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KB0029: Is Jutoh compatible with Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon Drive and iCloud?

See also:
Jutoh doesn't appear to save my changes
What do I do if a document or project becomes corrupted?
Why does Windows complain that files cannot be found, opened or written?

File synchronisation services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon Drive, OneDrive and iCloud can be used to store Jutoh projects, but because Jutoh writes parts of the file incrementally, these services can corrupt the Jutoh project during editing. This problem manifests itself as SQLITE error messages.

To work around the problem, Jutoh can detect when a project is being edited in a cloud folder, and edit the project in a temporary location instead. When the project is closed, the file is copied to the original location. You can see the name of the temporary file by showing the Project Properties dialog (click Edit on the toolbar) and clicking on the Info tab in Jutoh 2, or under Metadata/Project/Information in Jutoh 3. If the file is being edited in a temporary location, an Editing in message will be shown.

By default, Jutoh checks for project paths containing the name Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon Drive, OneDrive or iCloud, and edits in a temporary location if found. You can add further patterns to check other names by clicking on Options on the toolbar, and then on Projects. Edit the field Match patterns, adding a pipe separator ('|') and then a pattern that can include wildcards ('*' and '?').

On Windows 10, you may have opted in to storing all your documents on Microsoft's OneDrive cloud service. This means that the Documents folder, and therefore Jutoh's Jutoh Documents and Jutoh Samples folders, are all below the OneDrive synchronisation folder. Therefore if you don't specify an alternative location when creating a Jutoh project file, Jutoh will have to edit each project in a temporary location.

If you want to stop Jutoh from defaulting to cloud storage for new projects, click Options and in the General tab, set Documents to a local folder, for example c:\Users\JoeBloggs\Documents.

You can also use the command Setup on the View menu to edit this location, and it will warn you if your default project location is in the cloud, as defined by the pattern described above.

If you want to stop Windows (and not just Jutoh) from storing all your documents on OneDrive, you can edit the location of your Documents folder by right-clicking over Documents in Windows Explorer, clicking Properties, and changing the location. For more on this, please see this article. Note that after doing this, you will also need to change the Jutoh default project location, as mentioned above.

On Windows, Google's File Stream Drive assigns a drive rather than a folder to cloud storage, so you may need to include something like *G:* in your synchronisation paths in Preferences/Projects. If the drive changes between reboots, you may need to add further drives just in case, such as *H:* and *I:*, or you can try changing Google File Stream Drive settings to use a fixed drive; or you can use Windows to map a drive letter to the actual drive.

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