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KB0180: How can I create large print books?

Jutoh has a configuration option Font size adjustment, which can be set to a number of points to add to each font specification in the compiled book. So, you can create a new configuration such as "Large Print OpenDocument" or "Large Print Epub" and set Font size adjustment to, say, 4. This saves adjusting styles in your book - which won't work anyway if you have direct size formatting.

You might also want to change the Book file name option to %FILENAME%_LargePrint in order not to override the regular version of your compiled book.

Since you can create as many configurations as you wish, you could add several large print alternatives, such as "Large Print OpenDocument" and "Very Large Print OpenDocument".

Keywords: accessibility, accessible, visual impairment, disability

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0179: How can I easily insert symbols that are not available from the keyboard? | Next: KB0181: How can I size an image relative to the current text size?