Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0058: How do I update EpubCheck? | Next: KB0060: Why do I need to split my book into sections?
For each document, there is a title in addition to any heading that the document might have. The title is used when creating simple tables of content, or when Jutoh cannot find headings to use for the table of contents.
There are several ways of editing the title of a document:
Simply click on the titlebar at the top of the document, and enter the new title. Press the return key to confirm. Or:
Choose Document | Edit Title to start editing the title. Or:
Right-click over the project outline and select Rename; enter the new title and click OK. Or:
Show the document's properties dialog with Document | Document Properties or Shift+Alt+Enter or right-clicking on the document in the outline and click Properties, and if the dialog for this document has a field for the title, type the new title and click OK.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0058: How do I update EpubCheck? | Next: KB0060: Why do I need to split my book into sections?