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KB0174: Why does Jutoh warn about duplicate identifiers?

See also: Jutoh warns about duplicate bookmarks, but I can't find them

You may see this error in Jutoh:

WARNING (Jutoh): the bookmark XYZ was used more than once.

This means that you have used bookmarks or identifiers - perhaps in tables - with the same name several times within the same section (reuse in different sections is fine). The reasons for this might be:

Editing behaviour has been improved to avoid splitting bookmarks, but it might still happen if you press Enter within bookmarked text or copy and paste content containing bookmarks.

Before Jutoh 2.33, Jutoh would not warn about duplicate bookmarks, but you might still have got errors from EpubCheck or Kindlegen, and if you didn't, it's because code generation minimises duplicate bookmarks. However, it's best that Jutoh warns you about these duplicates since they can cause problems later.

To fix the duplicates, double-click on the warning message to go to the relevant section and paragraph. As you move the text cursor over the paragraph, you can see it change to a hand symbol over bookmarks, or you can use the command View | Text Highlighting to see the bookmarks. The bottom of the Styles tab in the Formatting Palette will show the name of the bookmark at the cursor position, and you can use the Inspector tab with Bookmarks selected to quickly see the bookmarks in this section (or the whole project).

Click on a redundant bookmark and then on Remove; or if you have tables with duplicate identifiers, show the table properties using Table on the context menu, click on the Advanced tab, and clear the Id property.

Bookmarks can also be set in paragraphs using the Id advanced property, so you can right-click (control-click on Mac) over a paragraph and choose Format | Paragraph to check this. Similarly, the identifier for a text fragment can be edited using the Character command.

If you have a duplicate bookmark in a blank paragraph, you can't immediately remove the bookmark except by deleting the paragraph. To fix this, go to the blank paragraph, type a space, and then you can click on it and click Remove. If this also removes the bookmark from the following paragraph, you may need to insert the bookmark again using Format | Insert | Links | Bookmark.

To remove several identifiers in a document at once, including table identifiers, you can use the command Format | Book | Bulk Bookmark Management. Clear the Add bookmarks option, check Remove bookmarks and type a pattern to match against identifiers, using wildcards; for example Table* to match identifiers beginning with the word Table.

You can also remove all unused or automatic bookmarks using the command Format | Book | Formatting Cleanup.

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