Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0059: How do I change a document title? | Next: KB0061: How do I make Jutoh output repeated images as a single image file?

KB0060: Why do I need to split my book into sections?

See also: Why is there only one entry in my table of contents?

There are several reasons:

So, it may seem strange and slightly annoying to have to do this, but it's a requirement for ebooks.

In the New Project Wizard, Jutoh will give you options for splitting on the basis of a style you've used for top-level headings, or a pattern to match ("Chapter*" matches headings beginning "Chapter"), or by page breaks in your original document. If none of these work for you, or you wish to do it manually, then after the New Project Wizard has finished, split up your document by placing the text cursor on a section heading, and then using the Split Document on the Documents menu. This will divide the currently edited section in two.

Rather than split your book manually, you may find it easier simply to add page breaks at the relevant points in your original document, and tell Jutoh to use those. If you decide to do it this way after you have created your Jutoh project, you can quickly reimport the original document using the Reimport Project command on the File menu. Jutoh will use the settings you already chose.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0059: How do I change a document title? | Next: KB0061: How do I make Jutoh output repeated images as a single image file?