Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0235: How can I get headings split across paragraphs to show in the table of contents? | Next: KB0237: How do I automatically number table of contents entries?
See also: Building a table of contents in the Jutoh manual
If you download a book from the Kindle store to read on your iOS device, such as an iPad or iPhone, it will show the NCX contents entries in the sidebar. However if you test your Jutoh-generated .azk file on your device, there will only be a link to the HTML table of contents page, even though the NCX TOC is working fine with Kindle Previewer, Kindle for PC or Mac, and Kindle devices.
It looks as though this feature is only enabled once the book has passed through KDP, and is not supported by Amazon's AZK creator as invoked by Kindle Previewer when you convert your book for iOS.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0235: How can I get headings split across paragraphs to show in the table of contents? | Next: KB0237: How do I automatically number table of contents entries?