Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0405: Why does Jutoh warn that multiple configurations use the same Epub file name? | Next: KB0407: Why is the chapter field showing incorrectly in my ODT header or footer?
Jutoh doesn't have a grammar checker, but you can export your file as text and pass that to a grammar checker.
Select the "Text" configuration and in the configuration, set Text packaging to "Single file" if not already. Then Compile and Launch, and copy and paste to a grammar checker, or pass the text file directly if appropriate.
Or, you can copy and paste each chapter into a grammar checker - use Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C to copy the text to the clipboard before pasting with Ctrl+V into the grammar checker.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0405: Why does Jutoh warn that multiple configurations use the same Epub file name? | Next: KB0407: Why is the chapter field showing incorrectly in my ODT header or footer?