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KB0119: Why are some images in my book duplicated?

See also: How do I make Jutoh output repeated images as a single image file?

If the Name property of two or more images is the same, only the first image is stored in the file, and all images with the same name use that image.

This is a useful mechanism to optimize file size for decorative images; but occasionally it may happen accidentally if the names are the same. To fix this, either click on the relevant images and make the name unique (or blank the field), or edit your configuration and clear the option Use specified image file names. Then compile your book again, and the duplication should be fixed.

Keywords: repeated images, duplicate images, identical images, wrong images, incorrect images

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0118: How can I test my Epub and Kindle books? | Next: KB0120: How do I resolve Lulu errors?