default, that works around a Kindle quirk by moving the first bookmark to the top of the chapter. Otherwise, text above the bookmark can be cut off when navigating.
- Added a Find Style command to the style palette context menu, to allow convenient searching for content with this style.
- Added an Edit Shortcut command to the style palette context menu, to make it easier to define a shortcut for a style or mark a style as a favourite.
- Added an Options command to the style palette context menu. This allows you to restrict the styles to those used in the current document or project, and to optionally display favourite styles. You can also choose to display any shortcuts defined for styles.
- Added List Style and Box Style options to the find and replace dialog.
- When viewing all style types in the Styles tab, each style is now marked with a letter denoting its type.
- Fixed problems showing the current box style in the style description window.
- If width or height are specified in an image's custom properties, Limit images to viewer size optimization is not performed for that image. This allows setting an em size, for example.
- Added the ability to reset the EpubCheck command by clearing the field in Preferences/Helpers and restarting Jutoh.
- Worked around the bug in Kindle whereby clicking on the title page or TOC entry in the logical contents goes to the cover instead, when NavMap entries do not reference bookmarks, just the HTML files. The previous workaround for this problem was to create an advanced TOC with bookmarks; Jutoh will now add a bookmark at the top of each chapter and use these bookmarks in the NavMap.
Version 2.62, May 28th, 2017
- The Mac 64-bit version of Jutoh now supports retina displays better - most UI elements including bitmap buttons and cover designs are now sharper. The 64-bit version is now the official version, and the 32-bit version is still available in case you have a PowerPC Mac or you have any problems with the 64-bit version. Retina support can be switched off or made to work with multiple displays with the advanced setting Retina display support. Please see KB 0196 for more information.
- The Windows version of Jutoh now supports Hi-DPI (high resolution) displays by default, resulting in sharper text and graphics. On Windows, you can also set a scaling factor to increase most UI element sizes using the advanced setting Custom display size, regardless of monitor resolution. Please see KB 0196 for more information.
- The Linux version of Jutoh now supports Hi-DPI (high resolution) displays by measuring the system font height to compute a scale factor. This can be overridden using the advanced setting Custom display size. Please see KB 0196 for more information.
- Added an Outline mode to the Inspector, to show all headings as defined by the TOC properties or failing that, by outline level in paragraph styles.
- Added Remove list formatting option to the dialog shown with Format | Bullets and Numbering, as an alternative to toggling the list formatting off in the Tools tab.
- Added help button to the dialogs for Format | Styles and Format | Bullets and Numbering.
- Added Move Under This Document command to the project outline context menu, for moving multiple documents under another document.
- When selecting an item in the Inspector, the focus is restored back to the Inspector if the action caused a document to be opened and therefore focus to be given to the editor. This allows keyboard navigation of the Inspector.
- Added a warning if image documents are found under Contents.
- Added a warning if a CSS name or curly brackets were included in custom CSS properties in the Drop Caps page.
- Added an advanced setting Describe favourites allowing the description for each item to be shown or omitted.
- Fixed a bug with the find and replace history not being restored, on Windows.
- Fixed a bug with the first entry in the help search being hidden (scrolled down) when help search is first used.
- The Respect image sizes option now works properly for ODT import (i.e. by clearing this option, you can omit specified image sizes).
- Improved split method guessing in Quick Import, based on the number of splits found by each method.
- Choice properties in property editors may now show translations (where supported).
- Fixed a bug that could cause cover design text to be drawn strangely if overflowing its box.
- Fixed a bug on Linux whereby the cover design didn't size initially in the project properties dialog.
- New artwork is now used in the fixed layout palette.
Version 2.61, April 17th, 2017
- The configuration option Limit images to viewer size will no longer be applied to images, boxes and tables that have defined a class in their advanced properties, to prevent unwanted sizes being set.
- Fixed a problem with the help dialog (shown from a Help button) appearing off screen due to use of multiple monitors.
- Added a context menu for bookmarks in the Inspector, for inserting a link to the selected bookmark.
- Index creation can now ignore accents when sorting items.
- In text section properties, added a group of Metadata properties: Description, Author and Keywords. If present, they will be generated as metadata in HTML files (HTML configurations only).
- Fixed a crash bug when checking for a duplicate cover image.
Version 2.60, April 2nd, 2017
- Added the configuration option Body CSS to allow per-configuration CSS specification, and in particular, specification of default left/right margins for Mobipocket configurations. This works around a problem whereby first-line indented paragraphs and full-indented paragraphs were not aligned on some viewers for larger text sizes, for example in the online KDP Kindle Previewer.
- Replaced the configuration option Use relative dimensions with the option Paragraph dimension units, to give more flexibility.
- Added a new document cleanup option, Replace tabs, replacing tabs with an indented paragraph style.
- Added a new document cleanup option, Split large tables.
- Colour tips now detect list styles that have hard-wired colours.
- Improved the Repair missing character style names operation in document cleanup, so if a style name is used but not defined in the style sheet, a suitable style will be created, or the style name will be removed if there are no associated attributes.
- Fixed a bug in the left/right arrows for cycling through configuration search matches.
- Fixed a bug in the spell checker whereby clicking Replace All would not use a user-typed word; also the Replace All memory is reset when the spell checker is invoked again, in order to avoid unexpected replacements.
- Fixed a problem showing the translation for missing character and paragraph style name errors.
- Fixed a bug in copy and paste whereby data could be lost from font and media documents.
- Added an error message if a font or media document has lost its data and needs to be reimported.
Version 2.59, March 17th, 2017
- Added "Group heading" control in index options, to allow suppression of the alphabetic group letters.
- Added the ability to find secondary headings when building a table of contents, for example combining "Chapter 1" with "In the Beginning" to form "Chapter 1: In the Beginning" in the TOC.
- Added Export to Image File button to Cover page.
- Replaced the document cleanup dialog with a new, clearer one showing a scrolling list instead of a scrolling panel, and incorporating a search facility.
- Added Apply table template option to document cleanup, to apply a table template to all tables whose name (id) matches the given pattern.
- Added a warning when launching an Epub that was generated using a configuration with 'Generate Mobipocket' enabled.
- In the Styles tab of the Formatting Palette, added Shift+Enter as a way of applying the current selection when the focus is in the search control, while Enter cycles through the matches, or applies the selection if there is only one match.
- Added a More submenu to the View menu, containing commands to show tabs in the Formatting Palette and a command to return the keyboard focus to the text editor. Ctrl+= is the default shortcut for showing the Styles tab, and Ctrl+, is the default shortcut for returning to the editor.
- When importing style sheets using Import from Project, no longer imports link styles since they are controlled using their own option.
- Added a tip and KB note describing how to fix the non-appearance of an embedded font in the editor.
- Added a KB note about EpubCheck not running; Jutoh now shows this automatically if EpubCheck failed to run.
- Now avoids prompting to set the reporting level to High until a certain amount of familiarisation has happened, to avoid overwhelming the new user with information.
- Replace All in the Find and Replace dialog now allows the user to abort the operation if it's taking a long time; also the replacement count is shown in the status bar.
- In the Find and Replace dialog, Cancel has been renamed Close.
Version 2.58, February 26th, 2017
- Added link styles for formatting hyperlinks, accessed via Link Styles on the Styles page of Project Properties - see the topic Working with link styles.
- The Project Properties dialog and Preferences dialog now show the last selected page, where appropriate.
- Fixed some UI inconsistencies when a read-only project is open. Advanced search now works with read-only projects.
- In the Inspector, the current selection is now maintained if possible after refreshing.
- Added Epub 3 "epub:switch" support for drawing objects.
- Now adds 'mathml' and 'svg' manifest item properties for Epub 3 automatically where a drawing object with MathML and SVG is used in a reflowable project.
- Added document cleanup option Remove list styles from paragraphs with dash bullets to remove accidental bullet lists, especially for scanned documents in Slavic languages.
- Fields imported from Word documents now retain their character formatting (colour, font and so on).
- Importing sequences from DOCX and ODT now sets the number formatting style in the sequence definition.
- Added "Formula" to the sequence object, allowing values such as "+1", "+0", and "1".
- A final blank section after import is not retained.
- Improved the "Flatten images" configuration option so images can be flattened with a background taken from their parent background colour, or a specific colour.
- The configuration option "Use minimum size for cells" is now cleared by default for new Mobipocket configurations, since it works better when using actual cell widths.
- The configuration option "Replace absolute widths" has been improved and now works for cells even the parent table has no specified width (100% is assumed).
- Added KB 0261 and a warning about conflicting configuration options for ADE when replacing absolute widths and using minimum cell widths.
- Added an Index button to the Help menu in Preferences to force a rebuild of the help index.
- Fixed spurious reporting of blank paragraphs for hidden or blank cells.
- Names for references imported from DOCX made more random to avoid duplication.
- In DOCX and ODT import, now imports margins if possible, for more accurate conversion of absolute widths to relative widths.
- In DOCX and ODT import, fixed reading tables with page break directly before them.
- Fixed writing tables with page breaks to Epub/Mobipocket/HTML/ODT.
- In DOCX import, fixed occasionally erroneous default font face name.
- In DOCX import, now interprets a bottom border under a paragraph as a horizontal rule.
- Added a tip about page references found in the project, with accompanying KB 0263 to help inform the user about removing an imported table of contents.
- Fixed duplicate fonts in the embedded font wizard when selecting fonts more than once.
- Added an advanced setting "Large table warning" so this warning can be turned off individually.
- Fixed errors in table of contents/NavMap when a document excludes certain formats.
- Removed an untuitive warning (no TOC found or generated) by allowing a TOC to be generated even if there are NavMap items present in Project Properties/Indexes/Contents (usually indicating that an advanced TOC has been generated, but it could indicate the need for a custom NCX but generated TOC).
- Fixed ODT export horizontal rule image generation.
Version 2.57, February 3rd, 2017
- Added a new drop caps implementation, whereby drop caps can be specified in a paragraph's properties or in a paragraph style. Added a drop caps toolbar button, a Format | Text | Drop Caps menu command, a dialog for inserting or editing drop caps, and a page in the paragraph properties and paragraph style properties formatting dialogs. Drop caps CSS can be customised per configuration via the new "Drop caps CSS" configuration option. Formatting small caps for the first few words can be chosen as an alternative to drop caps. See "KB 0004: How to format drop caps" for more information.
- Implemented drop caps import from DOCX and ODT.
- Added "Spell-check next document prompt" to Advanced Settings, to allow the suppression of the prompt after each document has been checked.
- Added "Box style substitutions" configuration option.
- Clicking Close in the Spelling Check dialog now aborts the spell-check instead of just advancing to the next document.
- Fixed a problem with the "Limit images to viewer size" configuration option whereby if an image had no actual size specified, adding a maximum size of 100% caused the image to always expand to 100% in ADE and related viewers. Now Jutoh works around this by specifying the image width in pixels if no size is specified.
- Fixed a glitch whereby line spacing was falsely reported for footnotes.
- Fixed a bug counting blank paragraphs and other problems multiple times if compiling multiple formats at once.
- Restored elimination of font name, font size and colour from both named styles and automatic styles in Document Cleanup. Also fixed a bug removing attributes from named styles.
- Fixed a file extension bug in HTB/CHM (xhtml caused the HTB viewer to fail) and added a warning if compiling these formats in standard Jutoh.
- Fixed a bug whereby changes in the outline level of a style were not properly reflected in headings using that style.
- Added a warning when generating ODT that the outline level of headers must be 1 for page styles to work correctly.
- Fixed a crash in ODT generation when a header or footer has blank paragraphs and blank paragraphs are being reported; also fixed unnecessary double processing of some headers and footers.
- Fixed redundant generation of folder names in ODT export.
- Fixed a bug that removed box attributes when applying a link to pictures.
- No longer imports line spacing that is less than 100%. This can cause editor navigation problems as well as leading to poor formatting.
- Slightly improved focus behaviour for the Find dialog on Mac: pressing Cmd+F or Cmd+D focuses the text control in the Find dialog (may need to be pressed twice on the 32-bit Carbon version). Fn+Enter finds the next match.
Version 2.56, January 18th, 2017
- Added a warning when maximum size is used for Mobipocket configurations, as Amazon doesn't support it.
The warning is only emitted if an actual size has not been specified.
- Added a new configuration option "Generate line spacing" to make it easier to fix line spacing for the whole project by switching this option off. Line spacing warnings are now only emitted for HTML-based formats.
- Fixed a bug in CBZ generation such that generation failed if automatic fields and numbering update was switched off.
- No longer auto-fills from the previous project's metadata in the absence of explicitly set auto-fill data, to avoid confusion.
- In DOCX and ODT import, centred images that aren't "in line with text" or "anchored as-char" are made to be centred in Jutoh by modifying the parent paragraph. In other words, centring is more likely to be respected, even if the anchoring mode is not supported by Jutoh.
- In DOCX and ODT reimport, replaces existing page styles rather than adding styles of the same name.
- Fixed a DOCX import problem confusing resource ids from different XML files.
- In DOCX import, image names are always set (including for EMF files) so duplicate images can be optimized.
- In ODT import, when importing image names, Jutoh strips off any suffix following a hash symbol (#). This works around a problem in ODT files whereby image names cannot be identical - they can now be named in the original ODT file by appending a hash symbol and a number (or other unique text).
- In ODT import, fixed a bug whereby all images could become floating.
- In ODT import, now respects a relative width in images and text boxes.
- In ODT import, duplicate images now all get the same name (the name of the first image) to make it easy to optimize exported duplicate images.
- In ODT export, fixed floating box support.
- Added a new option "Import relative positions" in Preferences/Import, switched off by default. This reduces confusion from Kindlegen warnings, and relative positions in floating objects are rarely critical.
- Added a new configuration option "Generate relative positions", off by default in Mobipocket configurations. This reduces a warning that can cause confusion.
- Added a new Jutoh warning for relative positions, and updated KB0144 to reflect the new options for eliminating the warning.
- Drawing objects can now float.
- Added an advanced setting "Copy PNG images" to allow disabling of PNG copying. Word 2010 crashes if PNG images are copied, but some applications can handle it, such as LibreOffice, allowing pasting of transparent images.
- Added PNG clipboard copying to Clip Library.
- Fixed a bug whereby copying an image to the clipboard from a clip library would fail on some platforms (the clipboard was not opened and closed properly).
- On Windows and Mac, images with transparency are now copied to the clipboard with a white background, which is usually more helpful than black. On Linux, bitmap transparency is preserved via copy and paste anyway.
- The initial filter selection in the import and quick import file dialogs now persists between uses and sessions.
Version 2.55, January 10th, 2017
- Improved import of floating images from ODT.
- Better detection of auto heading renumbering when importing from DOCX.
- Fixed a bug displaying the number of hidden messages.
Version 2.54, January 6th, 2017
- In HTML, Epub and Kindle generation, indeterminate justification now omits the text-align property
in order for non-publisher settings to work better in some readers. Previously, the use of the 'initial' value for this property meant that the defaults, such as the default justification in Kindle readers, were not always applied. A workaround for suppressing inherited alignment in centred boxes means that paragraphs in boxes will be left-aligned on Epub and justified on Kindle if indeterminate alignment is used; so explicitly set alignment in your styles if you need a specific alignment. KB 0039 has been updated to describe alignment behaviour on difference platforms.
- Added Ignore styles when spell checking option in Project Properties/Options.
- When replacing strings in the content, this is now also applied to Custom properties entered in the Advanced tab in paragraphs, objects and styles.
- A line break in an empty paragraph will only prompt Jutoh to show one warning now.
- When checking for hard-wired colours, Jutoh will now check for both black and white in text
foreground and background colours, to conform to Kindle guidelines.
- When copying documents between projects, styles that are used in the document but are not present in the destination project's current style sheet, are added to the style sheet.
- Fixed a crash when clicking on some tip links (especially finding automatic styles).
- The splash screen has been updated.
Version 2.53, December 29th, 2016
- Added a new command Find and Replace from Start (Ctrl+D) to the Edit menu, to make it easy to start searching from the beginning of the project.
- Added a new command Go To Project Start (Ctrl+Alt+Home) to the Document menu, to position the edit cursor at the start of the first page.
- Added Paragraph Formatting Present and Character Formatting Present search criteria in the Find and Replace dialog, for cases when you want to find, for example, any line spacing formatting.
- Added a tip for large cover and image sizes.
- Added a tip for line spacing.
- Added tips for direct formatting.
- Added a tip for line breaks that are at the start or end of a paragraph, and which are probably accidental.
- Added a tip warning about embedded fonts that are not used in the book content.
- Added a tip for when the bulk of the book is not formatted in the standard point size (12pt).
- Added search links to some tips, for example to find direct formatting or colour.
- No longer shows the Details tab if double-clicking on an EpubCheck error, since this
can cause the Epub viewer window to be hidden.
- Added a new Auto-show error details advanced setting to allow the user to prevent the Details tab being shown when double-clicking on an error.
- Improved optimization of ODT files poorly exported from Word, removing most of the thousands of redundant styles that can accumulate in a large file and avoiding potential memory exhaustion.
- Document cleanup of colour and font attributes now works for automatic paragraph styles as well as character styles.
- Fixed a crash in the New Project wizard after importing an Epub file, and then going back to the original metadata page.
- Errors are now cleared before EpubCheck errors are added.
- Line breaks (decimal 29) in titles are automatically removed to prevent later errors.
- Bad ASCII characters in titles now trigger an invalid character error.
- Fixed the links to quickly edit configuration options in compilation error hints, so they work in the supported non-English languages (French, German and Dutch).
- Removed Import Images command from the Document menu, since image documents are not very useful and there are other ways to add them.
Version 2.52, December 13th, 2016
- Added initial CBZ comic book import and export support.
- You can now import from fixed layout Epub 3 and CBZ from the New Project Wizard.
- Renamed the Verbosity control in General Preferences to Reporting with values Low, Medium and High, and added a Reporting control under the list of errors. Compile messages now come in three kinds: Error, Warning and Tip.
- Some warnings, such as for colour, are now tips. Added a tip about blank paragraphs.
- The user is now asked if the Reporting control should be set to High the first time there are hidden messages.
- Pressing the enter key in the Errors list, if focused, now shows the Details tab, to save mouse clicks when reviewing errors.
- Applied a fix to prevent double-clicking on the Errors list also activating a link in the error description.
- Previous/Next buttons in the Details window now show the error location immediately.
- There is now a context menu for the errors list, which allows alphabetical or chronological sorting of the messages, and copying messages to the clipboard.
- Fixed TOC bookmark assignment if there is a table at the top of the section.
- Fixed potential duplicate identifier output if multiple drawing objects are specified.
- Removed the General Preferences option to assign the search control to either help or global search.
- Added Auto-Replace customisation button to General Preferences.
- If Jutoh finds a table of contents by title, but it doesn't have a "toc" guide type, it is assumed that a "toc" guide type was intended.
- Fixed a bug in the default properties for the "aside" tag (too many properties).
- Spaces in URLs are now replaced with %20.
Version 2.51, December 1st, 2016
- Added a Details tab next to the Errors tab to show error messages, their tips, and further commands and help. This eliminates the need for the modal dialog showing the error and tip.
- The help window now extends to the bottom of the Jutoh window, instead of to the top of the Log/Error/Details window, giving more space for reading help.
- Enabled details and summary HTML5 tags in the Objects tab.
- Added a search control to the Advanced Preferences page.
- Switching off "Auto-fill metadata" in Advanced Preferences now eliminates auto-fill from global user name/previous project. Now the previous project author will only be used if auto-fill is on and the auto-fill user name and global user name are both blank.
- Date and author metadata is now imported from DOCX and ODT files.
- Hard-wired colour warnings now use '=>' notation to clarify which style (possibly a parent style) actually contains the colour information and should therefore be edited.
- Fixed incorrect Epub 3 code generation for single-row tables when headers and footers and enabled.
- Fixed bug importing or pasting a bitmap image into an existing drawing object; the change would not be reflected unless another property had been changed.
- Fixed a bug clearing the TOC import option when importing from a project; this remained enabled if Import Styles was also enabled.
- When right-clicking over a tab, the tab is now selected, so that the subsequent menu commands refer to the expected tab.
- Fixed a background colour inconsistency in Formatting Palette tabs on Mac.
- Updated the artwork in Preferences/Helpers, and the artwork in the Desktop.
- Fixed a bug that caused large icons to be shown in the toolbar customisation dialog.
- The frame title bar now updates when the Desktop tab is clicked, to show we're not still editing a document.
Version 2.50, November 7th, 2016
- Updated EpubCheck to 4.0.1 and fixed the EpubCheck download location in the Helpers panel.
- Added checking for hard-wired black and white colours that may cause illegibility and book rejection. Use the advanced setting "Colour warning" to disable this warning.
- Fixed a crash if importing from HTML and reporting that an encoding has not been found.
- Fixed font selector dialog for 32-bit version on macOS X 10.12 (Sierra) by avoiding the native font dialog.
- If registration fails, Jutoh shows details of the input characters to aid diagnosis.
- The caption dialog now remembers the last category sequence selection, including between sessions.
- No longer complains about links in the NavMap to documents that are conditionally-compiled out of the book; the links are silently removed.
Version 2.49, October 17th, 2016
- Added Notes tab or field to image, drawing, media object and table properties.
- Rearranged the drawing properties to include standard tabs plus a Drawing tab, to be consistent with image and media object properties dialogs.
- Added a new configuration option "Suppress section breaks" to merge documents, as documented in KB 0224.
- By default, configurations and commands are no longer searched, to give preference to search results in the manual. You can change this in the help options (click >>).
- Fixed missing shortcuts on Next Document, Previous Document commands. Delete shortcuts.dat in the Jutoh application settings folder to reset menu command shortcuts.
- Fixed a bug in cell properties that sometimes applied changes to only one cell in the selection.
- When "Replace strings in content" is checked, string table replacements are also applied to any custom CSS.
- Updated KB 0050 to cover the case where small images with no size specified become large when Limit images to viewer size is checked.
- In the Find and Replace dialog, removed a redundant "No more matches" dialog after saying "No" to searching in the next document.
- Fixed a bug in Find Unused Styles in the Bulk Style Deletion dialog, when All styles has been selected (styles were marked as unused when they were not).
- Fixed a bug in the 64-bit Mac Cocoa version of Jutoh whereby text entered into code editors was not retrieved, for example in the drawing object properties dialog.
- Added KB 0225 explaining how to switch off enhanced typesetting and page flip for Kindle books.
Version 2.48, September 8th, 2016
- Added Tracks tab in the media object, supporting VTT track files. HTML5/Epub 3 output generates tracks referencing the VTT files included in the project as either media documents or source files.
- Media objects can reference multiple pipe-separated file names to give alternative media in separate source tags.
- Added Check Unused Styles button in bulk style deletion dialog which selects all styles that are not being used in the project.
- Added KB 0221 to explain how to delete redundant styles from a file imported from Google Docs.
- Fixed a crash bug when importing an ODT containing boxes.
- Fixed a crash bug when editing footnotes and advancing to a different one from within the footnote editor dialog.
- Fixed a spell checking glitch whereby suggestions could end with periods or hyphens whereas word segmentation treats this punctuation as separators (affecting German spelling in particular).
- Now removes any rogue spaces from before URLs, which can produce strange Kindlegen errors and break links.
- When importing from a Word file, Jutoh processes styles which have the option 'Do not add spacing to paragraphs of the same style' checked by creating new styles without spacing. This ensures spacing between paragraphs is as per the original document. KB 0221 explains this.
- Improved the display of warnings after document import using Quick Import.
- Added KB 0220 on creating an advanced TOC when images are used for headings.
- Fixed bug in .mobi conversion on Windows whereby the wrong Calibre path was used and conversion failed.
- Changed order of warnings when trying to check a Mobipocket file, to make it less likely that the user will try to check a Mobipocket-optimized Epub file (while still allowing it if necessary).
- When double-clicking on an error message, if there is a KB article associated with it, the KB article will be shown automatically.
- Added WOFF2 to the available file extensions in the font import UI, and added WOFF2 to the available media types.
- Added warning and KB article for when Kindlegen complains about PostScript OTF files.
Version 2.47, July 28th, 2016
- Added soft hyphen object to Format/Insert/Symbols menu.
- Added "Avoid breaks in tables" configuration option, for both HTML and ODT, and ODT now also responds to "Page break inside" property per table if set to "avoid".
- Fixed bug in ODT generation introduced in 2.45 whereby line breaks were removed in all contexts and not just links.
- If favourites are defined, they will be shown in the shortcut window shown with View | Customise Shortcuts (Ctrl+.), allowing an alternate way to apply a favourite.
- Fixed wrong presentation of some shortcuts in the shortcut editor and favourites window on Mac.
- Added detection of old and corrupt formatting left over from Jutoh 1, and improved corrupt object correction in Document Cleanup.
- Double-clicking on a file in the project file browser now selects and opens the file.
Version 2.46, July 23rd, 2016
- Improved code generation for heading styles so the warning about headings and additional direct formatting no longer appears.
- Added a Save As button to the main toolbar (disabled by default: enable it by customising the toolbar).
- Registration dialog and setup wizard now accept user name and key in the same line separated by a comma, to take into account future key fulfilment schemes.
- Restored the Check for Updates command on 64-bit (Cocoa) Mac, showing the Jutoh download page.
Version 2.45, July 18th, 2016
- When selecting or navigating to a box or table within the Inspector, now the focus is set to the appropriate cell or box, instead of just selecting the range around the object, so that commands will immediately apply to that object. It also means that right-clicking on the selection doesn't immediately deselect it.
- In the Inspector, the arrow keys now go immediately to the currently selected object.
- In the Inspector, removed duplication of search results if the text is in both the name and the description.
- Fixed a bug that prepended "media/" twice to media file if the media document was created via New Document.
- When checking for bullets without accompanying list styles, don't issue a warning if we're auto-numbering since bullets are used to implement this feature. This suppresses some spurious warnings.
- Fixed a crash when dragging content that contains a sub-container such as a table cell, to that sub-container.
- Fixed a bug whereby the Split Cells command was shown as available in the presence of an arbitrary selection.
- Fixed a bug in ODT code generation whereby links surrounding images did not have escaped special characters, causing file load failure.
- Dark grey panel titles restored to light grey in 64-bit Mac Cocoa version.
- Cmd+C no longer closes dialogs in 64-bit Mac Cocoa version.
Version 2.44, July 8th, 2016
- When editing a project in a sync folder such as Google Drive or Dropbox, Jutoh will now edit the temporary project file in Documents/Temporary Jutoh Files instead of the system temporary folder, to avoid the file being deleted by the system if editing without closing the project for several days. The advanced setting "Temporary folder" will be used instead if specified.
- In fixed layout mode using reflowable sections to create a fixed layout book, the correct viewport is now written to all HTML files.
- Fixed layout code has been tidied up by writing classes instead of inline styles where possible.
- Fixed a hang in spellcheck when there are large images in a document.
- Fixed a bug whereby a document is not marked as modified if a text box is removed via the context menu; fixed a similar bug with case changing commands.
- Fixed a bug in ODT generation for boxes in lists.
- Fixed clipped small bitmap buttons on Mac/Cocoa.
- Fixed display problem for property sheets on Mac/Cocoa (retina displays).
- Fixed a bug whereby using the cell properties dialog to change an attribute such as vertical alignment also changes the borders in some circumstances.
- Fixed a bug causing Jutoh to always stop Windows sessions from terminating.
- Removed the slightly confusing Windows-only auto-paste feature.
- Documented fixed layout previewing on Kobo eInk devices (rename extension to .fxl.kepub.epub).
- No longer adds 'General Fiction' to the subject metadata if it is left blank in Jutoh.
- In ODT export, XML is now transformed correctly in comments, and ASCII 29 characters are filtered out.
- If a heading style is used without certain attributes such as weight, style and alignment, these styles are reset in the HTML to avoid confusion when the HTML defaults conflict with Jutoh defaults.
- Added a warning and hint for generating Epub 2 with the configuration option 'Generate NCX' not checked.
- Added a warning when the 'toc' guide type is not present, in Epub and Mobipocket builds.
- Added a warning and accompanying KB topic about specifying a paragraph bullet without using a list style.
- Added the Knowledge Base topics KB 0201-0214 and KB 0040, including one on making box sets and one on image size.
Version 2.43, April 11th, 2016
- Corrected a bug in DOCX import whereby an OLE_LINK bookmark was imported as a start ref with no end ref. This also caused slow import for very large DOCX files.
- Corrected HTML code generation for media object so the width and height attributes are only written if the relevant dimension is in pixels.
- Non-contiguous list check is now only done for Epub 2, not Epub 3, since the HTML list item "value" attribute is valid in Epub 3/HTML5.
- Fixed bug generating colour in HTML when "Generate colour" is switched off in the configuration.
- Fixed spurious missing bookmark warning message for text output.
- Corrected a crash on showing the context menu after selecting all content.
- Fixed an occasional crash when creating a standalone HTML file, for example for
the Document | Show Documents in Browser command.
Version 2.42, March 8th, 2016
- Replaced bitmap artwork in preparation for a future HiDPI-friendly version.
- Fixed bug in TOC creation whereby if a document title was one character long and Use document depth was checked, the title would not be bookmarked.
- Added a custom text option footnote citation and note style controls, where the keyword %REF% is replaced by the footnote number.
- Added a Close Document to the Document menu with the shortcut Alt+\\, to make it easier to close document tabs.
- When creating a new project where configurations are imported from a template, Jutoh no longer changes the Cover design configuration option from (none) since this may be deliberate.
- Fixed a quality bug importing an image into an image scrap.
- Added configuration options Single HTML page and Inline images.
- Conditional tag include and exclude specifications can now contain wildcards.
- Changed CSS generation to add h, p, li or div selectors to work around a bug in Nook for iPad that removed paragraph alignment.
- Jutoh now adds dir="rtl" to Epub 3 package definition, and page-progression-direction="rtl" to spine items, if "RTL direction" is enabled in the configuration.
- Added HTML footnote processing to cater for footnotes contained in a div, and also relaxed the backlink requirement so the footnote number can be in the middle or at the end of the identifier.
- When parsing headings in HTML or Epub, prefixes "Heading n" to any class found in the heading, to allow heading matching when exporting to HTML or Epub again. Heading matching when exporting can now extract level from e.g. "Heading 1 toctitle".
- Added parsing of tt and code HTML tags. Both are treated as identical; use of code for block formatting cannot currently be deduced from CSS.
- Unused bookmark removal in document cleanup now removes identifiers in paragraphs.
- Slightly improved spellchecking for numeric suffixes such as th and rd, and some commonly used symbols such as degrees and pound.
- Ensured bad bullet symbols can't be output to ODT causing document loading to fail; checks in symbol selection in Project Properties/Options, and also when generating ODT.
- Now checks for windows (whose positions are restored from a previous session) being off-screen after removing an external monitor, to reduce the problem of disappearing windows. Jutoh must be restarted after a monitor has been removed.
- No longer shows properties for an image that has just been selected with the mouse.
- Automatically resolves internal links that only use filenames and not bookmarks in ODT and single HTML file modes, by inserting unique bookmarks into the file in these modes. Note that ODT TOC, index and bibliography sections can't take advantage of this since adding bookmarks breaks the special sections.
- Creating a new footnote now initialises the location type to (auto) instead of leaving the location selector blank.
- Fixed a bug not applying URL after showing URL dialog if the link style was (existing).
- Fixed table generation for Mobipocket such that only tables with borders around all cells will cause border=1 to be generated in the table, for old e-Ink device compatibility. This allows full expressivity of borders to be used for KF8 devices while also allowing borders to be used in KF7, rather than applying borders to all cells when only some borders are set.
- Disabled some further controls and commands in project properties and the formatting menu when opening a read-only project.
- When showing property dialogs, especially on Mac, the focus would be lost and this could cause Cmd+X to erroneously cut the document instead of the selection. Focus is now set back to the editor after property dialogs close, and there is also now a warning if deleting a document via Cmd+X.
- Fixed a hang in Find and Replace when replacing a style name with the same style name but in different case.
- Fixed a bug in Find and Replace whereby replacing styles would apply a change meant for a footnote to the containing document.
- Fixed a bug in Find and Replace whereby searching for a style name using Find would fail to advance the search on a blank paragraph.
- DOCX import now ignores w:iCs and w:bCs complex script tags since they can be applied accidentally and are usually invisible in Word but always visible in Jutoh.
- In HTML import, if a rogue close div tag is encountered, it will no longer cause problems with bookmark positioning.
- Fixed bug giving spurious duplicate bookmark errors when multiple formats are checked.
- Fixed spelling checker bug when a document contains tables and boxes - the text in these containers is no longer appended together and submitted for checking.
- In HTML generation, removes line break characters from image alt text to avoid insertion of syntactically incorrect br tag.
- Fixed ODT image alt text export and import.
- Jutoh now warns about non-contiguous lists when compiling Epubs (before Epubcheck is invoked), making it easier to see where the problem is. The tip links to a new KB article explaining the problem and how to resolve it.
- Added Table to the Insert submenu of the editor context menu.
- Added Promote, Demote and Renumber commands to the context menu if a list item is under the text cursor.
- Changed ordering of string tables, so values in project string tables now override values of the same name in global string tables.
- String table values can now contain other string table value names (such as %TITLE%) and they will be substituted by their values.
Version 2.41, December 23nd, 2015
- Non-breaking spaces are now taken into account by the spell-checker.
- Fixed a bug where references to master page styles imported from an ODT file, but subsequently deleted, are exported and cause failure when opening in Word.
- Changed the default font in the Windows user interface to a scalable font, in preparation for High DPI support.
this may result in small visual changes, such as wider toolbar button spacing.
- Fixed a bug in heading numbering. Also numbering is now only applied to heading styles matching the outline rather than all headings with a level, to avoid numbering the TOC or other inapplicable headings.
- The file dialogs for drawing objects now remember the last used path during a session.
- Speeded up changing case.
- Fixed a problem generating speech files on Mac for the Apple Speech engine, and now uses AIFF as the intermediate file format as it is supported by the most voices on Mac. Also fixed encoding problem that caused speech generation to fail for non-ASCII characters.
- The new table dialog now saves its settings within a session.
- The HTML element "strong" is now parsed as bold.
- Fixed a bug importing media resources whereby the file name will not initially have the media/ prefix, but will when saved and opened.
- On Mac, showing a properties dialog could remove focus from the editor, so that the next operation such as Cut could apply to the whole document. Now fixed.
- Made the HTML import encoding warning more helpful and replaced multiple dialogs with a single warning dialog.
- Fixed application data location for Cocoa Mac version.
- Small improvements in Epub import including parsing identifiers in description lists.
- Fixed a bug where drawing object identifier and class were not being saved after editing these properties.
- Fixed a bug where specified image identifiers were not being output.
- If Jutoh encounters project corruption, it will now show the relevant KB article automatically.
- Fixed code generation ordering for summary and details within a figcaption.
- Fixed initialisation of project accessibility properties.
Version 2.40, November 19th, 2015
- Fixed an image quality bug in an imported project.
- No longer sets the title-page guide type when importing a file, since it can conflict with guide types set in a script.
- Fixed Epub generation for documents with Include in spine disabled; these are now still included, but marked with linear=no.
- Closing find and replace window saves any changes in the dialog.
- Fixed blank log window in script runner dialog on Intel/Cocoa Mac version.
Version 2.39, November 11th, 2015
- Fixed a crash when editing a box or image whose box style has a base style that is no longer in the style sheet.
- Fixed duplicate bookmark warning for OpenDocument compiles.
- Custom colours added when using colour swatches (for example in Preferences/Appearance) will now be consistent with other colour dialogs, and preserved between sessions.
- Control-clicking on an endnote number now correctly shows the corresponding note.
- Navigating to the previous and next section within the section properties dialog now works across the project hierarchy instead of being limited to the current branch.
- When renaming a style that is a favourite and/or has a shortcut, Jutoh now retains the favourite status and shortcut for the renamed style.
- Now imports character units from DOCX files for paragraph indentation, using the same approximate mapping to mm that is applied (in inverse) when converting to em. This should allow more accurate em (character) values to pass through conversion from DOCX to HTML, Epub and Mobipocket.
- Fixed clashing paragraph/list identifiers in DOCX and improved indents for linked paragraph/list styles.
- Fixed indent glitch when previewing list indentation in formatting dialog and there is no subindent.
- In the code style preferences, added the ability to set the font face and size of the Default style to all styles.
- Added the Change Case submenu to the editor context menu.
- On Mac OS X using the Cocoa/Intel-only version of Jutoh, the DPI-aware property has been set for the executable so text in the UI and the editor will be sharper on retina displays.
Version 2.38, October 30th, 2015
- Replaced the MySpell spelling checker with Hunspell, which has better support for a variety of languages.
- Improved HTML code generation for borders and outline so an explicitly disabled border isn't generated with a zero width.
- Fixed a crash adding a media object.
- Added Media type field to the media object properties, to specify the type for remote resources.
- Now includes remote resources in the OPF file if specified in media objects.
- Creating a new document via the context menu now inserts the document after the selection, not after the last document, consistent with the other methods of creating documents.
- Corrected a bug in generating the NCX file causing links to be inactive in Epub/Mobipocket.
Version 2.37, October 26th, 2015
- Fixed document cleanup for tables.
- Fixed bug in font embedding code that suppressed bold.
- Restored InDesign footnote cleanup broken by recent HTML import changes.
- Fixed retention of paragraph identifier in advanced properties when copying and pasting.
- Fixed bug in HTML generation with preformatted paragraph style within a table cell.
- Fixed inoperative Paste menu item in property grid value controls such as in string tables and configurations, on Windows.
- Fixed NavMap editing for fixed layout books in Project Properties/Indexes/Contents.
Version 2.36, October 22nd, 2015
New speech features:
- Added Speech tab to the Formatting Palette, with an Objects sub-tab for adding speech markup, and a Profiles sub-tab for editing speech properties via speech profiles.
- Added speech and pause objects as convenient aliases for span for marking up speech.
- Added a specialised speech object properties dialog showing just speech-related properties.
- Added a lexicon document with editing, import and export of PLS lexicons.
- Added SSML and SAPI generation from speech markup for improved speech output.
- Added a new document format, the Speech Archive (.sparch) file. This contains SAPI, SSML, text or portable (binary) documents that can be distributed and used to generate speech audio files, working around voice distribution licence limitations and giving the book customer more flexibility. A .sparch file can be opened using an unregistered version of Jutoh. Speech archive generation can be enabled in a speech profile.
- Added an Elements item to the Insepector tab, for finding speech and other element objects.
- Added a CereVoice speech engine handler, using an external program on Windows, Mac and Linux. A CereVoice command-line program to use with Jutoh can be downloaded from the Jutoh download page.
- Added the option to highlight sentences when reading (currently Windows/SAPI only).
- Added a speech sample Patient Advice Speech Sample.jutoh illustrating a number of markup techniques.
Other new features:
- Added a Code Formatter dialog, invoked with Format | Insert | Code.
- Added Image name field in the fixed layout page palette for avoiding duplicate backgrounds.
- Added Use page styles configuration option for suppressing page styles and headers/footers, e.g. for Smashwords ODT.
- Added the ability to mix footnotes and endnotes at the same time, and also the ability to specify numbering styles for footnotes and endnotes, to distinguish them from each other.
- Added a tooltip to tag objects such as span and div, showing any set properties.
- Epub 3 import is greatly improved, with inclusion of nav, section and aside tags, conversion of pagebreak spans to print book page numbers, and conversion of notes to footnotes. Outer sections are optimized out and the Epub type placed in the document's properties.
- Fixed layout Epub 3 import now works (quality dependent on the complexity of the XHTML and CSS), both from XHTML files and spine images.
- Added the configuration option Font size adjustment, allowing the simple implementation of large print books.
- Added the configuration option Generate NCX, to allow disabling of the NCX in an Epub 3 file.
- Added the configuration options Superscript CSS, Subscript CSS for increased customisation.
Small changes and bug fixes:
- When editing favourites from the Favourites tab of the Formatting Palette, the selected favourite is selected in the shortcut customisation dialog.
- The Favourites panel is updated when a style is deleted or renamed.
- When editing a style from the Formatting Palette, or showing the menu from More, the selection is retained instead of switching back to the current editor style.
- When exporting to ODT, footnotes are written as either footnotes or endnotes, and the "Endnote Characters" character style is also written out to add superscript formatting to endnote numbers.
- Fixed a crash bug when inserting sub-tables into tables.
- If cells are selected in a table, the Backspace key now deletes complete rows or columns, or clears the cells if a complete row or column is not selected.
- If cells are selected in a table, pasting a subtable with the same number of rows or columns as the table destination will now cause the selected cells to be deleted and the subtable pasted at the start of the row or column. This allows, for example, pasted rows to replace the selected rows.
- If blank cells are created when inserting a subtable, each blank paragraph now has a style.
- Splitting cells now works for a selected block of cells, and not just a single cell.
- Merging cells works when the whole table is selected.
- Double-clicking on an error related to a table cell or box now highlights the containing paragraph.
- When inserting a new paragraph before a paragraph containing a bookmark, the bookmark is removed from the blank paragraph (i.e. the bookmark is not duplicated across two paragraphs).
- Fixed an parsing XML bug when using traditional Chinese in a footnote.
- Fixed hyphenation suppression in ODT writing when specifying no hyphenation via the Font tab of the formatting dialog; also fixed ODT suppression of paragraph breaks after a paragraph when specified via configurations.
- Fixed a bug in the Page Style Management dialog whereby choosing a custom paper size will cause the width and height values to be set to the same value.
- Widow and orphan control configuration options now apply to ODT.
- Added Register-true text alignment option to page layout dialog, exported to ODT.
- A table on its own in a paragraph whose HTML will be generated without a containing paragraph will now adopt the parent paragraph's left and right indentation, adding these values to the table's existing left and right values, so the output will more closely resemble the appearance in the editor.
- Fields such as dates and variables are now output to plain text format, and are also highlighted without any custom font face and size.
- For the Mac Cocoa version, replaced the style combobox in the editor toolbar with a different implementation that works.
- Word count now treats a hyphenated word and a word containing an apostrophe as a single word.
- Fixed a bug in Document Cleanup whereby missing paragraph substitutions weren't applied.
- Generated automatic bookmarks are now shorter, in order to work around a bookmark truncation bug in Microsoft Word.
- Fixed a bug whereby SVG images specified as media documents were not written to ODT.
- Fixed a bug in citation editor whereby after checking Show all properties and typing into a field not normally shown, this field would not be shown when editing for a second time (although the field value would be retained).
- Show all properties on the field editor/citation editor is now persistent within a Jutoh session.
- When joining documents, any children of the next document are appended to the current scrap instead of being deleted.
- Changed the way shortcuts are defined on Mac; now the modifier shown as 'Ctrl' is shown as 'Cmd' on Mac, for better compatibility between platforms. The 'raw control' key marked as Ctrl on a Mac keyboard can be defined if necessary, on Mac only.
- Corrected the malfunctioning font up-down control in the formatting dialog on the Mac Cocoa version of Jutoh.
- The Styles tab colouring of selected items is now consistent with the other Formatting Palette items, using a light grey background.
- An attempt to print a fixed layout project now results in a message suggesting printing via an ODT file.
- Inserting an image via drag and drop on Windows now sets the image name.
- If the author metadata attribute 'opf:file-as' is present, it is converted to 'file-as' when writing Epub 3.
- Corrected lack of hyperlinks from images in generated ODT.
- Fewer styles are created when importing from HTML and Epub.
- Embedded fonts are imported from Epub.
- Epub 2 and Epub 3 import now imports the navmap into the main TOC, and if an NCX is not found in an Epub 3 file, the toc nav element is used instead to create the contents entries. NCX/nav entries without links are now handled appropriately. Nav export places the TOC title in the nav, not the top of the file.
- When importing from HTML and Epub, lists no longer generate a warning about indented paragraphs.
- Fixed a bug writing multiple metadata instances where the first id was reused for subsequent instances; also the xml:lang attribute is now correctly positioned in the metadata instance.
- Added configuration options Epub metadata namespaces, Epub package prefix.
- Changed default HTML file extension to xhtml to avoid Epubcheck 4 warnings, and ensured changing the HTML extension in Project Properties marks the project as modified.
- Added support for WOFF font files.
- Fixed a bug in the spellchecker dialog where the wrong selection would be made if there were large images in the document.
- The last-used formatting palette tab is now always visible when Jutoh starts.
- List styles are preserved in footnotes in merged style mode.
- Fixed a bug in importing indentation from DOCX when the indentation is directly formatted, and also improved indent import when left indent and hanging indent are specified or inherited in separate style definitions.
- Fixed a bug in the pronunciations dialog whereby replacement strings were not deleted, and added a Clear button.
- Fixed incorrect TOC wizard behaviour when a scrolling panel is visible due to overflow of text (for example when using the German translation).
- Added standard Backspace, Shift+Backspace, Alt+Left, Alt+Right keyboard shortcuts to the help window.
- Jutoh on Linux now recognises devices under /media/<user name> (as Ubuntu requires) and not just under /media.
- You can specify Editor line height in Preferences/Advanced, to speed up scrolling. The default is now 10 pixels per line.
- Changing settings in Project Properties/Fields & Numbering now always marks the project as modified.
- Fixed a DOCX import bug whereby the base style of a character style was lost.
- Removed the feature that deleted paragraphs with a "Comment" style since it can be confusing if the style is imported from an existing document.
- Fixed a bug in horizontal border drawing in table cells whereby the style was not respected.
- When specifying absolute column sizes in tables, Jutoh now calculates the table width when exporting to ODT, correcting the resulting table size.
- Sorting indexes and tables of contents now ignores certain characters such as quotation marks.
- Added Class field to the horizontal rule dialog, and fixed generated code for left-aligned rules.
- Fixed a bug with search selecting the wrong text if the search was for a font size and the document was edited during the search.
- Now if you change the cursor position before the next Find, it will search from that position.
- Pane resizing is now 'live' on all platforms, and this avoids a bug drawing the sash in the wrong position on Windows when the application is scaled.
- Rationalised snapshot file names so when there are many of them, they sort correctly in time order.
- Added a Close command to the context menu shown for a project in the Projects tab.
- Changed the behaviour of the command Format | Text | Reset Text Formatting: the user can now place the cursor within character formatting to remove the formatting, instead of precisely selecting the text.
If there is no character formatting, the paragraph style is reset (direct formatting is removed).
Version 2.35, June 24th, 2015
- Added file size change information after a File | Compact Project command.
- When splitting a document, the new document no longer takes on the guide type of the old one.
- Fixed a bug writing image objects in a fixed layout project when Use specified image file names is disabled.
- Fixed out by one bug when adding spans in Bulk Bookmark Management, fixed incorrect span positions when applying to more than one paragraph; line breaks now treated as sentence endings.
- Fixed broken reporting of tabs in footnotes.
- Added Next/Previous footnote buttons, for going to the next or previous footnote in the currently-edited document.
- Fixed absence of toolbar for footnotes edited in a fixed layout document.
Version 2.34, June 17th, 2015
- Fixed table widths on Kindle for iOS by adding min-width attribute in Mobipocket generation mode.
- Added a new configuration option Preserve spacing after page break to force HTML-based readers to obey space before paragraphs after a page break.
- Fixed a bug in the New Configuration dialog whereby the existing configuration selection choice was wrong.
- The Bulk Bookmark Management tool now removes identifiers from tables and other objects.
- Fixed regex matching when the matched string is zero.
- Fixed small caps output to ODT (wrote fo:text-transform instead of fo:font-variant).
- The configuration option Use specified image file names is now switched off by default, to avoid confusion when images accidentally have the same name. New KB topics help people find the relevant option.
- Fixed image duplication avoidance using the Name field in ODT, if Use specified image file names is enabled.
- Dragging an image to the editor in Windows no longer changes the image format, unless the image has to be resized according to the setting Resize images to max in Preferences/Import, in which case PNG is used to avoid loss of quality.
Version 2.33, June 11th, 2015
- Fixed a bug in the command File | Save Snapshot whereby if Jutoh was editing in a temporary directory to avoid file synchronisation problems, it would save the old file in the original location instead of the currently edited file.
- If Jutoh crashed when editing in a temporary location for file syncing service compatibility, when restarting it will now prompt to restore the file from the temporary file.
- When creating a new style, the available base styles are now sorted alphabetically.
- Added a new advanced setting "Suggest new bookmark names" so bookmark suggestions can be switched off.
- The Document Cleanup option Clean up tables now removes redundant spans for columns or rows that have identical spans (OCR applications may produce redundant spans).
- Inserting a heading cross-reference no longer requires automatic numbering to be switched on, and some bugs with heading cross-references have been fixed including when writing to ODT.
- Added a warning when inserting a cross-reference to a heading which has no associated bookmark or reference mark (since Jutoh won't be able to find the heading when updating the cross-reference).
- When pasting plain text into bookmarked text, Jutoh tries not to break up the bookmark, which can lead to duplicate bookmark warnings.
- Adding a new configuration now shows a more intuitive dialog that offers a choice between cloning an existing configuration, and creating a default configuration for a given format.
- By default, Mobipocket configurations now have "Use relative dimensions" checked since using absolute dimensions (mm) caused Kindle Look Inside spacing to be omitted in some cases. Jutoh also now warns if Mobipocket configurations have this option switched off; the warning can be suppressed via Preferences/Advanced/Warnings/Relative dimensions warning.
- Worked around a problem with image object sizing in fixed layout projects when displayed on a Kindle Paperwhite device. The size may be wrong for this device when "Auto region magnification" is switched on, but different code is used when the magnification is switched off, showing image objects correctly sized on the Paperwhite.
- Fixed a bug in specifying prerendering for fixed layout objects, whereby specifying prerendering in the project region properties (as opposed to the configuration) wasn't taken into account.
- Fixed a crash when finishing editing a text box within a fixed layout text object, and then editing a text object again.
- Added KB for instructions on fixing image centring in text objects in a fixed layout book on Kindle Paperwhite, by inserting the image into a table. The article also mentions that the image aspect ratio may be distorted unless you specify both size dimensions (fixed-layout Kindle books only).
- When importing from DOCX and there are styles that implement first-line indent but not left indent, Jutoh tries to statically combine the inherited indentation values, since normally Jutoh expects left indent and first-line indent to be present in the same style.
- When importing from DOCX or ODT, Jutoh tries to avoid using a blank section title.
- Jutoh now doesn't warn about Kindlegen errors if a hash character is found in the project path, only if one is found in the file name.
- Fixed a bug editing image or text box properties within a fixed layout text object, whereby size and position checkboxes and units would be disabled if an object's properties had previously been edited.
- Added Discard empty paragraphs option to Preferences/Import as a default, to allow changing the empty paragraph behaviour for Quick Import. The default for this value is now off, to maintain the original appearance of the imported document as much as possible.
- After import from a document containing styles whose names have accents, the configuration option Abbreviate style names is enabled in order to suppress a warning about it.
Version 2.32, May 23rd, 2015
- Fixed a bug in applying lists introduced in 2.30 (the list would only show after closing and opening the document).
Version 2.31, May 22nd, 2015
- Images that are scaled to fit the editor and have borders are no longer cropped on the right hand side.
- Added an advanced setting "Maximum number of open tabs" to prevent crashes due to excessive use of resources.
- Replace All now sets a temporary limit of 30 tabs to avoid hanging on Windows.
- Added an advanced setting "Text to speech" to allow the user to switch off speech functionality, in case it doesn't initialize correctly.
- Fixed a bug in providing tips for EpubCheck errors introduced in 2.29.
- Fixed a bug whereby formatting information would not be displayed in the Styles formatting palette tab.
- Fixed generation of table immediately following list in ODT export.
- The experimental Mac Cocoa version of Jutoh is now a 64-bit executable.
- A 64-bit Windows distributable is now available.
- Improved book generation performance for large, complex chapters.
- Improved import performance by avoiding repeated loading during reference resolution and display.
- In the command Document | Delete Documents, Jutoh no longer deletes all documents in a folder if the folder was selected but some documents underneath the folder were not.
- No longer fills in the user name for the registration dialog from the computer name, since this
can be different from the one associated with the key and can cause confusion.
- ODT export now writes empty paragraphs at the end of a section (for Word compatibility) with the style "Standard" instead of no style.
- ODT import uses the style "Standard" for a paragraph with no style.
Version 2.30, May 12th, 2015
- Fixed a bug introduced in 2.29 whereby if the style description wasn't shown, the selected style would not reflect the style at the cursor.
- Fixed resolution of links after import if an object contains both a link and a bookmark which could cause problems in 2.29.
- When removing a box style from an image or box, the individual box attributes are also removed.
- Fixed crash in reimport if the cover design is a template rather than a simple image.
- Added the configuration option "Generate cross-reference page numbers" to allow page numbers to be shown in cross-references instead of the word 'here'.
Version 2.29, May 9th, 2015
- Added a Clips tab to the Formatting Palette, allowing maintenance of clip libraries for easy insertion of text, graphics and fonts into your project.
- Added the command Format | Insert | Embedded Fonts with a wizard for making it easier to add a family of embedded fonts.
- Added the ability to number headings automatically, with two extra options in Project Properties/Page Layout to control numbering and a new Fields and numbering option in the Update dialog.
- Added new fields set variable, get variable. These can get and set string table variables and metadata, and retrieve various project and system statistics.
- Added a new date field, with custom formatting options and static and dynamic modes.
- Added new fields for cross-referencing: reference mark, sequence, cross-reference. Reference marks mark a span of content for cross-referencing, and sequences increment and show a number. The cross-reference field implements various ways to refer to content in the book.
- Added new command Insert Caption, which inserts a sequence field and applies a style.
- Added a new Fields & Numbering page to Project Properties, with controls for editing sequence definitions and outlines, and automatic numbering and field updating.
- Added a new command Book | Upload, which shows a Book Upload dialog for using device profiles or copying/emailing the file.
- Added new pages in the Preferences dialog for editing device profiles and email settings. These are used in the new update command.
- Added new configuration options Upload book and Device profiles to control automatic uploading after compiling.
- Reorganised the Format | Insert menu into logical groups and hierarchies.
- Added a search field for the Styles tab in the Formatting Palette.
- Added Formatting Palette tabs to the switcher dialog (View | Switch Window, Ctrl+Tab).
- File | Export now prompts for a configuration to use if more than one is applicable, and doesn't allow export if a suitable configuration is not available. It also prompts for sections to export.
- Fixed Save As when the currently edited project is in a temporary folder due to working around synchronisation service incompatibility. The currently edited data is now copied, not the previously edited data in the synchronisation folder.
- Added Sort entries option to table of contents properties.
- Floating images are no longer-iBooks optimized, since iBooks floating images are correctly sized. This corrects a bug whereby iBooks-optimized floating images didn't float.
- When creating a new fixed layout project, Epub version is set to 3 for Epub configurations since this is compatible with the greatest number of readers (iBooks, Kobo, ADE 4, and other Epub 3 readers). Jutoh now warns if the Epub version is not set to 3.
- When creating a new bookmark for a selection, Jutoh now creates a suitable bookmark name from the selection and initialises the bookmark field with it.
- Removed unnecessary extra indent added when creating an automatic (default) table of contents.
- Added a warning about Amazon bugs before launching a .mobi file on Mac.
- Added standard Kindle fonts to mapping between font name and generic font name, and also added advanced settings "Serif fonts", "Sans-serif fonts", "Cursive fonts", "Decorative fonts" and "Monospace fonts" to allow further indication of generic name for font name.
- Fixed a bug removing unused bookmarks where footnotes would not be taken into account.
- Added fallback text for the canvas object so that EpubCheck doesn't complain.
- Added a check for duplicate guide types.
- The context menu in the project outline now opens the relevant document only if necessary.
- Added a warning for duplicate bookmarks in the same section.
- Fixed a bug with F3 not finding the next match involving a regular expression.
- No longer removes colour and underlining from "TOC Entry n" styles for ODT export, since URL colour and underlining is normally handled at the character style level anyway.
- Fixed a crash after copying a fixed layout document and then editing the new document.
- Now activates a document pasted in the project outline.
- Improved guessing of chapter split method for quick convert when headings contain further direct formatting.
- Added warning messages, if any, after quick convert.
- Fixed crash or wrong application of style when applying a style to a selection inside a text box.
- Fixed a bug whereby floating objects in a box caused the box height to be miscalculated.
- Fixed swapped entries in indexes imported from Word.
- Fixed bug in import from Pages-exported Word file whereby page breaks would be added to each paragraph.
- Added Delete Object button to the object properties dialog for tags that have beginning and end parts.
- Fixed a bug in Epub import whereby the wrong title was used.
- Fixed a bug whereby the TOC wizard "Use document depth" setting could be reset after editing properties.
- If creating a project from a template, the cover design configuration setting values in the template will be respected if set to "(none)", instead of being reset to the current cover design.
- Fixed import of ODT files where all text is contained in boxes without parent paragraphs.
- Added Prompt for next document option to the Find and Replace dialog to allow reducing prompting when searching or replacing.
- The configuration option "Book file name" can now contain the keyword %TIME% and also keywords for metadata, such as %TITLE% and %AUTHOR%.
- Now supports fixed layout pages when exporting to ODT.
- Added a Getting Help page to the Setup Wizard to encourage use of Search Help.
- Added PDF extension for document import, using Calibre to convert to Epub if installed.
- If clicking on a page link that has no bookmark, it will be shown as (none) instead of choosing the first available bookmark.
- Added configuration option "Permit links to absent content" to avoid warnings if making a sample, for example, but to normally warn if there are undefined links.
- Fixed a problem on Mac (Cocoa version) where the Find window would hide behind the main window after specifying advanced criteria.
- Corrected a bug in HTML parsing where preformatted paragraphs would run on to the next paragraph.
- Corrected a bug in HTML parsing where font tags would not interpret the font family specification correctly, leading to face names including commas.
- Fixed a bug when editing a non-JPEG image from image properties, whereby the image type was changed to JPEG causing the image to not load.
- Copying a PNG image to the clipboard within Jutoh also copies a PNG object so transparent images can be copied and pasted correctly within Jutoh.
- Jutoh no longer limits a pasted cover image to 600x800.
- After editing or pasting an image in the image properties dialog, cancelling the dialog restores the original image, and pressing OK allows the image edit to be undone.
- Fixed parsing of equations converted to images but still wrapped in math elements.
- Improved the appearance of the Favourites tab in the Formatting Palette to be consistent with the other tabs.
- Added Crop images option in Document Cleanup mainly for shrinking equations converted to images and leaving too much whitespace.
- Now only warns about a missing cover design for Epub and Mobipocket generation.
- Removed conditional page breaks from Print Book Sample since sections that should start on a right-hand page can be achieved using the Layout option in page styles.
- Improved Jutoh's ability to use Calibre on Linux for file conversion and email sending, by searching the path for the existence of Calibre rather than a specific installation location.
- Made Jutoh available on the Raspberry Pi 2 for free, with defaults geared towards using Calibre for .mobi file generation instead of Kindlegen. Warnings are reduced when generating Epub for targeting Kindle.
Version 2.28, January 31st 2015
- Added citation import from ODT and ODCX, and tools for managing bibliographies in Jutoh: see the topic Building a bibliography.
- Added Remove Box command to the context menu for boxes.
- Now removes a box surrounding an entire imported HTML document since this may be caused by InDesign HTML export and is unhelpful.
- Added a Document Cleanup option for removing all boxes from a project.
- Added a check for no guide types in Epub 3/fixed layout configurations, since it can cause rejection from iTunes.
- Added .mobi extension to Quick Convert (assumes presence of Calibre).
- Made HTML parsing more tolerant of missing end tags.
- Added an error message for invalid images that have no data, and which will cause errors in the generated ebook file.
- Now the context menu shows three properties commands and not just two if there is a cell, table and box hierarchy.
- The font for list bullets is now only displayed using the paragraph's attributes, not the first object in the paragraph. This change only affects visual presentation in the editor.
- A bug in fixed layout images has been fixed whereby assigning a shadow caused the image to become invisible.
- Fixed a bug whereby the correct context menu wasn't been shown for fixed layout objects.
- For text alignment that isn't specified, Jutoh now outputs a value of 'initial' to override any outer paragraph alignment that might be inherited by paragraphs within a box.
- Horizontal rule import from DOCX now takes account of percentage values.
- Fixed a bug where find and replace didn't find a match next to a previous match.
- Added navigation toolbar back to the modal help dialog, and added Back and Forward buttons to the context menu for the main help window.
- Text boxes can now have shortcuts associated with them, and can be favourites.
- Fixed a bug whereby selecting content after deleting a text box containing selected content could cause a crash.
- Added a warning if auto magnification clashes with URLs.
- Added a warning if two style names could be written to the same CSS style name.
- Added a warning if running EpubCheck on a Mobipocket-optimized Epub.
- Added a warning that creating an advanced TOC doesn't work for fixed layout pages.
- Fixed linked image import from a pict element in DOCX.
- When renaming a style in Project Properties/Styles or the Styles palette, now asks whether the content should be updated to reflect the new style name.
- In the Document Cleanup option 'Repair missing paragraph style names', creates an automatic style where an automatic style was missing but the base style and extra attributes exist.
- Document Cleanup now also cleans up headers and footers in a project's page styles.
- After creating a project from a template, Jutoh now resets any references to documents
within tables of contents that are no longer pertinent (because the referenced content was not also imported).
- When splitting a document on import, now strips out paragraphs consisting solely of
em-space to avoid seemingly empty document names.
- Corrected documentation that stated you can't have Kindle fixed layout books adapt to portrait and landscape orientation by showing one or two pages. Disabling "Auto region magnification" makes this work.
- Fixed regex matching to not replace text with a lower case version if Match case is checked.
- If a regular expression starts with "^" or "(^", searching for a start of line,
at most one match will be made per paragraph.
- Made warnings about multiple formats being used in a single configuration more frequent, but added Multiple formats warning to Advanced Settings to enable it to be switched off.
Version 2.27, December 23rd 2014
- The import button in a media document now sets the original internal folder if there was one, instead of assuming "media".
- Added Edit and View buttons to the media document, to edit or view the data in a suitable helper application.
- Fixed a bug whereby a maximum of two tables of content were loaded from a project file.
- Added Table type field to table of contents properties, setting suitable default titles and names when changed, and linking with "loi" and "lot" guide types in the same way that "toc" is used to generate suitable ODT indexes.
- Fixed generation of HTML index bookmarks without a separate close tag, which caused formatting problems with some renderers.
- Added support for blockquote tag in HTML import.
- Fixed broken HTML list import.
- Fixed bugs in section splitting for Quick Convert.
- Added "wbr" word break element to the Objects palette; this element is imported from HTML, ODT and DOCX (from Unicode 8203 characters for ODT and DOCX) and exported to HTML and ODT.
- Added "Relaxed HTML" configuration option to allow some HTML 5 tags to be used in Epub 2 since ereaders may still take them into account. So far, only the "wbr" element responds to this. ADE recognises "wbr" in Epub 2 files.
- Added copy button to the cover designer, to copy individual images to the clipboard.
- Fixed an infinite loop bug when editing image and drawing files in an external application, if the temporary file already exists.
- By default, the filename for the Mobipocket configuration is set to %FILENAME%_Mobi, to avoid clashes when turning on Epub generation for EpubCheck to work.
- Added some links from the error message tip dialog to some of the KB articles.
- Fixed a bug setting the initial compression option for a new project.
Version 2.26, December 1st 2014
- Added a new command File | Browse, showing details of the Jutoh projects in a folder.
- The template browser in the New Project dialog, and the Project | Import from Project command, now shows the project browser dialog. This can be disabled in advanced settings.
- Moved Copy Documents command to the Document menu, and added Delete Documents command for multiple document deletion.
- Added the ability to specify a shadow for a text box or image, with import from DOCX, ODT and HTML, and export to ODT and HTML. See the Background tab of the formatting dialog.
- DOCX text box import now takes rounded rectangle corner radius into account.
- Horizontal rules are now imported from DOCX.
- Fixed a display problem with centred text in text boxes when a right margin is present.
- Fixed a bug in text box output to ODT when no width is specified.
- Fixed a rounding error in the formatting dialog for fields containing dimensions in cm.
- Regular expression replacement can now use $0, $1, $2 etc. to represent the matching expression and subexpressions.
- Added advanced setting "Extra find and replace symbols" to specify more symbols that can be added in the Find and Replace dialog.
- The "Credit Jutoh" configuration option (generating contributor metadata for Jutoh) is now cleared by default by popular demand.
- Fixed a crash bug in the help system if a custom tag object was being viewed in the help results before the project containing it is closed.
- Made the Find dialog more compact.
- Fixed a problem when installing Kindle Previewer via Jutoh on Windows whereby the new Kindle Previewer helper command wasn't saved, so Launch didn't work without further fiddling.
- Worked around the Kindle for Mac copy error message box when launching a Mobipocket file, by deleting the file from Kindle's local storage first if possible.
- Fixed a bug whereby when multiple projects were loaded, the wrong document titles could be shown in the Inspector.
- Fixed a bug whereby if a name was specified and two images with the same name but different extensions were to be output (for example by a drawing object), the second image would reuse the first image's name.
- Fixed a Windows installation bug whereby the language used in the installer is not written correctly to the Jutoh registry area.
- After copying documents from another project with Document | Copy Documents, the project is now marked as modified so the changes are saved.
- Can no longer copy and paste a locked document, such as the special Content folder.
- When discarding styles after import, doesn't replace paragraph style names if they are found in the Jutoh style sheet.
- Added a warning if popup footnotes and endnotes are enabled at the same time, since it doesn't work on iBooks.
- Removed Slideshow command from the Document menu.
- When running Kindlegen, the original Mobipocket file is temporarily renamed to allow better detection of Kindlegen failure, for example if the title is missing.
- Added checking for a blank title and bad characters in the 'Book file name' configuration option.
- Added project file size to information page in Project Properties.
- The advanced TOC now includes folder names at the appropriate levels if folders have been
used to structure the project.
- Added Preview button to book document properties dialog using the current settings in the dialog.
- Fixed a bug in Document Cleanup when replacing paragraph styles and deleting blank lines preceding the found paragraphs.
Version 2.25, October 29th 2014
- Added a new configuration option "Omit box height", on by default, that removes text box height to prevent overflow of content.
- Fixed margins being output to body instead of @page.
- Fixed import from ODT of text boxes within tables.
- Fixed string table substitution in language metadata for ODT export.
- Line spacing in ODT export now overrides the value in parent styles for single line spacing.
- Corrected a bug preventing the use of global string tables.
- Fixed a bug in Find whereby a blank paragraph would cause search to stop advancing when finding a paragraph style.
- Speeded up Find by caching document buffers so they do not need to be repeatedly loaded when searching documents that are not currently visible.
- When merging table cells, if all cells contain only one paragraph each, the cells are merged into a single paragraph.
- Fixed resolution of page reference objects after splitting a document.
- Added an Inspector option for showing items for all documents in a project.
- When converting a DOCX or ODT file, Jutoh now enables the configuration option "Replace absolute widths" since it's likely that absolute sizes in the project will cause problems for HTML-based ebooks.
- Fixed font selector dialog for Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).
Version 2.24, October 17th 2014
- Fixed a bug in importing lists from DOCX.
- Improved error location behaviour for footnotes.
- Improved copy and paste behaviour to fix styles within footnotes.
- Added an option "All, converting GIF to PNG" to the configuration property "Convert images to JPEG".
Version 2.23, October 15th 2014
- Added the ability to drag image files from Explorer to the editor on Windows.
- Added "Optimize images for Word" configuration option to create ODT that works better in Word by removing any image padding.
- Fixed attribute editing for media objects.
- Image sizes in HTML output no longer have border sizes, padding and margin subtracted from them because in the Jutoh editor and in HTML, the size refers to the actual image, whereas for text boxes and tables, the object size includes extra spacing in the editor.
- Image size in ODT export now more accurately reflects what you see in the editor, as padding is now added to the image size. Margins are now subtracted from the text box size so that boxes look similar to what's displayed in Jutoh.
- Fixed a crash in ODT generation for tables containing lists.
- Fixed ODT code generation for box styles that have base styles.
- Now parses DOCX text boxes specified within "w:pict" nodes as well as "w:drawing" nodes.
- Fixed DOCX list parsing for multilevel lists (honours "w:numStyleLink").
- Changed the identifiers in content.opf for the TOC and NCX items to be "toc" and "ncx" respectively in order to work better with NOOK Press.
- Added "Default project template" and "Default style sheet template" advanced settings to allow specification of the default project and style sheet templates.
- Fixed a crash on Mac when editing styles from the Formatting Palette.
Version 2.22, October 10th 2014
- Fixed a bug in application of character attributes when the underlying paragraph has a break or no-break attribute.
- Added Build | Import Updated Images command prompting for a folder containing images to import.
- Fixed Paste Unformatted Text command after copying cells in a table.
- Cutting cell content from a table no longer leaves the cells without paragraph styles.
- Added Split Table command.
- Figure now gets alignment from the caption paragraph style in Epub 3. However ADE 4 still won't centre figures.
- Figure summary and details no longer run together in Epub 3.
- Fixed blank objects palette after joining a document with the next one.
- Fixed crash when creating a text document (not section document).
- Added boxes, tables, conditions, comments and media objects to the things that can be searched for in the Find and Replace dialog.
- Search no longer selects two immediately adjacent object of the same type.
- When importing styles from DOCX, 'auto' text colour is respected in order to override the document-wide default colour.
- Fixed a code generation problem where Epub 3 section tags immediately followed a list.
- The bookmark dialog now replaces invalid characters after warning about them.
- Fixed a bug whereby a newly imported project with an existing index document would not have the correct index formatting without updating twice.
- Now warns if the spellcheck dictionary is not set; and also initialises the dictionary to the current language when starting, if the spellcheck dictionary was previously set to None.
Version 2.21, September 30th 2014
- By combining URL and bookmark into one anchor tag, Jutoh can generate code that is compatible with the heuristics employed by some versions of the Kindle, such as the Kindle Paperwhite, to implement popup footnotes. To make this work, set the reference style before each note to [1] or (none), and set the base reference style to (none).
- Fixed a bug whereby updating endnotes could lose text just typed in a chapter containing footnotes.
- Fixed a bug failing to transform page reference URLs in line with the referenced bookmarks.
- Search and Replace All is about 50% faster.
- Added "Letter spacing" advanced property to objects and styles.
- Removing formatting also now removes advanced properties (except attributes such as "Id").
- Added Select Table command to the table formatting command.
- Images now respond to the vertical alignment setting on a line.
- Fixed a bug with spell checking in 2.20.
- Images, boxes and tables with relative positions are now identifiable in the Inspector to make it easier to troubleshoot warnings from Kindlegen.
- Now when pressing return, a URL in the previous paragraph is not continued to the new paragraph.
- Removed the distracting toolbar at the top of help window and added replacement commands in the help context menu, for showing and hiding the contents panel and for editing help window options.
- When inserting a symbol, any existing selection is first removed.
Version 2.20, September 1st 2014
- Added "Print book page number" field for specifying page numbers in the equivalent printed book, and added the "Generate page list" and "Generate Adobe page map" configuration options for generating the appropriate Epub code for iBooks and ADE.
- Objects, fields and lists can now have custom keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixed a crash after DOCX import if there is a blank page.
- Fixed list style import when using File | Import.
- Line spacing that would be less than single spacing now ignored when reading from DOCX and ODT.
- Fixed a bug in custom objects where all possible attributes would be included in the new object.
- Fixed crash in help after opening project, running a search, then closing the project, then closing help.
- Fixed a bug in the German translation that caused the "Cover design" configuration property to disappear.
- Fixed a visual glitch in the appearance control of the tag object properties editor.
- The Windows custom colour controls now work and are saved between sessions, for the formatting and text colour dialogs.
- Fixed a problem scrolling text found by the Find dialog into view if at the start of a line.
- Fixed wrong font sizes in fixed layout documents if you increased or decreased editing text size; this functionality is now disabled for fixed layout pages.
- No longer emits soft hyphen entity if using XHTML and HTML5, since named entities cannot be predeclared and cause EpubCheck errors.
- Fixed a problem in NCX generation for documents that are nested under title or cover documents.
- Fixed a crash in document cleanup when converting InDesign bookmarks to footnotes.
- Added links from configuration options in the application help User Guide to show the Configurations dialog when clicked.
- Selected images are now differentiated visually on Mac.
- Added the ability to change the temporary folder in Advanced Settings.
- Added the ability to change the Kindlegen output locale in Advanced Settings.
- You can now create folder documents under Content to organize your section documents without
affecting ebook output.
- Changed hotkey for File | Examine Epub to not conflict with that for File | Exit.
Version 2.19, July 31st 2014
- Added "Show binding" configuration option for showing or suppressing the binding in fixed layout book (iBooks only).
- Fixed unnecessary marking of the project file as modified when switching configurations in a fixed layout project.
- Fixed accidentally disabled advanced properties editor for objects.
- When importing from ODT and DOCX, a paragraph now needs all four borders to be present before interpreting it as a text box, to avoid false positives.
- The language specified in the project metadata is now used to initialise the default paragraph style in ODT export.
- Added a new configuration option "Add blank paragraphs for Word", which outputs blank paragraphs before page breaks for better Word compatibility. When working purely with LibreOffice/OpenOffice, you may wish to disable this.
- The configuration option "Styles suppressing hyphenation" now works for ODT export.
- Fixed Run functionality in command result after searching.
- Jutoh now looks in folders for the Kindlegen executable when installing, since the location in the Amazon zip file has changed.
- Fixed TOC building when headings have URLs (bookmarks were not being created for these headings resulting in bad links).
Version 2.18, July 23rd 2014
- Added the document cleanup option Remove list item paragraph indentation.
- Added the command Book | Import from Project to allow import of selected content and properties of another project.
- Added the command Book | Help with Print on Demand showing a print on demand wizard to make it easier to apply page styles to a project.
- Added a condition object inserted using Format | Insert | Condition, to allow blocks of text to be conditional on configuration tags without using styles.
- Added a Generate UUID tool for the desktop and Tools menu.
- ODT export now outputs paragraph identifiers as bookmarks.
- Fixed Paste Unformatted Text.
- Fixed a crash triggered by empty text boxes in fixed layout book.
- Fixed a crash when starting search from a non-editor document.
- Fixed disabling of Page Break and Object menu commands when an editor is not enabled.
- Fixed disabled copying to the clipboard in Linux and Mac.
- Fixed comment deletion from the comment editor dialog.
- Fixed more old-formatting removing when using "Remove old formatting" in the Document Cleanup dialog.
- If a custom CSS width or height is present in an image's (or box style's) "Custom properties", the
normal width and height are suppressed (HTML-based formats only).
- Fixed XML problem reading footnotes after viewing in highlighting mode.
- The context menu button now works on Linux within the editor.
- Corrected UUID creation on Linux and Mac.
- Now auto-corrects bad UUID values in configurations on loading (a bug in older versions of Jutoh on Linux and Mac may have created a bad UUID).
- The "Respect specified image size" option in the New Project Wizard now works for DOCX import.
- The Insert Bookmark command now shows the current bookmark at the selection, if any, and allows bookmark removal.
- Added "Apply to punctuation" to "Apply character style" option in Document Cleanup.
- In ODT export, page breaks are now preceded by a blank paragraph to avoid justification problems when opening in or exporting to Word.
- Fixed bad UUID generation on Linux and Mac.
- Added "(none)" option to footnote "Reference styles" options to allow numbers without superscripts or square brackets.
- Changed the footnote option "Always apply style" to a drop-down list with options for not applying the style, applying the full style, and applying just the attributes in the style to form a new style but retaining existing unchanged attributes in the footnote paragraph.
- Fixed crash on Linux when reimporting a project, due to momentary absence of any configurations.
- Fixed spellchecking on text containing line breaks.
- The spellchecker now ignores 'apostrophe s' at the end of a word.
- Fixed a bug that corrupted TIFF images on import if the images were resized (now they are saved as PNG since TIFF saving does not currently work).
Version 2.17, June 26th 2014
- Corrected broken bookmarks in ODT output when the whole paragraph is included in the bookmark.
- Fixed a resource loading bug in 2.16.
- Added the "Convert images to JPEG" option: "All, converting GIF to PNG". Currently for HTML/Epub/Mobipocket only.
Version 2.16, June 25th 2014
- Added a new drawing object feature, which supports bitmap, SVG and MathML formats with export control via configuration options. Drawing objects can be pasted from SVG and MathML, and imported from DOCX and ODT files.
- Added Edit button to image properties for editing an external application.
- Added Configure Editors to Preferences/Helpers to allow for editing in external applications.
- You can now edit the properties of an image in a fixed layout page by double-clicking it.
- Enabled file operation buttons such as Import, Paste and Edit for editing images in fixed layout pages.
- Added Edit Background Image command to invoke an external editor for changing the background of a fixed layout page.
- Added WMF to SVG Converter setting to Preferences/Helpers.
- Fixed a bug whereby margins weren't set correctly in ODT output for individual page styles.
- Image attributes can now include vertical alignment, useful for small symbol images.
- Added Clean up tables to the document cleanup dialog. Currently this just removes spurious cell margins.
- When editing multiple table cell properties, unsetting attributes such as margins now takes effect assuming that they were set previously.
- In ODT compilation, no longer warns about not being able to create an automatic TOC if "Special table of contents formatting" is disabled.
- Fixed a crash in ODT export for complex headers and footers.
- Fixed a crash when adding a comment.
- Eliminated a white border around pages in fixed-layout books in iBooks, by resetting the body margin and padding to zero.
- Jutoh now creates the target folder when generating an ebook, if it doesn't exist.
- Footnotes are now numbered in the Inspector.
- Fixed refresh of the Inspector after deleting bookmarks.
- Added Repair missing paragraph styles option to document cleanup.
- Added Remove old formatting option to document cleanup to fix Jutoh 1 image properties.
- Fixed a bug rendering bitmap bullets specified in list styles.
- Potential bullet images from media resources in the current project are now shown in the list style editor.
- When creating a new list style copying from an existing style, the existing style is now correctly copied to the new style.
- Improved HTML list generation code to take into account bullet to text spacing (not supported by ADE).
- Fixed a crash when the user creates a project if there is already a project of the same name.
- Fixed a crash when trying to use a non-existent style sheet in the New Project wizard.
- Corrected section break import from DOCX whereby it broke one paragraph too soon; also now eliminates an empty paragraph for non-section page breaks.
- Fixed DOCX import where there are subdocuments such as a glossary.
Version 2.15, May 30th 2014
- Border attributes are now always associated with each image in iBooks-optimized Epubs, and not with the container div used to work around the iBooks size specification bug.
- Now shows where Jutoh is actually editing the file, in Project Properties/Info.
- Fixed a bug in Save As when saving to a Dropbox or other folder indicated in "Edit in temporary folder" setting, whereby the file was copied to the Dropbox folder instead of the temporary folder, causing SQLite errors.
- Assets (HTML templates) are now copied when copying and pasting a document in Jutoh Plus.
- Styles with small capitals no longer repeat the font-size CSS attribute if there is also a font size (thereby overriding the original font size).
- Removed charset declaration from CSS files since it caused the following list attribute reset to fail.
Version 2.14, May 26th 2014
- Added Quick Convert file menu command, main toolbar command, and desktop tool. This command prompts for a file to convert to a new Jutoh project as a quick alternative to the New Project wizard. You can also achieve this from the Open command by selecting a non-Jutoh document file.
- Added Page Layout panel to Project Properties, for specifying project-wide ODT page layout generation behaviour.
- Added Page tab to Book Document Properties dialog, for specifying ODT page layout generation behaviour per section. Page styles can be created here for reuse in other sections.
- Added "Special table of contents formatting" configuration option to determine whether an ODT table of contents field should be generated. Documented the new behaviour in the topic "Building a table of contents".
- Import from DOCX and ODT now preserves page properties if using page breaks to split the document.
- Added a new help topic: "Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF".
- Added field objects: "table-of-contents", "page-number", "page-count", and "page-ref". Page references are now imported from DOCX and ODT as "page-ref" fields, which translate to hyperlinks in HTML-based formats.
- Document saving has been speeded up by about a factor of two.
- Added Newlines separate rows option to the Insert Table dialog.
- Added Clone Template to the table gallery dialog.
- New tables now start off with no explicit cell widths unless specified in the table template.
- Added table cell selection using the arrow keys, and keyboard left/right navigation between cells at the start and end of the cell content.
- Find now searches from the current text position for new searches or when the Find dialog is shown again, instead of from the top of the current document.
- Fixed incomplete undo when pasting plain text with a trailing newline and then undoing.
- Corrected a problem with paragraph alignment when floating objects are present.
- Added Clear All Column Widths to Table Properties dialog.
- Images are now pasted from the clipboard as PNG, not the current format, in the Image Properties dialog.
- Fixed a crash when importing text boxes from ODT.
- Fixed warnings about missing paragraph styles in table cells hidden by column or row spans.
- Added a Compress project setting to Project Properties/Options to set the compression status.
- Added a Compress projects advanced setting that makes new projects compressed.
- Added Resave All button to the Project Maintenance dialog, which loads and saves all documents. This is useful if you have changed the project compression setting.
- Added Force simple NavMap configuration option, to resolve Lulu toc.ncx errors without having to regenerate the table of contents.
- Added a "Lulu Epub" configuration to initial choices, with its configuration option Force simple NavMap enabled.
- Added an "Epub 3" configuration to initial choices.
- If a link points to the same page, and no bookmark has been specified, Jutoh will no longer generate a single hash character as the link.
- After Epub import, documents now have the original guide types such as "toc".
- Added text import encoding to global settings. Change this if text import is not working.
- Added Reset Optional Tips to Preferences/Advanced, to show all tips that may have been marked for not showing next time.
- You can now specify multiple string tables in configurations by separating their names with the pipe character.
- Fixed a problem in DOCX whereby some items could get the wrong bullet number due to the Word numbering id changing. A change of numbering id is now ignored since it is apparently valid to use different ids in the same list.
- Fixed a problem in DOCX import whereby citations were omitted.
- Fixed a crash in Document Cleanup dialog when removing trailing line breaks.
- Fixed a crash on Epub import when escaped characters were used for file names.
- Page links are now silently suppressed when the target document has been deliberately excluded from the ebook, for example for creating a limited sample. This means that the table of contents does not have to be regenerated for a sample, and Jutoh will not warn unnecessarily of 'broken' links.
- Added new templates "Blocky 01.dtempl" and "Blocky 02.dtempl", and changed the default template.
- Added "Capitals" text option to the cover designer.
- Added "Custom template folder" to advanced settings.
- A cleared "Generate font names" option will now be honoured even if "Embed fonts" is checked, and only embedded fonts will be named explicitly in the CSS. This allows users to still change other fonts on their ereaders.
- Auto-save now only saves if changes have been made since the last auto-save.
- Added Show all permutations option for indexes.
- The footnote editing dialog now always shows a toolbar.
- Footnotes in exported ODT files now have the numbering formatted with superscript, by creating a "Footnote Characters" style.
- Added charset directive to CSS file so ereaders know it's potentially UTF-8.
- Fixed a bug in Document Cleanup whereby cleanup might not be applied to attributes in a document that isn't currently being edited.
- Fixed bugs in DOCX import when overstrike and other effects are sometimes applied erroneously.
- Added a German UI strings translation courtesy of Karoly.
Version 2.13, April 18th 2014
- Now supports search and replace in footnotes, by displaying each footnote in the Find dialog.
- Added new 'comment' object. Use the Insert menu, toolbar button or the Objects tab in the Formatting Palette to create a new comment. Comments are imported from DOCX and ODT, and exported to ODT. See the topic "Working with comments" for more information.
- Added new configuration options for controlling comments: "Comments to include", "Comment style", "Comment content style", "Special comment formatting".
- Added new options Remove all comments and Remove all index entries to the Document Cleanup dialog.
- Added User name and Initials fields to Preferences/General, used in new comments.
- Added configuration options to change absolute image, box and table widths to percentage widths: "Replace absolute widths" and "Maximum percentage width".
- Added new controls in the Source Code Document properties dialog for HTML documents: Tags, Guide type, Show in Table of Contents, Show in NavMap, Show in Spine, Uses JavaScript, Uses SVG, Uses MathML, Uses remote resources.
- Added iframe to the list of objects.
- Tag objects are now initialised with the same colour that is used to reset them (i.e. they no longer start off white).
- Fixed a bug parsing boxes within boxes when importing a DOCX file.
- Fixed an ODT import bug whereby the superscript style was applied to the whole note.
- Fixed a crash adding footnotes in fixed layout documents.
- Object status line messages now appear in the second status line region, to avoid overwriting other messages too quickly when moving the mouse over the editor.
- Fixed translation of configuration categories.
- After a successful Kindlegen compilation, the approximate KF7 and KF8 deliverable sizes are written to the log, status line and error window.
- Added a warning about multiple TOCs that apply to the whole book and may therefore have been added accidentally.
Version 2.12, April 1st 2014
- Added Find Next (F3 on Windows and Linux, Cmd+G on Mac).
- Using a shortcut to apply a character style now sets the current default style if there is no selection, instead of applying it to the whole paragraph.
- Added experimental "Load images on demand" advanced setting, to only load images when necessary.
This will help when your projects contain many large images.
- Fixed a bug parsing nested tables when importing HTML; also table parent paragraphs are centred if the table has centre alignment.
- Fixed a bug parsing tables when CSS usage is switched off.
- Improved table column spanning calculations within the editor so the maximum size of a spanning cell in a given column is now used, avoiding cramped columns in some situations.
- Fixed a bug resetting the first paragraph's style when editing footnotes.
- Fixed a bug in find and replace whereby documents were not marked as edited, and therefore the changes were not saved.
- Added support for creating CHM files, and improved HTB export. CHM and HTB export are now Jutoh Plus features.
- Added HHP (HTML Help project file) import.
- Added "HTML version" and "Use XHTML" configurations for more control over HTML generation.
- Text boxes in headings now cause the HTML code to use divs instead of heading tabs, to avoid an error.
- Improved pasting content from Jutoh 1 and Writer's Café.
- Added more data separators in the insert table dialog.
- Now migrates Jutoh 1 user name, key and Kindlegen path from existing settings.
- Changed the default Show Configuration shortcut to F4 from F3.
- Fixed bugs in Format | Insert File.
- Fixed bug in import whereby base style names were not changed when style names needed to be changed due to a clash of name and attributes.
- Improved HTML import so that similar categories of styles are reused if possible.
- HTML import takes better account of identifiers in tags and also bookmarks that are used outside a paragraph.
- Further HTML import improvements including SVG "image" tag recognition, handling of the "center" tag, and better-formed section titles if they contain whitespace.
- Import from DOCX now detects placeable Windows metafiles (WMF) as well as enhanced metafiles.
- Shows advice to edit the style if trying to remove a page break from a non-automatic style.
- Now warns about empty sections, which cause EpubCheck errors.
- Now checks for non-HTML file name extensions in a document's "File name" field, which causes errors in the OPF and NCX.
- No longer generates confusing "doc:" links in HTML if references were not resolved.
- Fixed Jutoh version number reporting for the Mac bundle.
- Increased the size of the index entry editor and made it resizeable.
- Fixed a bug with all help search options starting disabled.
- Added "Arabesque Yazd" tile and cover template kindly contributed by Tristano Ajmone.
- On Mac and Linux, Kindlegen is now called with quotation marks around the command in order not to fail if the Kindlegen installation path contains spaces or other unusual characters.
Version 2.11, March 6th 2014
- Fixed a bug whereby document advanced properties weren't being saved.
- Fixed the Help button for Media Object properties.
- When editing a text object in a fixed layout document, changing the window size now keeps the text editor at the correct position.
- Fixed a bug in fixed layout editing whereby undoing a change caused an incorrect position or size to be set.
Version 2.10, March 4th 2014
- Added Book | Preview Section command which shows the current book section in the default web browser.
- Enhanced the Advanced property page for content and styles, with a property grid editor.
- Added more attributes and properties that can be edited in Advanced properties, including "Epub type", "Role", "Language", and "Custom attributes". "Custom attributes" allows linking objects to JavaScript code.
- Added Advanced Properties page to the document properties dialog. Attributes specified in this page will be added to the HTML body tag.
- In the document properties dialog, renamed "Scripted" to "JavaScript" and also added "SVG", "XML" and "Remote resources" checkboxes for Epub 3 compatibility.
- Added an Objects tab to the Formatting Palette, listing all the objects that can be inserted into a document, including new 'tag' objects representing HTML tags.
- Custom tag objects allow aliases to existing tag objects, with predefined default properties.
- Added form objects such as input, textarea, and button to make it easier to specify input and output in a document and then link controls up to JavaScript code, without needing to edit HTML.
- Added the menu command Format | Insert | Insert Object showing a list of objects that can be inserted.
- Added an Inspector tab to the Formatting Palette, listing specific kinds of object in the current document such as bookmarks, links and images.
- Added an Accessibility page to the Project Properties dialog, with the ability to edit a mapping from styles to section and phrase tags (e.g. em), and other transformations including insertion of figure tags.
- Added an Epub 3 narration capability via timing sets specified in document properties, imported from Audacity label files. This generates SMIL overlay files for each document with timing sets.
- Added the ability to generate SMIL overlay files without media or timings to help text-to-speech systems navigate the ebook.
- Added a Description page to table properties for accessibility purposes.
- Added the option "Add tags for Epub 3" to the Footnotes page for better accessibility.
- Jutoh now takes into account identifiers in all objects when presenting the Link to Page dialog, and when checking for bad links.
- Added a "Tidy XML" checkbox to the Epub code viewer, to make XML easier to read.
- Jutoh now adds CSS defaults for table cells to match the Jutoh defaults (i.e. left and top-aligned).
- Added a "Use minimum size for cells" configuration option, which swaps table cell sizes for minimum sizes to avoid bad formatting in ADE.
- Paragraph tags containing a single table or box are now optimized out if not applying optimization for centering these objects.
- Added "Enable images" to advanced preferences, to allow troublesome images to be deleted without loading them.
- Added "Allow reflowable and fixed layout" configuration option, so you can now mix the types of document (probably only useful for Epub 3).
- Speeded up replace-all operations by not refreshing the editor on every replacement.
- Fixed duplicate attributes and style bug for images.
- Fixed a bug calculating CSS widths, resulting in too-small widths.
- Fixed a bug in copying from table cells so that selection of all of a single cell's content doesn't copy a sub-table.
- Lists are now terminated correctly within containers such as tables.
- Fixed a crash splitting a document containing text boxes or tables.
- If display:inline-block isn't being used for box or table centering, Jutoh removes the enclosing paragraph tags around a single box or table since it can cause problems for Kindle when boxes or tables are nested.
- Improved Document | Show Documents in Browser command to show the correct styling.
- Removed all print commands except File | Print, which shows the book as a single file in the default web browser for printing. This will give a better result than the previous method of printing.
- The image properties dialog now has a Paste button for replacing the image from the clipboard while keeping the other image properties intact.
- Fixed a bug whereby some image properties were lost in the conversion from Jutoh 1 project files.
- Fixed a bug in duplicating box attributes when optimizing for iBooks.
- Fixed a bug whereby a new box style was not created when specifying just a width or height for an image when a box style was applied.
- Added DOCX import of padding and float mode for images and text boxes.
- Fixed performance issue when showing floating objects; removed "Floating object layout" advanced option and added a "Preview Floating Objects" command to the View menu, defaulting to on.
- Fixed left-alignment and margin refresh bugs in fixed layout editor.
- Added a new sample, "Epub 3 Sample.jutoh".
- Removed redundant, Internet Explorer-specific Document | Import Favourites.
- Added image size to the image properties dialog.
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.76.
Version 2.09, December 28th 2013
- Added scrollbar hysteresis loop detection to avoid flickering when an object with proportional width changes the content height causing a scrollbar change.
- Removed cellspacing attribute from tables in Epub 3 mode. However it is necessary in Epub 2 for ADE to display no gaps between cells.
- Removed redundant lines in HTML box and table generation.
- Improved table layout when spanned columns have little content and caused columns to shrink.
- HTML/Epub import now removes all box attributes from paragraph styles (they couldn't be edited anyway).
- The book viewer now uses styled text by default, which can be switched off via the "Use styled HTML viewer" advanced setting.
- Added "Maximum table rows for inline-block" to cope with the fact that ADE needs "display:inline-block" for centering to work, but it prevents tables from spanning multiple pages, so we differentiate between small and large tables.
- Similarly, "Maximum box words for inline-block" specifies the maximum number of words for inline-block to be used for text boxes.
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.75.
Version 2.08, December 9th 2013
- Added "page-break-inside:avoid;" to tables and boxes for better appearance on readers that support it, such as Adobe Digital Editions.
- Added "Emulate boxes using tables" configuration option to work around the lack of text boxes in Kindle for iOS.
- Fixed various layout and selection problems for floating objects when the advanced option "Floating object layout" is on.
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.74.
Version 2.07, November 28th 2013
- Made some operations (such as URL insertion) nested-container aware.
- Fixed a bug in spell-checking for a fixed layout document, and find and replace now finishes editing the last object.
- The extra span added to a paragraph as iBooks optimization is no longer added if there is a box or table in the paragraph, since a span cannot contain a div or table.
- Corrected a text background formatting glitch in objects.
- Corrected wrong treatment of hyphens in highlighting mode.
- Fixed "Limit image to viewer size" behaviour, and also iBooks image optimization.
- The selection no longer extends to the end of the document when the mouse goes outside the editor window.
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.73.
Version 2.06, November 22nd 2013
- Added support for tables and boxes, including a table gallery, table properties, a table menu on the Format menu, and Table and Table Formatting submenus on the context menu.
- Changed the appearance of objects such as standalone bookmarks, footnotes and index entries, using coloured text tags instead of icons. The appearance of objects can be customised via Preferences/Highlighting, and icons can be restored if required.
- Added corner specification to the box editing dialog.
- Added RTL and hyphenation suppression options to the font dialog.
- Added Avoid page break before paragraph, Avoid page break after paragraph options to the indents and spacing dialog.
- Changed the Font menu command to Character to reflect the non-font attributes that can also be applied.
- Added an Advanced tab to the paragraph and character editing dialogs, for specifying identifiers and custom CSS classes for individual paragraphs and text spans.
- The separate Properties button for styles on the Project Properties Styles page has been removed, and these properties can now be edited using the Advanced tab on the style editing dialogs.
- Improved image import from Word and ODT; specified image sizes are retained, and cropped images in DOCX are supported.
- Fixed some problems with bookmarks specific to version 2, including an error causing two bookmarks to be associated with a standalone bookmark after creation of a table of contents, incorrect standalone bookmark name output to ODT, and the non-appearance of standalone bookmarks in the Link to Page dialog.
- Fixed image distortion in Kindle fixed layout ebooks.
- Replaced the Launch toolbar icon with a simpler 'play' icon.
- Fixed a crash in auto-paste.
- Added a new sample, "Formatting Sample.jutoh".
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.72.
Version 2.05, July 20th 2013
- Fixed a problem saving changes to edits in objects such as horizontal rules.
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.71.
Version 2.04, June 27th 2013
- Fixed some refresh and pasting glitches.
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.70, including a new help search system.
Version 2.03, May 27th 2013
- Added a warning if the project mixes fixed layout and reflowable book documents.
- Added a position mode control to the image properties dialog, and a tip for when Kindlegen complains about relative position.
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.69.
Version 2.02, May 13th 2013
- For Epub 3 generation, the navigation document is no longer in included in the spine, so it won't spoil the presentation of fixed layout books.
- Right-hand pages of split fixed layout books are now generated with the correct "linear" value in the spine.
- Fixed a crash when adding a configuration.
- Fixed edited properties in an image not sticking.
Version 2.01, April 9th 2013
- Fixed inability to use New Document context menu command to create fixed layout pages.
- Fixed search and spellchecking in fixed page documents.
- Added "Keep formatting palette shown" advanced settings option to keep the formatting palette open at all times in fixed layout pages.
- Fixed lack of default style when pasting plain text into a fixed layout page.
- Fixed a bug restoring section document properties.
- See also changes in Jutoh 1.67.
Version 2.00, March 1st 2013
- First preview of Jutoh 2.