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When importing from Word, ODT or Epub, Jutoh may use a substitution for a font that is found in the file, but does not exist on the current system.
The string table "Font Substitutions" is used for substitutions. The string table can be edited in Preferences/Strings, and if Jutoh matches a font name to a string name, it will pick the first font name in the comma-separated value that exists on the computer. If one doesn't exist on this computer, the original font name will be used.
There is a Substitute fonts option in the Import page of the Preferences dialog to tell Jutoh how to deal with fonts. Its value may be one of the following:
Never: never substitute - just use the original font.
Always: always use the first substitution font found, even if the original font is found on the computer.
If font not found: replace fonts from the substitution table if the font is not found. This is the default for Jutoh 3.
Minimal: only do basic substitutions such as "Times New Roman" for "Roman".
Compatibility: use old import behaviour - use only minimal substitutions, for paragraph styles only.
When substituting fonts, if the font substitution table doesn't have any fonts that are present in the system, Jutoh may try a couple of fallback substitutions: Times New Roman for Times or Roman, and Arial (Windows) or Helvetica (other systems) for Swiss.
Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0424: Nook doesn't start reading at the right location | Next: KB0426: Where do default fonts and other default formatting come from?