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KB0141: I have problems with page styles and ODT generation

This topic collects some of the problems you may encounter when setting up page styles for OpenDocument (ODT) generation.

See also:
Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF in the Jutoh manual
How do I use Jutoh with print on demand services?
Why does my page style stop working after the first chapter in ODT?

In the 'Help With Print on Demand' wizard, changing the page size and margins doesn't have an effect

In the wizard, changing the page size and margins stores these values in the OpenDocument configuration. They will not be used if you have already specified these values per page style. Where the page styles do not specify these values, they are inherited from these project-wide settings in the current configuration.

However, setting these values in the configuration is still useful so that Jutoh has a way to compute maximum image size for covers and other images (see the next issue).

The cover page doesn't fit in the generated ODT file and causes a blank following page

Set the per-configuration page size and margins so that Jutoh can calculate a suitable maximum size for the cover image just from the configuration.

My page numbers start again at every section

The problem is that in your page style, you are specifying that the page numbers should restart at the beginning of the section. Clear Start number in the style, and use Start number in the section-specific settings instead.

How can I insert a page number into a header or footer?

Edit the header or footer in a page style, right-click (or control-click on Mac) to show the context menu and use Insert / Field / Page number.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0140: Why does the Epub NavMap display incorrectly in NOOK Press? | Next: KB0142: Fixed layout Kindle book does not adapt properly to portrait and landscape orientations