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KB0421: How can I move Jutoh to another computer?

See also: Jutoh files in the Jutoh manual

To move Jutoh to a different computer, you need to download and install Jutoh from the Jutoh web site, and then enter your user name and key when prompted.

You can find your user name and key by running Jutoh on your old computer, and clicking the Help menu followed by Register Jutoh. You can then copy and paste these into a file or email for use on the new machine. Or, if you can't run the old copy of Jutoh and didn't save the information, you can contact Jutoh support.

If you haven't already, make a backup of your existing Jutoh project and output files. It's up to you where you save project files, but by default Jutoh uses a directory called "Jutoh Documents" under your normal document folder. The Jutoh document folder is found in different places on different kinds of computer:

On Windows Vista and above, it's c:\Users\Joe Bloggs\Documents\Jutoh Documents.

On the Mac, it's /Users/joebloggs/Documents/Jutoh Documents.

On Linux, it's /home/joebloggs/Documents/Jutoh Documents.

You can also copy settings files if you wish. The topic Jutoh files in the Jutoh manual describes where various files are stored. On Windows, you could export the Jutoh2 hierarchy from the registry using regedit and then import it again into the registry on the other computer. The subheading "Application data files" describes where most of the remaining settings are stored, so you can copy the files and subfolders from there to a backup drive, and copy them back to the equivalent location on the new machine.

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