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KB0362: What size should my cover image be for Apple Books?

See also: Why does my fixed layout cover not work in Apple Books?

Apple Books (iBooks) uses the cover design you specify using the configuration option Cover design as the thumbnail in Apple Books, so it needs to be in portrait orientation if possible. The absolute size doesn't matter so much, but massive cover images may fail to display on some ebook readers.

If you select the configuration option Generate cover page, Jutoh will also generate an HTML cover page that will be shown within the book. For reflowable books, this will always be shown scaled to fit the current display; for fixed layout books, Jutoh will try to generate code to show it appropriately, but in some circumstances it may fail to be displayed correctly in Apple Books. So for fixed layout books, we recommend that you disable Generate cover page and add the cover as pages in your project - this gives you more control. For more on this, please see Why does my fixed layout cover not work in Apple Books?.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0361: Why do paragraph styles include direct character formatting? | Next: KB0363: Fixed layout Epub 3 files do not display in landscape on the Kobo Aura