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KB0401: Why does EpubCheck give a warning about reading order?

If you are using an advanced table of contents, you may see this error when checking your Epub (for Epub version 3):

WARNING (EpubCheck): OPS/navtoc.xhtml(27,58): 'toc' nav must be in reading order; link target 'OPS/section-0004.xhtml' is before the previous link's target in spine order.

This means that the ordering of items in your logical contents (NavMap, as listed in Project Properties/Indexes/Contents) is different from the ordering of your documents in the Jutoh project, and more recent versions of EpubCheck are more strict about the Epub 3 specification.

To fix this, simply rebuild the advanced table of contents using Format | Book | Build Table of Contents. This will restore the order according to the current project ordering. It will overwrite any changes you manually made to the TOC page, but normally you should not need to edit it - if do you want to avoid overwriting the TOC page, you can clear Create a contents page in the table of contents wizard.

Alternatively, you can manually edit the NavMap entries in Project Properties/Indexes/Contents to match the current project ordering, or you can move documents within the project tree.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0400: How do I get the correct spacing in figures with captions? | Next: KB0402: Why do links to special sections not work in ODT?